Cross My Heart

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The first lie I remember telling was to my grandmother over the phone, when I was maybe eight. Our cat had given birth to six kittens, I said. We didn’t even have a cat. She believed me, and when I passed the phone back to my mother, scolded her for being irresponsible enough not to spay it. My mother thought it was cute, I think. I wish I could remember why I did it.

In the third grade, I told the guidance counselor that I had four sisters, but they were all away at college. I also told her — I think at a different juncture — that I had a pet tarantula, that my brother and I shared a room, that we had run a strip of tape down the center of the floor to divide up the space. I got the latter details from a book I was reading at the time, although my brother is real. I don’t know if I still would have included him if the book hadn’t had a brother, too.

Some of these lies are easy to understand; I thought it would be cool to have a dangerous spider, just like how I thought it would be cool to have a horse, and so I told my friend Christine that I did. The sisters are less clear; I had wanted to have a sister, and wished for one when my mother was pregnant with my brother, but why four? And why send them off to college? Did I think that would cover my tracks?

Obviously none of the ideas I had at eight were hard to fact-check. I ended up having to apologize to Christine, although I don’t think anyone ever made me own up to my school guidance counselor. The million-dollar question in that story, of course, is why I was in the guidance counselor’s office in the first place; what real things I was supposed to be discussing with her rather than my complicated fictional family tree. I don’t remember what really happened there; I just remember what I made up.

In college, I would explain it to people sometimes as a cute quirk, like sleeping in a race car bed. “I used to be, like, a pathological liar when I was growing up.” I was trying it out, I think, testing what that meant to others. Most people were indifferent: “Oh really?” Sometimes people thought it was funny. No one ever asked “When did you stop?” or “did you ever?”

Later, in early high school, I discovered Photoshop (and its more affordable cousin, Photoshop Elements). During my part-time job at the public library, it was easy to flip through books on “Photoshop tips and tricks,” which, along with books on beginning HTML, were abundant in the early 2000s. I learned how to make my skin look smooth like a doll’s, rearrange my body’s proportions, change my eye color and digitally dye my hair. It wasn’t particularly realistic or believable, because I was never satisfied with an effect that made my skin look 80% better yet still realistic. I wanted it to be perfect, even if it ended up looking like silicone. I never used any of the edited photos for anything, or even showed them to anyone. Convincing other people wasn’t the point. I learned that when you start to tweak tiny details, even a little bit, the cumulative effect is a powerful one. You adjust small things, one by one, and suddenly it’s something else entirely; it’s not you at all anymore.

It’s not unusual for young kids to lie, or even teenagers. Especially teenagers. It’s especially common for kids from unstable or “troubled” homes. A lot of the lies I told were to my father, and they were for practical reasons; I don’t think anyone in the world would have done that differently.  My brother and I would lie about which friends we were going to see, leaving out the names that were on Dad’s arbitrary and ever-changing blacklist. We lied about our grades and hid our progress reports, because if we had anything below an A at any point in the semester we were required to ask for a meeting with our teachers. We lied about whether our mother’s boyfriend was in her house so that Dad would drive all the way up to her driveway to drop us off rather than stopping a block away and making us walk. I don’t think we even thought of it as lying anymore. It was maintenance, a concession to the weird backbends required for some level of normalcy.

It also didn’t really matter if we lied, because even if we told the truth he didn’t believe us. If I checked out a book or wanted to watch a movie unaware that it had some minor level of sexual content — like, say, particularly passionate kissing — I was interrogated about it with the assumption that I was trying to secretly learn something forbidden. If we wanted to spend time at a friend’s house rather than home because they had better games or snacks, we were accused of trying to find excuses to avoid bringing our friends around because we were ashamed of him. Which wasn’t true — mostly. It didn’t take long before it was difficult, almost impossible to even know whether we were telling the truth.

A case study: I sat on the living room couch; my father faced me in a kitchen chair that he had pulled up directly opposite me, a makeshift interview room. I don’t remember what the conflict was this time — if I had to guess, I’d say this was the one where I wanted to switch custody weekends to spend the day of prom with my mother, so she could help me fasten my strapless bra and pin up my hair. Dad’s voice had absolutely no affect as he asked if I thought he was a worse parent than my mother, if he was a “second-class” caretaker, if I loved him less. I cried while I said no. I said I just wanted to make sure my makeup looked okay, since I wasn’t used to doing it myself. He watched stone-faced as I gulped tears and blew my nose into a tissue. “I think you’re being a little disingenuous right now, Rachel.”

