Daily Fix – Portia on The Ellen Show, Shane on The L Word Interrogation Tapes, and much much more …

1. OMFG it’s the most important day of daytime television since Rachel Maddow went on The View! Drop everything. Remember when Ellen wasn’t allowed to talk about being gay on her show? And now her smokin’ hot wife is totally gonna be ON THE SHOW? Progress I tell you, progress! (@the ellen show)

And we’ve got your videos of today’s interview of Portia De Rossi by Ellen DeGeneres on The Ellen Show from Monday March 16, 2009:

Check out Ellen & Portia playing The Newlyweds Game.

2. Wanna know who burned down Wax? Check out Shane’s Interrogation Tape, via Showtime. Wanna know why Shane is talking about her feelings on random stuff at the police station? Tough luck. Wanna see Shane’s pores? YEAH YOU DO. Check out The L Word‘s latest installation of “The Interrogation Tapes.”:


3. Sometimes we gay writers do such a good job cutting down one another that we scarcely need our enemies.” (@365gay)

4. The peoples of Maine are increasingly supportive of the gays getting married. (@the advocate)

5. In case you haven’t noticed a new study reveals that gays, lesbians and bisexuals are not more wealthy than everyone else. I blame Ilene for anyone perceiving otherwise, obvs. (@pinknews) (JK, that’s the only thing I defo don’t blame her for.)

6. There is a warrant out for Lindsay Lohan’s arrest but no one knows why and apparently they couldn’t pick her up because there was confusion about the charge or something. Probs it was ’cause it oughtta be illegal to look that good in leggings. (@girlfriend is a homo)


alex-iconfrom Stef:
Cooking with Trannies [@youtube]
So I just discovered this rad YouTube show called “Cooking with Trannies,” which combines two of my favourite things – gender and vegan cooking. In the first episode, a trans-man called Trent learns how to cook spaghetti and not-balls to impress his date. I learned a fancy way to chop basil. The chef keeps addressing him as “tranny,” as in “Here, chop this basil, tranny,” which is a little weird, but I get the feeling maybe they’re actually friends in real life..? Regardless, I’m a big fan of vegan anything, and this looks pretty delicious.

robin-iconfrom Robin:
And now for something GAY! I don’t normally plug OTHER lesbian photographers, but when I was at Dinah Shore last year I met Alexandra Gibson who also does boudoir and was quite impressed with her, her work, and her concepts. Check out her work, and yes, you can get to her site by typing in iwillshootyourhead (dot com, obvs). Amazing. Her boudoir and erotic work is very queer and very hot. I even bought several of her prints last summer. Ow Ow!

crystal-iconfrom Crystal:
Ever find yourself having a slow, mind-numbing day at work? Yeah me too. That’s why I like Read At Work, a website that lets you read the classics, such as Dickinson and Twain, in the disguise of corporate PowerPoint presentations. Your boss won’t be any wiser.

carly-icon2from Carly:
I saw Britney’s Circus tour the other night, and let me just say… Britney’s back! It was an amazing show. And on top of the great choreography and staging, and overall great stage presence, I found the graphics and video elements to be really cool too. I found a video taken by a fan at her New Orleans show of one of my favorite parts—an “Eyes Wide Shut”-esque scene set to Marilyn Manson’s cover of the Eurythmics’ “Sweet Dreams.” It’s hot, well-edited, and kinda gay. Check it out here. I was really hoping the guy alone at the couch would reveal himself to be Chuck Bass at the end, but tragically he did not.

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Riese is the 41-year-old Co-Founder of Autostraddle.com as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3238 articles for us.


  1. That Read at Work thing is hilarious. I can’t stop laughing…and clicking. It’s the perfect thing for a paper pushin’ cog (which is the way I’m feeling today). Awesome.

  2. carly – the britney thing is definitely sweet. me & my friend were captivated the whole time that was on!

  3. keep us posted on the ellen @ portia interview…i totally agree on the ‘smoking hot’ qualification for Portia.

  4. Watching that Britney vid makes me want to shoot myself. Not because I don’t like it. On the contrary, I love it. I want to shoot myself because I won’t be in Chicago when she’s there and I can’t go to the show in Tacoma, WA.

    This plus the fact that I wasn’t able to find anyone to go with me to the Lady Gaga concert next week so I didn’t end up buying tickets just makes me all kinds of upset.

  5. Shane – WTF? Did people only ask who burned down Wax, not why? (big sigh).

    Xena, has some extra special powers to get everyone to confess their deepest, darkest secrets. I would be afraid of her and might confess to killing Jenny even though, I didn’t even know her.

    • If we asked “why,” Ilene would have to actually engage in a complex thought pattern, she likes to just thing of actions without thinking about reasons or anything like that.

