Be a Part of Autostraddle’s Fall Fashion Gallery!

Bummed summer is over? Me too, except for the whole “wearing more than the absolute minimum amount of clothing” part. What’s your look for the season ahead? Bad in plaid? Leather mommi? Comfort connoisseur? Whether or not you consider yourself a ~fashion person~, I’m going to need you to contribute to Autostraddle’s fall fashion outfit gallery!

The specifics:

+ Send a photo of you sporting your autumn aesthetic to by Friday, October 13. You don’t need a fancy camera! High-quality phone photos are fine — just make sure your photo is at least 1024 pixels wide.

+ Include your name, age, location, and occupation (these aren’t all required, but you know, it’d be cool to get to know you), as well as one or two sentences about your outfit and how you’ve been making the most of the cooler weather.

+ To quote Laneia: “I reserve the right to edit your sentence/s for length or spelling errors. (I’m a pretty good editor though, so.) Your photo will appear in a full screen gallery on — the main site, not A+ — and might be used on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr) to promote the gallery. If you don’t want your photo to appear on social media, please make a note of that with your submission. You reserve full rights to your photo. Photos will not be used to promote anything other than this exact gallery, and will not be used in any other future post.”

Any questions? Leave ’em in the comments!

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

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Nora is a writer and shoot producer living in Brooklyn. Send her links to weird clothing and dog videos to nora [at] autostraddle [dot] com.

Nora has written 52 articles for us.


  1. Excited for this! It just so happens I have been taking photos of all my favourite outfits this fall HOW CONVENIENT.

  2. Oooo! Unfortunately it is still so hot in New York, but I bought a tweed skirt this weekend and I’m looking forward to serving almost-femme Giles impersonator looks.

  3. get ready for some “my rent is Too High so I shop exclusively in the old man section of thrift stores” chic

    • literally me

      (except more old art lady, and regardless of my rent i just love thrifting so much, thrift shops 4 life)

      excited to see your look!

    • Rub in the beauty of Spring to the poor souls who live in the Frozen Postcard Hell and have already had their first snow falls? :P

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