Anyone But Me Season 3 Premiere: “Stick Figures”

Season Three of “Anyone But Me” is ON, picking up right where we left off with lots of stolen kisses and overall lesbian drama. It just keeps getting better and better,this show (starring Miss June Nicole Pacent & Rachael Hip-Flores, written/produced by Susan Miller and Tina Cesa-Ward, directed by Tina Cesa-Ward.)


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  1. I love it (or am in love with Rachael Hip-Flores-trust me to pick the straight girl)but I think they could develop some of the peripheral characters a bit better. Like, the girl who kissed Pacent’s character-she seems to be almost a cardboard cut out. In the last series it felt almost like she was a figment of Rachael’s imagination.Maybe they’ll develop her over the coming episodes-hope so.

  2. Same ^ love Rachael Hip-Flores (that voice is…and well I love everyone on the show.) ABM is my favorite show on the internet. I’m not going to fangirl all over this post but the writing in this show is awesome! I continue to be amazed about how they top themselves each season. Bring on the drama!

  3. Was I the only one watching this who got to the end and realised I have no idea what had happened, plot wise, for the entire episode? I think I picked up everything they were trying to convey happened off screen, but nothing actually happened on screen. It was a series of scenes that just confused me.

    • The stuff that happened during the summer off screen is probably going to be explained through a series of flashbacks. I assume that because of the “Junior Year, Present day” screen at the beginning. Lol I think this episode was meant to confuse us.

  4. Nursing the hangover from hell and thanks to the lovely ladies @ ‘Autostraddle’ – been directed to this show which I knew nothing about! Gotta say guys excellent show (loving Aster!) Watched all seasons back to back with tea and biscuits and now feel fully recovered. Gutted I have to wait for the next episode…

  5. Is anyone else rooting for Sophie and Vivian to get together. I know we’re supposed to be all “Vivian and Aster 4EVA,” I’m totally Team Sophie.

  6. Gaaah! So short! Need more!

    Also, I second whoever said that they were a bit confused, but I caught on. One thing I TOTALLY lost was Mr. Comic-book artist dude peaceing out. WHAT?! And Sophieeeeee! Asterrrrrr!

  7. Her voice! Rawr, like someone (a very sexy someone) is purring in your ear. Yum.

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