“Ammonite” Trailer: Kate Winslet and Saoirse Ronan in “Portrait of a Lady on Fire” Meets “Gentleman Jack”

If you woke up this morning thinking to yourself, “Dang, I sure would like to see Gentleman Jack meets Portrait of a Lady on Fire, starring Kate Winslet and Saoirse Ronan, with a side of dinosaurs” — well, friend, you are in luck! The trailer for Ammonite, Francis Lee’s Mary Anning biopic, dropped this morning and it has all the hallmarks of a lesbian classic: an independent spinster who’s competent at her job and wants to be left alone, a melancholic young bride who hates her husband’s guts, the ocean, homosexually charged violins, erotic piano, longing looks, and forbidden touches.

Also I’m not sure if these fossils are dinosaurs; I just keep saying that because I like to Photoshop Kate Winslet into images with dinosaurs and no one has stopped me yet.

Supposedly we will be able to see this movie on November 13th! I for one cannot wait! 🦕

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Heather Hogan

Heather Hogan is an Autostraddle senior editor who lives in New York City with her wife, Stacy, and their cackle of rescued pets. She's a member of the Television Critics Association, GALECA: The Society of LGBTQ Entertainment Critics, and a Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer critic. You can also find her on Twitter and Instagram.

Heather has written 1718 articles for us.


  1. Mary Anning is probably most famous for marine reptile fossil discoveries!

    A good way to think figure out if an extinct reptile is a dinosaur is to look at where it lived (dinosaurs lived on land), and how its hips/legs are positioned (hind limbs stand up rather than splay out).

    That said, I very much support Kate Winslet being photoshopped into dino pics.

    Can’t wait for this movie it’s like someone looked directly into my brain and made it especially for me.

  2. Mary Anning may have been the source for the old tongue twister “She sells seashells down by the seashore”.

    Judging by this trailer she may have done a little tongue twisting herself.

  3. The world needs an all-queer band of string players called Homosexually Charged Violins now more than ever.

  4. Ugh I cannot wait to see this! I also loved God’s Own Country (by the same director) if anyone is looking for a gay film to stream in the meantime!

    • I was meaning to write the same thing. Gods own country was an incredible surprise at a small film festival and it still resonates with me after several years! It’s on Netflix at the moment, check it out.

  5. Does anyone watch Contrapoints’ videos? All I think of is “the inherent eroticism of the sea…”

  6. I fear that Portrait has tipped us into an era of Realistic Candlelight Interiors Where I Can’t See Anything

    • I want to like this, but even though I’m logged in, it still asks me to log in with wordpress??

  7. anyone else a little disappointed that this isn’t an adaptation of the scifi novel Ammonite by Nicola Griffith?

  8. When Saoirse kissed Kate TEARS SPRANG TO MY EYES sweet lorde why must November be so far away???

  9. Seems like Lesbian Period pieces whose main plot centers around long walks at the beach and sexy times is like…a thing now?
    I mean..remember when not so long ago we we’re complaining that writers couldn’t come up with storylines other than coming out, dead or pregnant for our guild?
    Someone in some writers room must’ve been scratching their chin and been thinking,”Yeah..lesbians, lesbians, what do lesbians DO? Well, they really like nature and hiking. How do we write about that without having to incorporate a Subaru?”
    That said, I really hope that “going for a walk” is going to become a new regular queer trope and also, an euphemism.

    • “…for our guild.”

      This makes me think of queer woman as a Victorian Steampunk occupation.

  10. I think it’s really weird how someone made a movie relevant to My Personal Interests, which is to say, queers, the sheer existence and badassery of Mary Anning, and fossils.


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