Hey Autobabes! This is a special edition of the A+ Podcast called OMG Shutup! It was recorded live at A-Camp 2015 during an advice panel featuring Everyone is Gay founders Kristen Russo and Dannielle Owens-Reid and Autostraddle senior editors Riese, Laneia and Rachel. Audience members walked up to a mic and asked the panelists for advice. Listen to their hilarious and thoughtful words of wisdom to queer girl problems!
This episode was produced by Samara Breger. You can listen right here or download it. Enjoy!
Want to listen offline from your iPhone?
- Click the download button (it’s the down-pointing arrow in the upper-right hand corner of the Soundcloud player) and save to your computer’s iTunes library.
- Sync your iPhone to your computer.
thank you for the offline listening instructions!!
i really hope we get an update from “moving to LA for a girl” very soon. as someone who has moved great distances (twice now) as a trailing spouse, i am beyond invested. ARE YOU OK? DO YOU LOVE THE WEATHER? ARE YOU JUICING YET ETC?
Thank you for the Dar Williams song! What a trip down memory lane.
that is one of my favorite songs!!!
Brought me right back to high school… I loved all the music choices :)
ack this is wonderful and I loved spotting voices I recognize and also you guys give the best advice
There’s some great advice there. Good job team
AWWWWWWWW now i really Really REALLY miss camp.
I feel like this is a podcast I could listen to repeated over time when I feel like I just really need general life advice and need to be reminded of certain things
I really enjoyed this podcast. Go team!
I loved this, I rarely feel like advice podcasts/ columns tell you anything you didn’t already know, but there were some really solid insights in here that I would not have come up with on my own.
Also, this was everything I was hoping for from the A+ podcast, it was really fun to listen to but also had some real substance. I know there are limits to what you guys can do due to time, money constraints, but if you can…more of this please! I listen to podcasts daily and so rarely get to hear any queer women besides Rachel Maddow. This was so great.
If you want any recommendations for podcasts featuring queer women, I’m your girl.
Yes, I do want that!
Compiling a list, please hold.
Thank you I’m glad you liked it!
I listened to this today and found it deeply comforting.
Oh man, this has been incredibly helpful, especially since this is giving me solid advice that I’m not ready to seek on my own. Thanks!
(Also, I’ve just started listening to all the podcasts – Samara, incredible job, I love the podcast format.)
Thank you!!
i wish this was so much longer, loved it!!
Is there a way to listen to this from the iPhone without a computer intermediary? My computer died a few months ago, and when I tap the download arrow it just opens up a new webpage. I’m sorry I’m an old lady who can’t use technology. Please respond as if I’m your girlfriend’s Nana, who is “with it” re: equality and intersectionality, but can’t operate the Internet, and so, you want me to like you. Lol. (This is the general advise I give to people in the service industry to have to deal with dumb questions daily…. I think it’s pretty effective lol)
I asked the last question about money, and as a bronze member haven’t been able to listen. This week of having access to all the A+ content is fab!
Also, why didn’t I just ask if i could hear the answer again? Oh Caitlin.