Daily Fix – Pow! Bang! Zap! HuffPo! O-Bawms! Lezberado! Exclamation Points!

Today on Autostraddle: GUESS WHAT?! It’s  Autostraddle Hot 100 time! Guess what else? It’s Carly’s Tuesday Televisionary time! And If you haven’t already read Riese’s interview and Robin’s photoshoot with celesbian superstar Julie Goldman then you should! Later it’ll be time for BEAT ON THE STREET! And after that, it’ll be DRINK O’CLOCK, which’s our favorite time of the day.

Double X — Slate’s new online feminist women’s mag — underwhelms? overwhelms? What do you think? Over at Feministe, a great piece on why XX’s anti-Jezebel article fails: “Actually, attacking women is hurting women.”

Bette’s not gonna like this. Bureaucratic Maggots and all: How Hospitals Treat Same-Sex Couples (@nytimes)

Showtime’s still a big hit on YouTube, and The L Word still has a life online: “The network said it is averaging more than 500,000 video views per day on YouTube this year, many for its “Lezberado” channel dedicated to “The L Word.” Lezberado!??! That’s me, Riese! I’m mentioned obliquely in The Huffington Post! Now the Autostraddle investors will come ‘a running! The world is at our fingertips! (@huffpo)

Are You There, Douchebags of America? It’s me, Planned Parenthood: Judy Blume and Cynthia Nixon under fire. (@afterellen)

Dolly Magazine shuns photoshopping for their latest issue. Luckily, their models are the age that older models are airbrushed to look just like! (@girl with a satchel)

Clay Aiken is “reaching out” to Adam Lambert “for a possible duets album and concert tour.” Eek. (@queerty)

Lady GaGa must have the same print that I have!: “Andy Warhol says art is what you can get away with, and I get away with a lot with my music and my clothes, and I work really hard so I could truly be a real artist for all my fans. That’s really f***ed up when you lip-synch.” (@ohnotheydidnt)

Jennifer Beals back on Lie to Me tonight, May 13. Tibetters get yer vibrators ready! (@fox.com)

What a cast! Trailer for Julie & Julia starring Meryl Streep, Amy Adams & Jane Lynch:

Dorothy Snarker Goes GaGa for GaGa. (@dorothysurrenders)

Rep. Florida Governor, Charlie Crist running for Senator in 2010. Crist is heavily featured in Outrage as a raging closeted homo, likely to be the front runner Rep. Presidential candidate in 2012.(@cnn)

Jada Pinkett Smith tells Ebony she’s not concerned abut the gay rumors. I mean look — she just really loves Scientology, obvs, who wouldn’t give that place a ton of money?  Cover-up Smother-up. (@ebony)


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Oh snap, New York Assembly Passes Gay Marriage Bill! The bill, which passed 89-52, will now go on to the state Senate for a vote. If it is passed there, it will go to Gov. David Paterson, who has made it clear he will sign the bill. +40

This Sunday May 17th there will be a Marriage Equality Rally in NYC From 5-7 PM supporters of the New York State marriage equality bill will gather at the corner of 6th Avenue and 44th Street. [Audra McDonald, Cynthia Nixon, Cheyenne Jackson and the cast of the Tony-nominated revival of Hair will be part of the Love, Peace & Marriage Equality rally on May 17 in Manhattan] (@playbill) +3

Liverpool (my favorite city in the world due to the abundance of Beatles Museums there) will fly the rainbow flag for international day against homophobia:Liverpool is the only major city in England which does not have a pride event. ‘Sunday’s event will be a great opportunity for people to not only enjoy themselves but to also get involved with shaping a future pride festival in the city.” (@pinknewsuk) +5

Howard Dean now a fan of gay marriage: Dean has always believed that the definition of marriage should remain in the hands of the 50 states. However, as recently as a March 2 interview with ABC News, he described himself as someone who does “not have a problem” with a state adopting same-sex marriage rather than as a supporter of allowing gays and lesbians to marry. (@abcnews) +3

White House sets record straight on gay marriage (@PR newswire) +3 and Queerty asks “Hey Obama, which water Fountain Should Gays Use?” -3.

The two lesbian supreme court hopefuls are losing the race! (@queerty) -6

total =125


crystal-iconfrom Crystal: This week I’ve been getting excited about ‘TV Is My Parent”, the first DVD release from Sia. If you haven’t already heard, she’s holding a video contest to celebrate and has made a cute video message that will tell you all about it.


stef-iconfrom Stef: I’m very sad lately because I’ve lost most of my friends to law school finals… but sometimes when they’re messing around instead of studying, they send me cute things like 99 Problems: A Fourth Amendment Analysis, which analyzes Jay Z’s most popular(?) song from a legal perspective. It’s a nerdy, not-so-guilty pleasure.

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

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Riese is the 41-year-old Co-Founder of Autostraddle.com as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3238 articles for us.


  1. Nothing scares me more than the fact that in a medical emergency situation my aunt, who is the kind-hearted individual behind this fiasco, would have more say so in my treatment than the woman who makes sure I have warm socks, tells me my hair looks good and always makes me laugh.
    All because we happen to share DNA – a fact that I’m incredibly embarrassed by.
    Such BS.

  2. I thought the DoubleX feature attacking Jezebel was a bit tacky. It’s kinda stupid to publish an attack on another feminist site who they should by allied with, not attacking

    • Agreed. I feel like it’s never good to start out right off the bat criticizing another popular website. Sure it brings you traffic, but that’s such an obvious gimmick it’s off-putting. But i mean, in general I think it’s better to pat one another’s backs as much as possible, or to complement another website’s coverage rather than attempt to discredit it. Also who’s still talking about the Thinking & Drinking incident?

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