I insisted I wasn’t, but realized I wasn’t actually sure. How did one know? I felt around internally for the sounding board, the stone foundation of my actual thoughts and feelings that would tell me whether my reaction was authentic, and found nothing there.

As I got older, recreational (as opposed to pragmatic) lying became more well-reasoned. I knew better than to try making shit up around people I knew, or would later have to know, or who had any way of confirming any of what I said. The stakes remained fairly low: pets I didn’t really have, fictional minor acquaintances. The things I would lie about were so inconsequential as to be absurd. Saying I had been in a new apartment for nine months instead of six; claiming I hadn’t seen the latest episode of a show when I had; telling a stranger at the bus stop that I had just come from the bookstore in the square when actually I had been at the cafe right next to it. There was no point whatsoever. The word, I guess, would be “compulsion” — something I didn’t even realize I was doing until it was already happening, and which provided me with a temporary but heady release from some nameless anxiety. The sense of relief and excitement that came from telling a stranger I lived on the green line when actually I lived on the red was unparalleled.

Lying, or even the thought of it, had always felt like it could keep me safe. As an incredibly anxious and paranoid child who tried to cajole her parents into watching over her bed while she fell asleep and couldn’t sit at the table with her back to the window because then the monsters would get her, I grew up convinced that I was in constant danger. One particularly insistent (and unrealistic) scenario had me being kidnapped by a stranger on a city street — he would, of course, be dressed like A Bad Guy, with an all-black outfit including a beanie and mask. My plan for thwarting him was to give him the wrong name, to pretend I was someone else. I worked very hard on picking out the perfect alias, something that seemed plausible but was totally unrelated to my real name: Sylvia. I had a false address, all the details of a false life. This would, somehow, protect me. I was sure of it.

Of course, there are scenarios in which it really is safer, or at least useful, for a woman to use a name that’s not hers. Maybe the only totally defensible form of lying I engage in is one that most women share: giving false information to men who are bothering me, so that they’ll go away without finding out anything truly personal. A friend of mine who was until recently single had to pull this fairly often at the bars in our small city. As we walked into one — a bar I don’t actually like very much, dim and full of televisions and men in sports jerseys — she told me she had become Melanie there over the past weekend. My friend and I look somewhat alike, and are often mistaken for each other by people who don’t know us well; we agreed that for practical purposes, Melanie could be either of us. As we drank and tried to avoid eye contact with the men sitting at the bar, we speculated about who Melanie was, her general situation. She was unlike either of us, we were sure, a totally different person. We threw out some ideas about what she might eat, watch, read, wear. I can’t put my finger on when it started to take a different turn. At some point, it became clear that Melanie was wealthier and better-educated than I was; she had better manners, was smarter. Melanie knew how to cross her legs while wearing a skirt, something I still can’t figure out. Melanie answered all her voicemail. Melanie was well informed about what was going on in Syria. Melanie could do all the things I couldn’t, was a success in all the ways I was a failure. “This is getting weird,” my friend laughed. But we kept going. We made a list.

Melanie has a pleather teddy and drinks no caffeine.

Melanie has no period stains on her underwear.

Melanie has never needed to use Plan B.

She can walk in heels but rarely does, because it’s so bad for your back.

Melanie doesn’t smoke but always has a lighter on hand for those who do.

Melanie doesn’t raise her voice during disagreements. She is never defensive.

Melanie is good in bed but never succumbs to porny cliches of sex.

Melanie can quote the best parts of Strunk and White’s Elements of Style.

She doesn’t watch bad TV, ever.

Melanie stops after two beers.

We played it off like a joke, albeit a bizarre and kind of dark one. It wasn’t, though. Once you’ve tapped into it, the concept is such a seductive one: change one thing about yourself, and everything else can be different, too. You could be a whole other person, somebody else entirely.

