All 240 Dead Lesbian and Bisexual Characters On TV, And How They Died

Rae Thomas, Passions (2007)

Cause of death: Stabbed


Jay Copeland, Shortland Street (2007)

Cause of death: Strangled by the Ferndale strangler


Lily Baker, Supernatural (2007)

Cause of death: Attacked and hung on a windmill by a demon


Toshiko Sato, Torchwood (2008)

Cause of death: Shot


Nicole Wallace, Law and Order: Criminal Intent (2008)

Cause of Death: Killed by another serial killer. (Wallace was a recurring character on Law & Order: Criminal Intent, appearing in 6 episodes.)

Franzi Reuter, Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten (2008)

Cause of death: Gas explosion


Snoop, The Wire (2008)

Cause of death: Shot by a new dealer, who correctly believed she was about to shoot him


Sarah Barnes, Hollyoaks (2009)

Cause of death: Skydiving accident, instigated by her ex who tampered with the parachute thinking it was Sarah’s activity partner’s parachute


Olivia Lord, Nip/Tuck (2009)

Cause of death: Cardiac arrest during plastic surgery


Jenny Schecter, The L Word (2009)

Cause of death: Murdered by Ilene Chaiken


D’Anna Biers/Number Three, Battlestar Galactica (2009)

Cause of death: Decided she’d rather stay behind on the toxic wasteland that once was Earth with her ancestors than inevitably be killed by Cavil in the cold darkness of outer space.


Doctor Marina Ranieri del Colle, Terapia D’Urgenza (2009)

Cause of death: Shot by the mother of a baby who had died despite Marina’s care. Died in her girlfriend’s arms.


Silvia Castro León, Los hombres de Paco (2010)

Cause of death: Shot by gangsters directly after her wedding


Isabella Kortenaer, Goede Tijden, Slechte Tijden (2010)

Cause of death: Infection from slipping on the bathroom floor
Screenshot 2016-03-13 22.18.36

Dahlia, Legend of the Seeker (2010)

Cause of death: Confessed


Amy Tyler, Sons of Anarchy (2010)

Cause of death: Shot in the neck by her girlfriend, who wanted to frame her for murder


Sophia, Skins (2010)

Cause of death: Suicide. Jumped to her death in a dance club after buying MDMA from the girl she was obsessed with


June Stahl, Sons of Anarchy (2010)

Cause of death: Shot in the back of the head

SONS OF ANARCHY, Ally Walker, 'Turning and Turning', (Season 3, ep. 305, aired Oct. 5, 2010), 2008-. photo: Prashant Gupta / © FX / Courtesy: Everett Collection

HG Wells, Warehouse 13 (2011) (Resurrected in 2012)

Cause of death: Sacrificed herself to keep the rest of the Warehouse crew (especially Myka) from getting blown to smithereens.


Marissa Tasker, All My Children (2011)

Cause of death: Shot by her jealous ex-husband


Patty O’Farrell and Veronica Cortes, La Reina del Sur (2011)

Cause of death: Patty drives off a cliff with Veronica in the passenger seat — Veronica dies, but Patty doesn’t, so after waking up in the hospital, she kills herself.


Susan Grant, Private Practice (2011)

Cause of death: Septic shock following cancer treatment, collapsed at her wedding


Bizzy Forbes, Private Practice (2011)

Cause of death: Suicide after her wife died


Queen Sophie Ann Leclerq, True Blood (2011)

Cause of death: Wooden bullet shot by American Vampire League snipers


Gaia, Spartacus: Gods of the Arena (2011)

Cause of death: Head bashed in by a man she rejected


Angela Darmody & Louise Bryant, Boardwalk Empire (2011)

Cause of death: Shot by a mobster


Freya Wilson, Doctors (2012)

Cause of death: Saved a man from a housefire


Nadia, Lost Girl (2012)

Cause of death: Stabbed while violently possessed


Laure,Les Revenants (2012)

Cause of death: Disappeared along with a group of other police officers, assumed died while fighting the horde, precise cause unknown


Cat MacKenzie, Lip Service (2012)

Cause of Death: Hit by a car


Charlie, Home & Away (2012)

Cause of death: Life support shut off after a shooting left her unable to breathe on her own


Wendy, American Horror Story: Asylum (2012)

Cause of death: Murdered by serial killer Bloodyface


Lucretia, Spartacus: Vengeance (2012)

Cause of death: Murder-suicide, walked off a cliff with a baby in her arms


Maya St. Germain, Pretty Little Liars (2012)

Cause of death: Bludgeoned by her ex-boyfriend/stalker


Nora Gainesborough, True Blood (2013)

Cause of true death: Hep-V


Beate, Bron/Broen (2013)

Cause of death: Accidentally via poisoned needle at her girlfriend’s hospital bed


Natalie, Siberia (2013)

Cause of death: Unknown. Found dead in the woods.


