***The event is over, but [as said in the original post] an edited transcript of the conversation will publish next week for A+ members who missed the event!***
The live Q&A with Chris Belcher is happening in 15 minutes (from when this post was published). Scroll down for the invite link to the A+ Read a Fucking Book Club meeting which is happening right now!
Join right here!
The details:
How do I read Pretty Baby: A Memoir?
You can buy it from Bookshop to support Autostraddle and indie bookstores, or plan to get a copy from your local library! It’s on pre-order until July 12. I recommend pre-ordering if you can because pre-orders are helpful for authors and also ensure that you’re getting the book as soon as it’s available.
What will the event be like?
It will be a text-based Q&A within Discord. I (Nicole) will be there to moderate / help with flow. Basically, read the book (or as much as you can), bring your questions for the author, and ask those questions in the chat! Chris will be there to talk with everyone and it will be a truly great time.
Hi, I had hoped the discord would stay up this morning CET time so European readers could read the Q&A?
Hi Ellie! I mentioned this in the original post, but I’ve updated this one here, too, to reflect it. I’m cleaning up the transcript from the conversation and publishing it next week for anyone who missed the conversation to read. It’s scheduled to go up on Wednesday!
Amazing, thank you!