There are a lot of lies adults tell — white lies, lies told consciously and deliberately for a reason or towards a certain noble or danger-avoiding purpose, consciously bad or good. There are a lot of small lies that women are encouraged to tell, or at least that make being a woman a lot easier. We’re incentivized to pretend we like people we don’t so as to be agreeable; to pretend that we just look like this without using makeup; pretend we’re grateful for patronizing comments; pretend we’re stupid around people who are more comfortable with stupid women than smart ones, which is a lot of people. The gigantic, ever-present lie of “No, it’s fine, really.”

I am guilty of all of these, and more. I am guilty also of the kinds of lying that bisexual people are often accused of: letting people think I’m gay, letting people think I’m straight. “You know you’re really a lesbian, right?” drunk well-meaning women ask, and I laugh and say “Sure.” I used to list my sexual orientation as ‘lesbian’ on dating sites so I wouldn’t have to explain or defend. In front of straight people, I sometimes avoid using pronouns to refer to past partners, and it always works: they don’t even notice, and just plug in “he.” In all these cases, lying is easier than the truth; it saves a lot of time and energy. Also in these cases lying is the easy way out, and ducks responsibility.

At the same time, though, it feels like I’m set up for failure. Just like in my dad’s house, I suffer the consequences of lying even when I’m not. When I’m knowledgeable about something, I’m asked if I’m just parroting something a man said; when I admit that something isn’t fine, I’m told I’m overreacting, saying a problem exists when it doesn’t. If I’m honest about the gender of a partner, or even multiple past partners, it’s still used to create a narrative that I’m either gay or straight, and my insisting that I’m not is read as a deliberate misrepresentation. If I talk about growing up with my father, I’m told I must be wrong about it. He doesn’t seem that bad, and after all, I’m still in touch with him, aren’t I? I’m not proud of all the times I’ve been dishonest, but I also don’t see how to avoid it. For some of us, there doesn’t seem to be an option of a life with a consistent truth.

These lies aren’t the dangerous ones, though — at least not to me personally. They don’t feel good to tell. I don’t like the fictional person that they create, someone who is much more palatable to the people around me than she is to me. They’re about making other people more comfortable while making myself feel much worse. It’s a different ball game, but I can’t be sure it’s totally unrelated to the other misrepresentations I’ve made. When lying is what’s made me normal and agreeable, kept me safe, in so many other situations, maybe it shouldn’t be a total surprise that it would be something I would come to rely on.

The easiest way to avoid these dealing with these questions, for me, has been to avoid talking about myself at all. I don’t have to worry about whether I’m being honest about myself to others, or to me, if “self” just isn’t on the table. For a long time I thought I had figured at least that part of it out. It’s only recently that I’ve had to realize this isn’t feasible either. My total radio silence on anything having to do with an inner life or past history is almost as dishonest as making one up, and it makes the same mistake: it means I don’t have to put anything real on the line. This summer, I was in California with Yvonne, Laneia, Riese, Grace and Alex. One night after drinking a few of the Old Fashioneds Alex made us, I was up late with Yvonne and Laneia around the kitchen counter, a little loose and a little more open.

“Have I ever told you about —“

“No,” Laneia responded before I even got to the item in question.

“Fair enough,” I said. She wasn’t wrong. I rarely told any of my coworkers anything more than what I was working on for the day, what days I needed to take off, whether I had had enough coffee. I felt hazy and buzzing and the Air BnB we were staying in was someone else’s home. In this stranger’s kitchen with the cheap olive oil and white wire dish rack and bizarre paintings of eagles, I could have been anyone. But I wasn’t anyone; I was me.

The last time I lied, a real honest-to-goodness totally pointless lie, was this summer. It was probably July, a few weeks before I moved away from the city Melanie was born in. The move was looming, and really any free time I had should have been spent packing, but instead I went to Home Depot on an impulsive trip to buy some thin copper tubing and make some jewelry out of it.

Once I got there, I was disappointed to find that the tubing I wanted only came in four-foot lengths, not the sections of a few inches long that I wanted. I decided to ask an employee if they cut metal for customers the way they do lumber. A helpful young man named Jermaine kindly agreed, even though it wasn’t technically a service offered. Through no fault of Jermaine’s, the whole process quickly became sort of a train wreck. The cutting device was finicky to operate, and so he got someone else to help him with it as he tried to do other work at the same time, as it had become clear that Jermaine was supposed to be covering another employee’s tasks as well as his own. I was deeply uncomfortable, just an asshole standing around and monopolizing two people’s time for no good reason when I really should have been stacking boxes.

