Also.Also.Also: Brittney Griner’s First Press Conference Will Leave You in Laughter, Tears, All the Emotions Really

Photo of Brittney Griner, in her first press conference since returning to the United States, by Christian Petersen/Getty Image

I went outside for a long walk today in the sun and it was magic. Sometimes it really is just the little things, you know? (I got a pineapple, mango smoothie. I’m sure that also helped.

Queer as in F*ck You

Today, with a matter of days before WNBA training camp starts for the new season, Brittney Griner gave her first press conference since returning home after being wrongfully detained in Russa for 294 days. If you’re anything like me, you perhaps teared up the minute she hit the mic and smiled. But I hope you powered through, because this entire press conference is absolutely worth watching. It’s about 30 minutes long and I promise will be the best thing you saw today.

Watching Brittney’s composure, her humor, her genuine gratitude and thoughtfulness? It’s so much. Quite nearly too much. I’m probably going to be holding my breath for her continued safety this entire WNBA season, but I’m so glad she is home and after watching this I am so confident that she is healthy, whole, and ready for anything that she will face. Kudos to her support team in every way.

There have been a few quotes from the press conference circling online, most notably that BG announced she would not return to play oversees ever again (unless it was to represent the United States on the Olympic team, a detail that caused a second round of tears from me); that she survived in Russia by grinding it out day by day and “just keep going and moving forward” — all skills she learned during hard basketball practices; and she also spoke out in support of trans athletes facing anti-trans bans nationwide (“everyone deserves the right to play”). If you’re a sports gay specifically, you will laugh when she calls her longtime teammate and friend, Diana Taurasi, a fossil. If you are me, you will swoon when she talks about her wife, Cherelle.

Speaking of which, this is not the point at all, but if you follow BG or Cherelle Griner on Instagram, then you know that they’ve been HIGH KEY cute and casual this week with each other — including, at one point, Cherelle making fun of BG for waking her up so early (7:30!!) and BG responding with “”I have to deal with your cold feet you deal with this 😂” — I am so happy for their happiness, that they have some semblance of their life back together. It’s really hard for me not to get emotional. Anyway! On to other news!

Dwyane Wade discussed in a recent interview that one of the reasons he decided to leave Florida after retiring from the Miami Heat was to protect Zaya: Dwyane Wade Says He Left Florida Because He Feels His Family “Would Not Be Accepted” There

Arrest Made in Killing of Koko Da Doll in Atlanta. We talked about this in Tuesday’s link roundup, but as a reminder, Koko was a trans woman featured in this year’s Sundance Award-Winning documentary “Kokomo City.”

I’ve been sick over this. Montana Republicans Vote To Censure The State’s Only Transgender Woman Membe

This won’t be by any means a “new” revelation, but something that I think about a lot is that anti-trans bathroom bills are about legislating trans people out of public lives entirely — again that is not a new thought to have, trans leaders have been saying it for years. But I am repeating it now because… if you legally cannot access bathrooms in a dorm, you cannot go to college. “North Dakota’s governor signed a bill that limits transgender and gender-nonconforming people’s access to bathrooms, locker rooms and shower rooms in several state facilities, including dorms controlled by the state board of higher education.” North Dakota Limits Bathroom Use for Transgender People

In slightly better news, Judge Puts Missouri Rule Limiting Gender-Affirming Care on Hold. “The rule, which was set to take effect today, places requirements on minors and adults before they could receive treatments, such as puberty blockers or hormones.”

And U.S. Sues Tennessee Over Ban on Care for Transgender Youths. “The Justice Department said the law violates the Constitution’s equal protection clause by discriminating on the basis of both sex and transgender status.”

Saw This, Thought of You

I am sorry the internet is like this. How to Prepare and Eat The Little Mermaid Cast.

Women’s Basketball Is Raking in More Cash Than Ever, But the Players Aren’t. “WNBA base salaries as a share of revenue have shrunk, despite the league’s rapid growth.”

I’m seeing this movie this weekend, come hell or high water, and I cannot wait! ‘Are You There God, Its Me Margaret’ Was Banned From Libraries. Now She’s Headed to the Movies.

I believe this! Yep, Sobriety Is Good for Your Skin

Political Snacks

If you’re not someone who closely follows every Senate vote (and that is completely relatable), Sen. Dianne Feinstein has not returned to the Senate votes since getting sick in late February with the shingles virus, and to date has missed 77.6% of the votes in the 2023-24 Congress, the most of any other senator (if you were curious, she was the 2nd most absent member of the 2021-2022 Senate as well). This has held up judicial nominees, cabinet nominees, and the ability to pass legislation.

Ok that background information is necessary because what I want to talk about is this: Is It Sexist to Want Dianne Feinstein to Retire? — which I’m also going to pair with Yes, We’d Still Say Dianne Feinstein Should Resign If She Were a Man and my favorite piece about Sen. Feinstein, from Rebecca Traister last year: The Institutionalist (be warned that last one is a long read, but so worth it!)

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

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Carmen Phillips

Carmen Phillips is Autostraddle's former editor in chief. She began at Autostraddle in 2017 as a freelance team writer and worked her way up through the company, eventually becoming the EIC from 2021-2024. A Black Puerto Rican feminist writer with a PhD in American Studies from New York University, Carmen specializes in writing about Blackness, race, queerness, politics, culture, and the many ways we find community and connection with each other.  During her time at Autostraddle, Carmen focused on pop culture, TV and film reviews, criticism, interviews, and news analysis. She claims many past homes, but left the largest parts of her heart in Detroit, Brooklyn, and Buffalo, NY. And there were several years in her early 20s when she earnestly slept with a copy of James Baldwin’s “Fire Next Time” under her pillow. To reach out, you can find Carmen on Twitter, Instagram, or her website.

Carmen has written 716 articles for us.


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