Annie, Siberia (2013)

Cause of death: Gunshot woundannie

Helen Bartlett, Scott & Bailey (2013)

Cause of death: Slit her wrists

RED PRODUCTION COMPANY presents SCOTT & BAILEY for ITV Series 3 Episode 1 Picture shows: NICOLA WALKER as Helen Bartlett © ITV/Red Productions

Clementine Chasseur, Hemlock Grove (2013)

Cause of death: Eaten by a Upir after being kidnapped, beaten and caged


Nan Flanagan, True Blood (2013)

Cause of true death: Staked by Bill Compton

Nan Flanagan drops by Fangtasia to question Eric

Saxa, Spartacus (2013)

Cause of death: Sword attack during battle

Muddy Hill-Rebels battle Romans

Shana Fring, Pretty Little Liars (2013)

Cause of death: Fell off a stage after being hit in the head with a gun


Naomi Campbell, Skins (2013)

Cause of Death: Cancer


Cristina, Tierra de Lobos (2013)

Cause of death: Head injury sustained during a scuffle with a jealous man who was going to shoot her


Alisha, The Walking Dead (2013)

Cause of death: Shot by a 12-year-old girl


Emily, Teen Wolf (2013)

Cause of death: Was about to have sex with her girlfriend in a tent when she was kidnapped by a swarm of cockroaches, tied to a tree, bludgeoned over the head, strangled and then had her throat slit (ancient druidic “triple death”) as the first virgin sacrifice of an evil druidess who was attempting, through ritual sacrifices, to amass sufficient power to get her revenge against the evil uber-Alpha Werewolf who had massacred her friends and horribly disfigured her.


Alice Calvert, Under the Dome (2013)

Cause of death: Heart attack suffered from low blood sugar (she was a diabetic) after delivering another character’s baby


Bullet, The Killing (2013)

Cause of death: Murdered by serial killer


Tricia, Orange is the New Black (2013)

Cause of death: Drug overdose


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Riese is the 43-year-old Co-Founder of as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3300 articles for us.


  1. Ruby knowby from ash vs the evil dead. In fact I think I’m their wiki she’s marked as having died twice.

    This also marks the 5th time that Lucy Lawless had died and appears on this list. Someone should tell her next time she represents to get it in her contract that her character survives the show

  2. Please take a second look at the circumstances of Kira’s death on The Magicians.

    Julia refused to kill her, as I recall. Kira’s counselor did, as a mercy killing.

    Also, it was ambiguous whether Kira was gay.


    French TV show “Les Combattantes” (2022): Marguerite de Lancastel, shot on a battlefield during WWI while working as an ambulance driver and trying to rescue her wounded son.

    • [SPOILER ALERT] Of course, this is more of an “Anyone Can Die” trope, but she is the only main female character to die (the show is about four women during WWI), and the very next scene features a very straight plotline that – obviously – ends well. Sooo…

  4. CLEXA death is infuriating because it goes to show how debased sold out producers crew writers & directors have become.
    All knew plenty well about Fridging and Bury your gays tropes.
    So what do they do?
    Mix both in one slap in the face of fandom just to say:
    “See? we are in charge here.
    We re the ones calling the shots.
    Its not your call.
    We are Gods in our Olympus.
    Only White House Gods can challenge us.”
    Newsflash morons.
    Heroes can kill Gods.
    Luv & Thunder proved even mortal worshipers can become Gor Butchers.
    Your not even Gorrs let alone Gods.
    Even if u were.
    Remember what Wonder Diana did to Ares?
    Remember what Kratos did to Olympians?
    Remember what Winchester Bros did to Chuck?
    U definitively should watch competition shows to dim your hubris.
    Not to worry.
    Fandome came along in droves to remind u of wise saying:
    Hubris precedes the fall from Grace.
    Since u white relics of medieval times seem to appreciate old biblical values your supposed to heed to those sayings.
    Theyre wise cautionary tales much like sweet Jesus Paraboles.
    Then again i guess u powers that be are not much into New Testament save from Revelations & Rapture maybe.
    U re more like Old Testament & Judges type.
    Just remember that.
    If Rapture became reality fans complaininh bout your cruel misdeeds would be taken to Heavens and U re the ones who would be left behind to face the consequences of scorched hell on Earth of yer own making.
    Meditate on that before yer forced to be left dining on Ashes, literally.

  5. To the stars 2019, Maggie. She was in a relationship with the hairdresser, but… not sure she was killed. The ending isn’t clear is she dead or not ;)

  6. Is Peach from You open? She did kiss Becky and they were going to Paris before she was killed by Joe. But Becky didnt want, I guess…

  7. ***Spoilers for The Confessions of Frannie Langton***

    Frannie Langton, The Confessions of Frannie Langton (2022): Hanged
    Madame Marguerite Benham, The Confessions of Frannie Langton (2022): Opium Overdose

  8. Forgot one: Shirley MacLaine’s character in 1960’s movie she co-starred in with Audrey Hepburn, “The Children’s Hour.” She committed suicide by gun after confessing her love to Audrey H. character.

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