“So what is this for? Some kind of project?” The two men whose day I was derailing tried desperately to make small talk with me, and I heard it happening before I could stop it. I told them I was helping a friend run an event, an event which somehow required these decorative plant hangers made out of metallic tubing and twine. The rest of them were done, I said, but we realized we needed enough materials for just one more. It was a dumb lie, and didn’t really make any sense. I didn’t even really feel relieved when I said it; I just felt like a crazy jerk, which is what I was.

I left Home Depot with a my stupid copper tubing and having told only one more lie, which was that it was fine to not finish cutting the last segment I wanted because I didn’t really need it. I actually did want it, but also would have chewed off my own hand to be able to leave. I left Home Depot just as much of an asshole as I was inside of it. The magic spell didn’t work; never has, really. I didn’t get to become someone else, not even to myself.

I’ve read lots and lots about other liars, people who have ruined their own lives and those of others because of their preoccupation. People who lie about having cancer, people who lie about experiencing hate crimes, people who pretend to be missing children, the works. I always feel a little terror along with the fascination; is that my future? It’s not, I’m pretty sure. The details are too different. First: they are usually lying about major things, the most major, whereas my lies have never been high on the Richter scale. They are usually lying to those closest to them, or to people who become close to them because of their lies; I much prefer lying to strangers. They are usually lying to get things — money, attention, affection — whereas I have never wanted anything in particular, except maybe to be left alone.

More important than those logistics, though, is the truth about why we’re lying. That particular class of liar is usually trying to augment themselves, make some sort of Photoshop edit to an otherwise intact life that will change others’ perception of them. She’s so needy — but she says she has stomach cancer, so. He’s so odd — but he says all these terrible things have happened to him, so. That was never what I wanted. What I wanted was to erase myself entirely. To restart and reboot as someone else, even if only for the space of one conversation with a stranger, even if this new person differed from me only in terms of what flavor of ice cream she preferred. Not to manipulate someone else’s opinion of me, but my own. To know that there were other possible versions of me, and that one of them might be someone I would like.

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Originally from Boston, MA, Rachel now lives in the Midwest. Topics dear to her heart include bisexuality, The X-Files and tacos. Her favorite Ciara video is probably "Ride," but if you're only going to watch one, she recommends "Like A Boy." You can follow her on twitter and instagram.

Rachel has written 1142 articles for us.


  1. I would say I hate this, that it is the worst thing ever, but I think someone with your experience would see right through that charade.

    its so good.

  2. Thanks so much Rachel. I (unexpectedly) learned a lot about myself from this. Currently feeling very lucky and grateful for the privilege of reading this <3

  3. Thank you for this, Rachel. I am just, like, on the floor over here.

    I have randomly lied about things that are, as you say, low on the Richter scale and have never thought about why I do. Sometimes it is about self-preservation, as you say. Sometimes it is just weird stuff like I pretend I’ve seen a TV show that I haven’t or I know about a news story that I don’t know anything about.

    Not to say my experience has been like yours – nor to make this about me – more to say that I found a lot of truth in your piece! Thank you.

  4. I don’t know how to respond to what you’ve written here without falling back on empty superlatives (which come cheap on the web), because you guys are the writers, and I’m just a internet homo struggling to put my feelingz about this into words. But I need to say something.

    This site has published an awful lot of magnificently honest, courageous pieces over the years; for me, it’s the best thing about it, and why, anonymously and from afar, I treasure this place as something in my world that I Love, with a capital L. And yet this has completely blindsided me. It cut me open, actually. I am in awe of you for having written this. It is big and brave and beautiful, and I am deeply grateful to you for summoning whatever it must have taken for you to publish this.

    You are quite wonderful, Rachel. Truly.

