A+ Inbox LIVE #9: Who’s Cleaning Up That Whipped Cream?

feature image background via Heather on Insta

Hi there! It’s time for our ninth episode of A+ Inbox LIVE! If you’re a first-time listener, A+ Inbox LIVE! is where Riese, Heather, Yvonne, Rachel and I choose three questions from the A+ Priority Inbox and answer them live on a podcast, using amateur recording equipment and very little editing! It’s casual and honest and very 2006. You can dig back into the archives for previous episodes to feed into your ear canals.

On this week’s show, we discuss underwears and the personal evolution thereof, crushing on your bestie roommate, and how you’re feeling about this redesign. Also, hey, what was the Saved By The Bell of your generation?

Full disclosure: We’ve made this episode available to Bronze and Cobalt members, not because it’s our finest work, but because we thought maybe everyone could use it. I’m sorry this is just a flip, laughing, rollicking good-time podcast and not something that deals directly and substantially with the horrific murders in Orlando. We recorded it last Tuesday when the world was a little brighter. We love you with our whole hearts. You were the first person I thought of when I saw the news early on Sunday morning — every one of you. Maybe this can be a 37 minute break from our collective reality.

Don’t forget that we’ve set up a super special A+ Priority Voicemail set up just for A+ members like you. Have something to say with your voice? There’s certainly no better place to say it than in a voicemail. And you can rest assured that no one will ever ever answer this number. You’ll only hear a greeting and a beeping sound.

Your Priority Voicemail number is 209-877-7483. Save it to your favorites.

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  1. Click the download button above (it’s the down-pointing arrow in the upper-right hand corner) and save to your computer’s iTunes library.
  2. Sync your iPhone to your computer.

Supplemental materials for this episode:





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  1. I figured these took longer than two days to record, no worries. I kinda feel better nursing my awful feels with underwear phases for now, anyway

  2. this is super amazing, pero like, y’all realize that “netflix and chill” means have sex, right? like, it doesn’t mean watch netflix or chill.

    “it was sort of like falling off a mountain with no clothes on. or like driving a train. or brushing my hair.” i feel like this is the best description of being gay i’ve ever heard in my life????? Like, it sounded like something you would say as a part of your staff reading at camp, Riese, which is always my favorite part of camp.

    Heather you’re “oh” when Riese asked what kind of underwear everyone wears is probably the cutest thing i’ve ever heard in my entire life. also just i’m so obsessed with how adorable your voice sounds when you’re sick!

    jajajaja afterellen.tumblr.com, i love that!

    this made me miss a-camp so much bc i miss all of you so freaking much.

  3. Other TV shows that were filmed/created in Canada:

    Orphan Black
    Warehouse 13
    The season 3 finale of The 100

    Seriously, all American queers should abandon your country filled with gunweilding homophobes and move to Canada and help us pass our trans-inclusive federal human rights bill. Not that Canada doesn’t have hate crimes, or guns, but we do have significantly fewer of them, and more legal protections. And gay TV. The gay TV is very important.

    • At this point with so many American shows also filming in CA, I just assume all tv is made in Canada (and that all actors are Canadian) until proven otherwise.

    • I’m p sure all of The 100 is filmed in Canada

      As an East Coast Gay of the DC area I can tell u definitively that I do not live in an evergreen redwood rainforest

      And Mt Weather is nowhere near that tall

    • (tbh I watched more of The X Files, Will & Grace and Friends than Boy Meets World but I think I was an outlier in that respect)

  4. DOUG

    We don’t talk abt the Disney Era of Doug ok.

    Also high school Musical is OK and and all? But the real gem of Made For TV Disney Movies is SMART HOUSE, wherein the plotline of a Ray Bradbury short is changed slightly and then the house takes corporeal form as Katy Segal

  5. Vancouver has tax credits, it’s on the west coast, and it’s green enough that we can all close our eyes and pretend that it’s Anywhere, East Coast USA

    • Tax Credits, Breaks, I don’t fucking know how taxes work but I think it’s cheaper to film there

  6. Wait ok at Camp one of my bras failed me and it was like one boob was just OUT just like FREE and the other was where it was supposed to be (IN A BRA) and I didn’t realize this was happening until like BLOCK C aka NAPTIME and the moral of this story is that if your beloved parrot sort of breaks the adjustable strap part of your bra you should stop wearing it and not bring it to Camp

    • The moral of this comment is also don’t drink wine and then comment and maybe wait until the end of the podcast to comment in one giant comment instead of just blitzkrieg commenting with ALL OF YOUR FEELINGS *as they happen*

  7. Ok I haven’t listened to this yet but I want to say this :
    It’s 8:30 am here in the UK and your comments about love made me SOB. I come to Autostraddle after I read an article in an independent online paper (Médiapart) where I consider that there, too, most of the time, the comment section is a “safe space” (you have to pay to view their content, it limits the number of trolls). I went there to read an article on the invisibilisation of the LGBT ‘issue’ of the attack in French media on Sunday, also in the mouth of leaders and opposition, and how it came to be rectified a bit starting Monday after the LGBT community pushed back on it.

    And then heading to the comment section, I saw NOTHING but more silencing, people saying the “gay community” doesn’t exist, there are only “French citizens” in France, that the thesis of the reporter is wrong “look they did talk about the fact it was a homophobic attack from Monday”, yet again straight people talking over us and silencing us, denying us our grief.

    As I said in the open thread, I feel invisible right now. When the Paris attack happened, a lot of people reached out to me and asked if as a French person living in the UK, I was doing ok, did I need to talk about it, etc. But this week, because very few people know that I’m gay (I don’t come out to everyone I meet or everyone at work), I’m mostly sat at work having to deal with this on my own, or with online communities. Even my colleagues who know I’m gay don’t really ask me, because they don’t suspect that something that happened on the other side of the ocean could affect me. I’m glad I do have a semblance of real-life queer community here, and the vigils help, and the few queer people at work help. But shit, I’m so done with this bullshit.

    Thank you so much Autostraddle for being here <3. I'm so glad I have the money to spend on a gold membership, you deserve every cent of it for the work that you do. I love you all.

    • UGH CHLOE. I am so sorry you had to read all of that bullsh*t in the French media.
      Thank GOD they are so very wrong about the gay community existing here.

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