Because Ashley is a Woman of the World

Gabby’s Team Pick:

Hey ya’ll this is a quick post for a poet and fellow Autostraddler. Ashley Catherine is trying to win a free spot into the Women of the World 2013 Spoken Word Tournament. She needs our help. Don’t worry though this isn’t about you cracking open your wallet. Really it’s a win/win because you get to see a video of her performing and then vote for her to win a spot.

beautiful. brilliant. Ashley.

beautiful. brilliant. Ashley.

Truth be told, Ashley is one of the most brilliant and powerful young poets on the scene. She’s queer, beautiful and at this point, unstoppable. Please take a minute to give her a boost and send her to the Women of the World tournament so she can shine and grow. Click the link below, then click on Artistst Don’t Make Mistakes by Ashley Catherine and then vote. You get to vote once every day so please check the site every day and add your click to Ashley’s link.

This girl is amazing. It’s been a while since a poet gave me the poetry chills. I live for that feeling and am honored to have witnessed Ashley perform at A-Camp. Let’s get this chica out into the world.


(Also, if you can, please like and share so we can get her votes up. Right now she’s in 2nd place. We can make this happen!)

Her Bio:

Ashley Catharine was a member of the 2011 Los Angeles slam team, has a degree in fashion design, never keeps her room clean and is addicted to diet coke. She’s performed at Inkslam (2011, 2012), the National Poetry Slam, and the Costco employee break room. Catharine is the host of “The Library Open Mic”, and is excited about featuring her work in the upcoming documentary “Damn Wonderful”. For booking/contact/stalking look for her on facebook, twitter @mermaidnamedASH, instagram @thatstarvingartist or email

Originally posted on Gabby’s blog,

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Gabrielle Rivera is an awesomely queer Bronx bred, writer, spoken word artist and director. Her short stories and poems have been published in various anthologies such as the Lambda Award winning Portland Queer: Tales from the Rose City and The Best of Panic! En Vivo from the East Village. Her short film "Spanish Girls are Beautiful" follows a group of young Latina and Caucasian girls who like girls as they hook up, smoke up and try to figure sh*t out. She also freelances for while working in the film and television industry. Gabrielle is currently working on her first novel while bouncing around NYC performing spoken word and trying to stick it to the man.

gabby has written 102 articles for us.


  1. I saw you perform at a slam once Ashley, in addition to your A-Camp performance, and you were incredible.


  2. Ashley – I remember watching you perform in the A-Camp talent show and I cried. You’re one hell of a talented lady, and I most definitely voted. Good luck babe <3

  3. I think I’m gonna cry. This is amazing. Autostraddle is quite possibly THE BEST THING that ever happened to me. seriously.

  4. UPDATE: I’m holding down FIRST PLACE thanks to your beautiful queer selves!! ALL THE FEELINGS!

  5. Ashley, your poem made me cry too. thank you for writing and performing it and I HOPE YOU GET A THING.

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