  5. I subscribed to A+ just to read this essay and wow, I related to so much of this. Around age 22 it hit me that I’d begun lying about small, inconsequential things for no reason — all the time. This went on for a year or two, and when I felt the lies begin to escalate (nothing major, but I began exaggerating almost everything), I stopped for the most part, but I found it very difficult to do so. It had become a kind of compulsion. I have no idea why I began doing it in the first place, but it definitely frightened me.

    Anyway, very insightful, well-written (and honest!) essay.

  6. Rachel, this is so, so good — and it also describes me exactly, and I didn’t even know till now. Holy fuck.

  7. I have to agree with the above. I learned a whole lot about myself while reading. So fucking amazing, Rachel. One of the best I’ve read here on the site!

  8. I wish I could have beers with you every weekend or like on a Wednesday, Rachel. That would be really nice. I’m a liar too — not in the ways you wrote here but I am, just to let you know.

  9. holy shit, rachel.

    “Sometimes people thought it was funny. No one ever asked “When did you stop?” or “did you ever?”

    this. remembering my childhood therapy mostly for the preposterous lies i told (although i am pretty sure that the lying was why i was there) & using microsoft paint to edit out acne in middle school pictures i didn’t share with anyone else & everyone assuming, when you tell them that you used to lie all the time as a cute anecdote, that you’ve stopped.

    and, then. i was twenty, in a fight with the straight best friend i fell in love with in college (like you do), trying to throw all of these horrible misleading things she’d said to me in her face. trying to throw all of these horrible misleading things i had told a bunch of people she’d said to me in her face. and her response, stone cold, was that none of those conversations had happened at all. did i make it all up? i don’t think so. but honestly, maybe. or at least make up parts, enough parts that she wouldn’t be able to recognize the parts that were real.

    and, then. i was twenty three and letting the one person i know who i think i could actually fall in love with, a human male, believe that i’m gay. because i was scared of what could happen if he knew that i am not. because i was scared that telling him wouldn’t change anything. because i was scared that telling him would change everything.

    and, now. i open up easily, in a manner of speaking. i have a lot of anecdotes, many of them quite personal, that i’m willing to share with people who are basically strangers to me. the stories are mostly true, i think, or at least the disconnect between the stories and the historical facts is not the part that feels dishonest to me. what feels dishonest is presenting these hard polished stones of memories as something that come from beneath my armor. because, paradoxically, they are a part of my armor.

    anyway, this comment became kind of absurdly long but what i’m trying to say is THANK YOU FOR WRITING ABOUT YOUR LIFE this piece meant a lot to me and i just wanted to tell you that.

  10. wow, rachel. <3

    i have always been a terrible liar, but this feels close to my heart anyway, especially thinking of my kid-self, always scared. i picture little maddie and rachel, collaborating on how to thwart The Bad Guys coming to get us. i would have taught you to lock the windows at night and sleep with your back to the wall, clutching your stuffed animals as you slept so they could accompany you if you had to make a fast getaway. a lot has changed.

  11. apart from the vulnerability, honesty and intelligence of this essay this is just really really good writing

  12. Yeah, wow, feeling this, sometimes I also don’t know where the preservational lies end and the truth begins.

  13. Wow!! This is amazing. It really brought me back to the years of my life where I was hiding the fact that I was in a relationship because I wasn’t out to most people, and she wasn’t out to anyone. I never told a single person about us while we were together. Sooo many lies and even more silence.

    Thank you so much for sharing!

  14. My mother used to liken lying to digging a hole: It starts small, but always grows. By the time you realize you’re in too deep to climb out, it’s too late. This analogy assumes the digger wants out. That the lying is malevolent and hurtful — to yourself, to others. Your essay assumes neither. It makes no excuses, is simply what it is.

    I guess what I’m trying to say is this: I’m a liar, too. Very much in the way you described, though I’ve never taken the time to examine the why. Thank you for doing that in such a public, beautiful way, and being willing to share your truth so that some of us may inch closer to finding our own.


  15. This is a beautiful piece of writing and an incredibly beautiful piece. Thank you for you honesty and your story.

    This is kind of too close to me right now and I’m freaking out. But still. Thank you. I think it was really necessary for me to read.

