Anonymous Sex Toy Review: The Squish, a Cute Little Thing From Unbound

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  1. LOL loved this. This is the best kind of toy review. With Real Life examples !

    Thanks Anonymusses

  2. “I think this would be a great toy for someone who has a really sensitive clit and just has to lightly poke it.”

    This was my favorite line, so I just wanted to comment it.

  3. “The vibrator’s job is to vibrate in a predictable manner so i can plan ahead accordingly.”

    I have never read a truer sentence in my life.

  4. I bought this a couple years ago when it was marketed under the name “Limon” (owing to its shape), in a lovely teal colour.

    It’s true that it’s not a Hitachi. But dear god. As a bath you, it is delightful.

    And guys, this baby floats!! It’s so cute.

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