      • riese, i beg to differ

        I believe strongly that burning down shanes only stable source of income was a story that needed to be told – there was no other way around it

        and after two full seasons it needed to be told during a murder investigation that shane did it, cuz shes a pyro – its all obvious, dont you remember her acid trip playing with the lighter?

        regardless – that it going to my reply to anyone asking anything to me ever again. in any context… “it was a story that needed to be told”

        yes i’m aware this comment makes no sense-

        it’s cuz i got out my pen and pad and got a writing lesson from IFC

        • I think you’re giving IFC a lot of credit … absolutely we needed to hear that story — I mean, wouldn’t that have been a compelling storyline to toss in mid-season-five? Like to have that come out if that’s what she intended all along? There’s so many stories that this series could’ve told. Instead it did what it did, which is no more than we would’ve expected from Saved by the G-dforsaken Bell. It’s like if that random girl Lori in the leather jacket from SBTB had shown up mid season 4 we would’ve been like “oh yeah, totes, obvs. perfect love match for alice.” I think these tapes are just like a lazy way of trying to convince the network she’s ready for another contract & another show. I dunno. What am I talking about.

  6. ok. these videos don’t make any f***ing sense. thanks for letting us share the pain with you, though.
    also, Portia…i am wordless

    • next time i end up being questioned for a murder investigation, I am going to tell them about every drug I’ve done, where I bought it from, and who doesn’t know. I mean why not you know? I mean I’ll check on the statute of limitations first though. Just to watch my back. Also when speaking about my love for the murder victim, I will not cry.

      • re: the not crying thing, i can sort of see where it comes from though. I do believe that Shane was being honest in saying that nobody understood her like Jenny did, but understanding and love are different things. Remember that Shane had found Molly’s letter like 2 hours before and called the relationship off immediately / so yeah, perhaps the mix of shock+anger really justify it all.
        don’t you think?

  7. I love the daily fix. Especially the teams picks. Keep it up ladies, the site is looking wonderful!

  8. Riese – by Lori, I’m assuming you mean Tori. I knew who you were talking bout with the jacket but wasn’t sure on the name – naturally I went in did a google search (something else IFC could have benefited from when idk say, looking for facts about not getting pregnant while on testosterone, or breast cancer.. or idk how to have continuity in a tv series)

    …i digress.. either way in the wikipedia entry it talks about how Zack Morris would often call “time outs” and address the audience… which then i started laughing thinking about if thats how the L word were to fill in gaps… “Hi I’m Ilene Chaiken, executive produce and creator of the hit tv series, The L Word….”

    …actually, i dont want to give her any ideas for The Farm… scratch that

  9. OK Riese, you’re too funny – as for Shane burning down “Wax” – umm what would be the friggin’ purpose in THAT? Burning down her only source of income ? Well, honestly, it would make sense if she was trying to forget Paige, & Carmen, & her lil’ bro…and burn to “cleanse and get a new beginning?” In my very ltd. studies in Psychology so far, like 85% of Pyros are men and not women, but hey, why would IFC stick to facts? And from what I’ve read psychologically speaking about Pyros, it is either for cleansing/start a new beginning; destruction and power; a sexual release from watching the fire burn (hey, I don’t make these things up)(yes, pyros get turned on by these things), or wanting to play the “hero” – this is why many pyros return to the scene of the crime to “rescue” a person/dog/cat or even are volunteer firefighters who set their own fires so they can save someone/something.

    However, as with Shane, I somehow doubt it was to collect insurance money cuz fire arson investigators can analyze pour/accelerant patterns and see if a fire was deliberately set or not…and somehow I think the statue of limitations on arson is NOT one year either…so…..

    But why would Ilene make things plausible or even legal or even WIKI? fact checking ha! Oh yeah, and WIKI is the worst place for fact checking – lol. Academically speaking. IFC would probably be shocked to know that! LOL!

    But as for Shane purging? perhaps. Perhaps she was purging all the phucked up relationships she had screwed up…but then we would assume Shane cared about the hearts she broke…I mean her breaking hearts love ’em and leave ’em relationship pattern thing is actually more remniscent of someone who is a narcissist…but hey…

    WT hell do I know right? Is it feasible? Plausible? Logical? Reasonable? No, not really – this is the L Word, and “this is the way that, the way that we livveeeeee…”
    -Teasing-squeezing-over-sneezing…theorizing- plot downsizing – this is the way that we…way that we…way that we liveeeeeee!”

    • I think Shane had to quickly become a victim because she ruined a perfectly good relationship and if she wasn’t a “victim of a crazy bitch getting revenge” then she would just (continue to) be “the asshole that fucked the realtor and hurt an innocent person”. And it was a way to erase that whole Paige/kids/commitment life and start anew.

      But the law shit, statutes, etc. Come on now, we are not kids and we are smarter than that. WE can google, we know things about laws and crimes. And if we don’t, Wiki does. THere’s a difference between “the magic of tv” for things being a little unreal, and, like, making up laws and shit.