  16. You are such an elegant writer. I loved this.

    When I was somewhere in my teens it struck me that not only did I often lie about pointless things – though it was almost more like an inadvertent extension into my real life of the endless fantasy scenarios playing out in my head – but I also often felt sheepishly like I had to convince people of things even when I was telling the truth, as if in the back of my mind I thought I was lying and they were going to find out. All of the above stopped somewhere in my mid-twenties, a fact for which I have no more explanation than I did for their occurrence in the first place.

  17. This resonates with me so much. We have very different reasons for lying…I moved frequently as a kid, and after starting over too many times, losing all my friends too often, I decided – whether consciously or not – to just lie to everyone so no one would really know me. So no one would get close. But regardless of the reasons, the results are the same. Lying became just a thing that I did. That I still do. Similarly, in college, I would flat-out tell friends, “About 50% of the things I say are lies.” To this day, that figure probably isn’t too far off. Sure, some lies are helpful. I lie by omission all the time about my trans status because I work (and live) in a fairly closed-off community and knowing some of the people here, it wouldn’t be safe to talk about (also as a result, I never talk about my childhood with specifics, on the odd occasion something comes up).

    But the vast majority of my lies are simple. Lying about answers to things people ask me instead of just saying “I don’t know.” Lying about how often I work out, about movies/tv shows/music/books I’ve seen/heard/read (or not).

    This is all just to say how much I relate and that your experience is and isn’t isolated. It’s yours and yours alone, but it speaks to the experiences of others. It speaks to my experience. And your conclusion is something that I think I’ve been searching for without knowing it. I may have always been able to identify the underlying (pun intended) reasons for my lying. But I don’t think I really knew why I continued to do it until now. Thank you so much for putting yourself out there and publishing this piece. Thank you for your words.

  18. This article hit me in a really hard place.

    I’ve always been a big liar, or really, I’ve been a liar since about the time I turned fifteen. Being brought up in a house with a stepfather from a part of the world that taught him non-heterosexualty wasn’t an option, I never really felt safe in my convictions. But I ALWAYS felt illigitimate. And with my mother being the most genuine, loving, and honest person that I know, my situation just felt particularly impossible. I felt that being the flawed, insecure, anxious, and irresponsible gay kid that I really was would crush her. And so when I later learned that she would always be the same incredible person no matter what I did, my anxieties shifted from protecting myself from the watchful gaze of my parents to protecting myself from the watchful gaze of the outside world. This group included even my closest friends, and later, the girl I would fall deeply in love with.

    I will never forget the time she told me that I knew so much more about her than she knew about me. She told me that she had to regularly poke and prod around for hard information, the not-pretty details of my childhood, the reasons I lied about stupid shit even when I knew it hurt her. I never had answers. “I’m nineteen,” I thought, “I don’t need to worry about being held accountable for my actions yet.”

    I’ve told lies to contruct an image of competency, to seem more interesting/healthy/advantaged, to avoid coming off as disloyal or wishy-washy or lazy. I’ve told lies in attempts to protect certain people I have truly and desperately loved. I have very literally tried to “fake it until I make it.” I know that these are deeply-rooted complexes that I largely am still learning to work out. I’ve not seen a counselor or a therapist since the time a roommate of mine had a psychotic break and all six of us that lived in the house were required by university policy to meet with a counselor in group sessions directly related to the incident. Never for personal reasons have I talked to anyone capable of helping me deconstruct my shit. And it is realy, really ugly shit.

    This article may actually have pushed me into that territory, and for that I am more grateful than you can reasonably imagine. Thank you Rachel.

  19. This is hard to really think about. I, too, tell minor lies all the time for no reason in particular and every now and then am totally panicked by it. It’s that vague feeling of something terrible on the horizon I think? Or that I deserve something terrible, or am seeking something terrible.

    This piece is reassuring though. Partly that I’m not the only one, and also that Autostraddle is made up of people with similar issues. I heart all you guys and feel like I am less bad if you are like me. Or I am like you.

    Thanks Rachel <3

  20. This piece was so raw and honest I felt absolutely gutted when I finished reading. Thank you for sharing this.

  21. This is amazing Rachel, and it made me think a lot about how much I lie to strangers too. And how hard it is to not lie to people who are close to me because I’m trying to be me or something.

  22. This is so good and with each essay I read I am further and further convinced that buying A+ was the right thing to do.

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