Carmen’s (and everyone’s) Team Pick:
The only love story that literally gets me every time is the one between Carly and Robin.

Carly and Robin’s wedding took place on November 18, 2012 and was romantic as all hell. Their wedding was so fucking perfect it crashed the world wide web, or at least my Twitter feed. I responded as I typically do to news about and/or Instagram photographs shared widely on the Internet of Carly and Robin in their natural state as everyone’s favorite couple: I melted and then I reshared.
In the spirit of all that, and in the deep hopes I’m not the only one deeply moved by this photographic material, I’d like to share with you the wedding album of one much-beloved Carly / DJ Carlytron Usdin and Photographer-to-the-Stars Robin Roemer, co-starring Arthur the amazingly statuesque dog. Or at least some of the greatest hits.

All photos were taken by Kelly Kollar. You can see the rest at her website.

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Carmen spent six years at Autostraddle, ultimately serving as Straddleverse Director, Feminism Editor and Social Media Co-Director. She is now the Consulting Digital Editor at Ms. and writes regularly for DAME, the Women’s Media Center, the National Women’s History Museum and other prominent feminist platforms; her work has also been published in print and online by outlets like BuzzFeed, Bitch, Bust, CityLab, ElixHER, Feministing, Feminist Formations, GirlBoss, GrokNation, MEL, Mic and SIGNS, and she is a co-founder of Argot Magazine. You can find Carmen on Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr or in the drive-thru line at the nearest In-N-Out.
Carmen has written 919 articles for us.
I seriously can’t take how adorable this is! My heart swells and I wish both of you an eternity of love, understanding and cute family photos :D
beautiful! congrats!
Finally!! <3
Mazel Tov!!! Adorable!
Beautiful, inspiring, and classy photos! Thanks for sharing and congratulations!
This is precious.
Robin- where did you find that dress and those shoes?? They’re so perfectly classy. Also, I love that Carly went with a colored suit.
i don’t think i’ll ever get over carly’s socks matching her blazer. like, ever.
Oh good heavens this just keeps being wonderful every single time I see it! YOU GUYS. Congratulations again!
You guys are so gorgeous, I cannot handle it. I teared up, not even going to lie. You are both just glowing. We are so happy for you!
These photos are absolutely my favorite thing on the entire internet. So classy and adorable and gorgeous and sweet I just can’t handle it. Congratulations again :)
Oh wow. Congratulations! So beautiful. To use Tumblr speak, my feels!
I’m so happy for you guys.
best wedding best couple best absinthe.
i remember carly from college in orlando, and she deserves all the happiness in the world. these pictures are lovely, and that suit RULES. congratulations!
that. dress.
What is the love story? I must know it. So adorable.
So much congratulations! What a fantastic-looking day! May you always be as happy.
I die of cute.
For serious. I die.
Congrats! I will give you both big giant hugs in May.
well okay the problem(s) is (are):
1. i will live the rest of my life being really anxious that my future wedding photos will NEVER be as fucking cute as these are
2. these photos forced me to create a wedding pinterest board and i’m super embarrassed about it so i titled it “god this is embarrassing” but like, how could i not pin every single image?!?!?!
but for real, these are the best. THE BEST. thank you for indicating that it’s really everyone’s team pick, carm.
mazel tov, robin & carly!
this comment is so disjointed. i’m having a lot of feelings. i love everyone. isn’t love beautiful?
#1 is a legitimate fear of mine, too.
wow, not studying for my exams has never been cuter. those pictures are so adorable, they brought tears to my eyes. i hope i can find someone to share even half as much love as those two clearly do
Sooo awesome! Gorgeous people in amazing outfits looking super happy – nothing more needed!
Thanks for sharing these.
Totally Adorable!! ^_^
Gosh, this dress! This dog! Those glasses!
Lovely, congrats from Germany.
I am having an immense shoe crush right now.
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Too much cute!! Seriously, I almost cried looking at these gorgeous photos. What an amazing wedding.