A+ Members: We Have A Present For You

We made you something and we want to send it to you in the postal mail. What did we make you? WE MADE YOU SOME STICKERS. There are “Gal Pal” stickers and there are “Scissoring” stickers. If you’re a Bronze, Silver or Gold member, you’ve got til the end of this week to fill out this form to get yours! (Please allow 1-3 weeks for delivery.)


As you know, our Cobalt memberships are our “bargain” membership and Cobalt members aren’t sent A+ member stickers. However, the Gal Pal and Scissoring Stickers are not ever going to exist in the Autostraddle Store and we want all our members to have access to them. So, Cobalt Members, for $1, these stickers can be yours!

So! If you’re a Cobalt member, go here to give us one dollar. Take note of the Paypal transaction number you’ll get from Paypal in your payment-confirmation e-mail, you’ll need to input it here when you sign up to get your stickers.

Then watch your [mail] box for the impending arrival of two very sassy stickers within the next 1-3 weeks! I put mine on my Passion Planner. Just FYI.

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

Join AF+!

The Editors

The has written 146 articles for us.


  1. I am SO excited about this!

    I was just getting sad earlier that the only thing I’ve been *really* excited about lately is my chiropracteur appointment (which was yesterday and I feel almost like new!), so having this to get excited about is doubly exciting. You gals are the best.

  2. Aaaah, such a lovely idea – already looking for the best spot for those two. Thank you, dear gal pals!


  4. Between the warm-fuzzy feeling of knowing it helps keep AS going, all the fantastic extra content it gives me access to, and awesome perks like this (STICKERS!!!) my A+ membership pays for itself! 8D

  5. I probably lied about my sign up date because I have no idea, it was whenever A+ became a thing but I honestly can’t remember bqck that far! Super excited for stickers though!

  6. In true Hansen fashion I got really excited about this and didn’t read and then fucked up by registering for Cobalt stickers. I’m sorry team. But I love you all.

  7. Aw yay. I will put them on my roller derby helmet and mildly increase the queer signalling it puts out! (Currently have my league’s pride sticker and a few from my country’s successful equal marriage campaign.)

  8. Thanks autostraddle!!! (this gets three excla’s)

    Also, you can find your sign up date in the e-mail associated with the account if you search for “autostraddle”!

    (incidentally I am high and I honestly can’t tell if I spelled autostraddle right bc of the red squiggle underneath even though it is right there in the browser..errr <3! )

    • If you go to ‘your account’ under the ‘members’ button at the top of the page, then ‘subscriptions’ it has your start date!

  9. I didn’t request the A+ sticker when I joined because I didn’t wanna harass you with international shipping, but the promise of a Gal Pal sticker is too good to resist!!!

    Also, I want you to know I giggled when typing in my address because it includes the number 69. I’m sorry, I really am that juvenile, haha!

  10. I’m super excited that there was no ‘America only’ qualification to this (that I saw :S)
    Repping in NZ, yo.

  11. i was going to donate some extra dollars but the link didn’t give me that option. i know there’s a way to do a donation but I can’t find it HELP?

  12. Whoo! Stickers! I <3 stickers! Especially awesome gal pal themed stickers. Thanks, loves! You're the best. <3

  13. I saw this email only I didn’t read the sender, just the subject, and it came in with around ten other emails which were all from colleges and I was like “oh great, yet another educational institution is trying to bribe me into applying” but then I realized it was from autostraddle and it made my day. Stickers are my absolute favorite, I’m so excited

  14. Thank you so much for this!! Because of the crappy exchange rate, I haven’t been able to afford the coveted scissoring or Gal Pal sweaters, so I’m so happy to be getting them in sticker format!

  15. This is so exciting! Autostraddle, you get me.

    And I get you, by paying for A+. I think it’s a good deal.

    Love love love forever.

  16. Also, Autostraddle, can I send YOU some stickers? PM me your address, any staff members, and I will mail you stickers. <3

  17. Autostraddle Folks! I have a question!
    In light of you offering these lovely perks for us A+ members, I’m wondering if it’s a thing to donate an A+ membership like you do with camperships. I would like to contribute more than my silver membership costs, but then I thought – why not see if I can do that by paying for a silver membership for a random straddler who’s a bit more cash strapped?


    If not, I can just become a gold member, no biggie :)

    • I would like to do this too but by gifting several cobalt memberships instead of only one silver but sadly it was not to be

    • I’ve done that! I paid for a couple random silver memberships. I did it via tumblr and was like “reblog this thing for a chance to win a silver membership!” and Autostraddle reblogged it so then a bunch of people did. I just messaged the people via tumblr to tell them they won and to get their email addresses.

    • Hi!, Intern Nikki here. I love when people ask this question because it makes me fall in a deeper kind of love with this community. I love that you want to buy some random person a A+ gift membership. We however don’t have the means to do a random drawing for it though. If you knew someone that wanted it though then we would be able to. So, yes but no. It might be easier to do a gold membership. Thank you for thinking of others, you are the unicorn of life. If you have any further questions email nikki@autostraddle.com

  18. When I think I’ve hit my maximum love for Autostraddle, you gals come through and raise the level of awesome. My heart is so full of love for AS and its bomb ass staff.
    <3 <3 <3

  19. This legitimately counts as receiving a valentines gift, yes? NOT ALONE this year!

    [Also I couldn’t accurately calculate how much international shipping would be, but I donated so you didn’t have to cover it on my behalf].

  20. Yay! Can’t wait to get my stickers, my scissoring sweatshirt is my favorite thing. Probably going to stick one on my binder now that I’m going back to school.

  21. OH GOSH this is just what I could do with at the moment (apart from cuddles from puppies; please also send puppies). Thank you, you awesome people.

  22. YAY! I haven’t been this excited about stickers in a long time.

    I still haven’t put my original A+ sticker anywhere. I feel like it’s too big of a commitment. Once it’s stuck, there’s no turning back.

    • I feel the same way! I’m going to put it inside my clear phone case though- so it’s not stuck to anything, and I don’t have to make the commitment hah

    • No but forreal though. I laminated that shit so I can tape it on my refrigerator and if I move I’ll just tape it right up on the next fridge…

  23. This was part of your diabolical plan to get me to unpause my A+ membership (which I had only paused to scrounge for A-camp), and even so I fully approve!

  24. How any group of humans could be so wonderful and inclusive, surprises and excites me regularly. Thank you Autostraddle.

  25. When will these be mailed out? I’m only at my current address until April 30th, but I don’t want to send the stickers to my permanent address if I can get them here…

    I just don’t want them to get lost :(

  26. I really want to put this on my laptop, but as this is a limited time thing, I can’t risk loosing it.. arrgghhh!! I wanna get a sticker book, but I want to show these off.. hmpfh.

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