All Autostraddle Merch Is 20% Off For Cyber Monday! Free Lumberjanes With Apparel Purchase!

Happy Cyber Monday! Wanna support queer independent media while rocking the world’s hottest swag? OF COURSE YOU DO. Well, you can. You can do that right now!

Wanna hold so many words and pictures on the topic of “coming out to yourself” close to your heart and mind? Well, good news because the writers of Autostraddle and Everyone is Gay have got you covered. This is the first edition of the Better Together series, and you can buy one today!


Better Together Zine – $16 ($12.80 today only!)

Do you have poker in the front? Well, we’ve got liquor in the rear! Do you want one? YOU CAN HAVE ONE.


Liquor in the Flask – full price is $15, but you’re not paying full price today are you?

Have you ever said to anybody “I love your sweet lady kisses, it’s a nice break from all that scissoring.”? Well, that’s always an option. Also an option: having this sweatshirt!


Scissoring Sweatshirt – $48 most of the time, 20% off today only

Do you need a place to put all your meds or pencils or nail polishes or whatever? You can have one! It’s a Safe Space!


SAFE SPACE PENCIL CASE – $8 every day except for this day, when you can get it for 20% off

Do you wanna sport your confident individuality via t-shirt? WELL NOW YOU CAN.


“YOU DO YOU” BLACK V-NECK – $25 on an ordinary day, but not today, today it’s 20% off!

Bad at sexting? Just text your girlfriend a photo of your ass in these, and you’ll get the message across lickity split! You can buy some of these today, actually! This very day!


STRADDLE THIS HOT SHORT – full price is $12.75 , but you can have 20% off of that if you want


STRADDLE THIS BOXER BRIEFS – full price is $16, but you get 20% off!

Did you ride your unicorn to the commune and bathe in male tears today? Then you deserve this t-shirt… you can have it!


MISANDRIST TEE – full price is $25, but you get 20% off!

Do you feel very Tomboy Femme today? Well, so do I! That’s why I’m wearing this t-shirt that you can wear too if you want to!


THE TOMBOY FEMME TEE – $28 ($22.40 today only!)

Do you wanna get world’s softest most loving hoodie of all time for the lowest price in the history of hoodies? TODAY IS YOUR DAY.


RETRO-STYLE CAMP HOODIES ($48 normally, but it’s been on sale for $20 for a while and now it’s on sale for $18 dollars so when you take out 20% of that, you’re getting SUCH a good deal!)

We’ve also got pins, journals, hoodies and stickers for you to buy for 20% off. Plus, you’ll get a free issue of Lumberjanes #5 with every apparel purchase!


If you can afford to buy merch without the discount code today, the 20% you would’ve saved instead will go straight to the work of Autostraddle’s QTPOC Speakeasy.

Shop the Autostraddle Store Now with code INDIE20

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

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auto has written 766 articles for us.


  1. If our size is out of stock, can we order it still, or do we have to suck it up and pay full price when the item becomes available?
    Also, any chance y’all can post photos of larger-sized models wearing the scissor sweatshirt?

  2. I’m pretty sure my mom thinks I was just getting a t-shirt or something but nope straddle this boxers all the way

  3. Snuck in just before midnight! Huzzah! Now I just need some shiny gold pants to go with my fancy new misandrist shirt

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