      • I’m not saying I don’t understand her motivations — they make sense — and I wish we’d heard this story last year, you know? Because the theory you present would’ve been an interesting twist on the story, for reals.

        At this point … it bothers me ’cause it’s irrelevant … and another case of too little too late from Ilene. She keeps catching on to what she should’ve done way after the fact — like killing Jenny who people hated for many seasons, but doing it in a season where we just want love and togetherness. (I mean I never wanted Jenny dead but that’s neither here nor there)

        That’s not true about the statute of limitations? Holy Christ. This just gets lamer and lamer. Ilene! There’s so many real stories that could’ve happened this season! She blows my mind! Blows it ! HARD!

        Maybe the international ignorance w/r/t max’s pregnancy encouraged her decision for this?

  10. This was posted on the “L Word” comment section. I guess it is a waste of time to point out facts to IFC; she doesn’t care. The better question is, why do I care? There is something wrong with me.

    Kris10:51 pm
    1 year statute of limitations? True, misdemeanors in CA are only a year, but for one year to hold true, we would have to believe that Shane owned the structure, and most likely the land outright. Commercial property in West Hollywood? Yep, a few haircuts should pay for that.

    Yes, you can burn your personal property (structure), go on the run for the year and be fine. Otherwise it is a felony and 1 year does not apply. Whatever! Logic and/or facts does not and never has applied to this show.

  11. Ellen and Portia=amazingly adorable! LOVE them!

    Interogation tapes=the oddest f*ing shit EVER! i think that IF i watch the others as they come out, i’m going to watch them without thinking…that way they won’t confuse me as much…b/c i feel like they’d probs confuse an 8 year old who has seen 1 episode of law and order and see that ppl do not talk about their feelings when talking to the police…

  12. Riese: Yes, you are making a HUGEly important point here…no, IFC did not think these things or “plot twists” (and I use the term PLOT extremely loosely)….aka the do’s and don’t of plot writing 101….but honestly – you’re correct on SO many levels – all loose threads and no woven tapestry at the end, you know? No REAL wrap-ups, no REAL conclusions – just leads to viewers (and fans) feeling frustrated and going, “WTF?” all the time!

    Why Ilene Why? I mean I realize she probably has her golden pedestal mounted taken from the L Word set in her new porcelain home in her home, (bathroom) – but seriously?

    Don’t get me wrong – the 1st Season of the L Word was “ground-breaking” TV. And if you want to know my theory as to why it got all phu**** up, then here it is: HUGE budget spent on luring excellent actresses and writers to the show. Show is then successfully renewed….for (3 Seasons I think)…

    Absolute power corrupts absolutely. I think IFC let power goto her head, and she then fired all the “good” writers, and took over much of the writing herself creating huge conflict (explains season 3&4 and latter half of Season 2).

    I also know from an “insider” on set that there were huge demands from certain actresses re: salary increases that Ilene failed to even budge at negotiating…ONE of the main people was Karina Lombard…btw, who did NOT get along well with Mia K. (Jenny) in real life…but remained professional, nonetheless.

    I also “heard” that Erin Daniel’s agent was sniffing around for a salary increase (not Erin-initiated, I don’t think) and as soon as IFC heard about it – the cancer story was accelerated – don’t quote me word for word, but that’s what I heard.

    I also heard that Showtime was demanding more control overseeing writing etc. and Ilene assured the bosses that she would have executive control over that situation – hence my theory that perhaps good writers were fired and IFC took over that portion?

    Now this may be some rumour and not all fact, but that’s what I heard and I think that backroom politics played alot of control on what sh** actually went down or did not go down on set.

    Also the “evilizing” of all men on the show was dissed by Showtime execs. after season 1 …and didja notice the jerkiness/ridculousness of most of the men characters introduced in seasons 2 & 3? (Remember “Lisa” the male lesbian? WTF?) And who really thought “ANGUS” was sexy from a straight point of view… ANGUS??

    OK, so that’s my theory – it may be wrong, but…

    So, Riese – you are making a wonderful point – however I think there was more that motivated these disasters than just IFC’s ego….(no, I’m not defending her – I don’t even know her, nor do I like her self-glorification in the finale wrap-up reflection episode)…

  13. Hey Riese, just a suggestion: But why not do your own lesbian web-series portraying lesbian more realistically….like a little skit every week – I could TOTALLY see you doing that! I could see you like totally writing Bettism’s and Kittisms (but with diff. character names) every week to vent, to release stress, to make us howl with laughter!

    I know you’re probably like: with WHAT TIME???? You could get an army of lesbian volunteers….be strong sista!

    Ok, I’ll stop now, but it was a wave of thought that came across my mind…and I’m sure it would be amazing….

  14. i watched Ellen Degeneres show whenever i can. she has a very good and funny talk show.

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