Hello Scholars! All I had for dinner yesterday was fruit. Well, it was a strawberry poptart if I’m being honest with myself. The resulting starvation is probably why I’m probs having a quesadilla for breakfast. That and the fact that I’ve just discovered the wonder of the George Foreman grilled quesadilla! So easy and delicious. That’s what she said.
Speaking of poptarts… last week I had an Oreo poptart and, while it was very much an Oreo poptart, I will not be doing that to myself again anytime soon (because they ran out at Safeway). Here’s some news!
News and Feminist Playing Cards
+ The Star Tribune in Minnesota ran a full-page transphobic and inaccurate ad and is catching heck for it, as they should. This ad totally misrepresents the issue in question in order to stir up fear and hatred of trans women.

I mean really?
Via lgbtqnation.com
+ Aral Balkan (and maybe others, possibly you even) is upset over the fact that Ello is funded by venture capitalists. He’s so mad he’s taking his social media and going home. IDK. I just like to say it with a British accent.
+ Feminist playing cards is a thing that exists. If you need further evidence that this is an item you need in your life, just check out the Queen of Hearts:

Via feministcards.com
Art by Cristy C. Road
+ Science: Girls are better than boys. JUST KIDDING. That’s not what this article is about. Its about how companies run by mostly old white guys and at least one female director make more money than companies run by ONLY old white guys, which is no surprise to anyone here, probably.
A Credit Suisse report found that, overall, companies with a market cap greater than US$ 10 billion that have at least one woman on the board of directors outperformed those that had no women at all by 26% for large caps over the six years leading up to 2011.

There are even charts to prove it.
Via businessinsider.com
+ LGBT students need to be part of the conversation about sexual assault on campuses.
Despite significant strides in creating safer environments for LGBT students, many still experience harassment and violence based on their sexual orientation or gender identity. As a result of their experiences, LGBT students are more likely to support policies at their colleges and universities that prevent sexual harassment and support survivors.
+ The Ruth Ellis Center is really great and they need our help.
We are part of the Rise Detroit Charity Challenge on CrowdRise along with several other Detroit Charities. The organization that raises the most money wins a $50,000 top prize. Our goal is to raise enough money to open the Drop In Center an additional night this winter.
I Know You Are, But What Am I?
+ Gillian Anderson has something to say about sexism in Hollywood and beyond. When Agent Scully talks, we listen and agree:
“There are things that are intolerable in today’s world in terms of the perception of women. Whether they’re vamps or vixens the expectation is that, if a woman is wearing a short skirt, she’s ‘asking for it’.”
+ This is about the Olympics, attractive women and internet bullies. I’m guessing you’re into at least 2 of these 3 things.
Doxxing is the Internet’s ultimate form of slut-shaming — and, as this latest case shows, it doesn’t just happen to women who have taken a naked photo of themselves. All it requires is being a woman on the Internet.
Eat, Drink, Skate!
+ There’s gonna be a picnic in Newton, Australia in November. I hear there may be board games, which are the exact opposite of bored games.
+ I know everyone here likes brunch! You can relive past brunch greatness and help raise money for a charity at this pot luck brunch in Philadelphia.
+ Get your skate on like it’s 1985Â in Fountain Valley, CA.
+ In case you want your jewelery to be smarter than you are.
Also… in life sometimes you’re the adorable dog and sometimes you’re the mirror terrifying the dog with its own adorable reflection.
also I really want a quesadilla now
I giggled so hard at that video. And thank you oh so very much for making me want to buy $28 playing cards. *sigh*
THOSE PLAYING CARDS! My birthday is in December. Just sayin. ha!
I ate a whole box of Oreo poptarts over the past few days. Oops.
Also, I really wish I could trump transmisogyny with playing cards. “Oh, you don’t think I’m a real woman? Well, here’s a card of a cute girl with an amazing haircut. TAKE THAT.”
Oh! Looking at the full deck of cards now. Didn’t realize they were actual people. Sorry, Cristy C. Roads! You are much better than just “cute girl with amazing haircut”.
Thank you for making a mention of the event I am hosting! Yay! It’s going to be queers in costumes.
How was I not aware of George Foreman grilled quesadillas before?
What is with the rainbow umbrella and “action” at the bottom of the trans-misogynistic ad?
Kinda reminds me of that “A storm is coming” commercial
Ughhhhh…as a Minnesota resident and, you know, a human being, that Star Tribune ad infuriates me. Not only is it transphobic and misrepresenting of trans people, it is also misrepresents Minnesota to the rest of the world. We are not all like that, and I am proud to see other Minnesotans speaking out and petitioning to get an apology (last I checked, there hasn’t been one). The ad is protesting a new policy that could be enacted finally allowing transgender athletes to use the changing rooms that align with their gender identity. One of my trans friends is on her school’s track team, but she’s not allowed to compete in meets and she had to be diagnosed by her doctor with “gender disphoria disorder” in order to be on the girls’ team and it’s BS. If anything good at all comes of this article I hope it is that enough outrage is generated to get the policy to pass. Remember your trans friends in Minnesota, and remember that not all Minnesotans are such terrible bigots as the ones who ran that ad.