feature image background via Rachel on Insta
Hi there! It’s time for our seventh episode of A+ Inbox LIVE! If you’re a first-time listener, A+ Inbox LIVE! is where Riese, Heather, Yvonne, Rachel and I choose three questions from the A+ Priority Inbox and answer them live on a podcast, using amateur recording equipment and very little editing! It’s casual and honest and very 2006. You can dig back into the archives for previous episodes to feed into your ear canals.
On this week’s show, we discuss what to do with your social media pics that include your exes, what to do when your weird is showing, and how to deal with mansplaining dorks who happened to be married to your BFF. There’s even new music from Stef Schwartz and a guest appearance from ~a new Staff Writer~. Are you not INTRIGUED.
Don’t forget that we’ve set up a super special A+ Priority Voicemail set up just for A+ members like you. Have something to say with your voice? There’s certainly no better place to say it than in a voicemail. And you can rest assured that no one will ever ever answer this number. You’ll only hear a greeting and a beeping sound.
Your Priority Voicemail number is 209-877-7483. Save it to your favorites.
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I love y’all so much.
if anybody is curious, and i’m pretty sure nobody is curious, that new intro music is called “sunglasses emoji.”
That makes it EVEN MORE perfect.
i was curious, thank you
i think knowing the song title really seals the deal re: connecting with this track.
“Don’t talk to straight men, and be as weird as you want” Literally the whole reason I’m here. My Straight Man roomate is my alternate email for A-camp, so when y’all sent out the payment reminder(which made me wonder for a sec if I’d just imagined paying for camp) He came out to the living room and was like “You’re going to A-camp, still right? You’re not allowed to cancel that, it’s like the only thing you love”(not the case, but super sweet, regardless)
I hope y’all will sufficiently quote that hot dog apology back to Heather every day because it was hilarious.
Re: weirdness, I sometimes feel like I get into this feedback loop with people, where I’m convinced that they think I’m weird and it’s making them uncomfortable, so I feel uncomfortable and act even more awkward, so they notice and get even more uncomfortable, etc. etc. I also blush at completely random and inappropriate times which leads into a similar feedback loop and is awful.
In short, I feel you, fellow weird person.
Re: blushing
Anyone who points out the fact that you are blushing while you are blushing is probably the anti Christ and should be avoided
Or partied with, depending on your stance re: Satan, but still
It’s and Evil thing to do to a blushing person
Agreed. But usually they don’t point it out, I can just tell that they can tell and that’s almost worse. If they said “Hey, why are you blushing?” I could say, “Oh, I have this weird thing where that happens sometimes for no reason”. But if they don’t bring it up then I can’t bring it up and ugh.
That was me asking about co-existing with mansplaining douchebags – thanks for trying you guys, I appreciate the attempt!
I also hate The Great Gatsby. Probably because it, like so many other terrible classics, ended up in the Western literary canon due to its popularity among straight white middle class men.
Oh my gosh Allison I wish we could’ve helped you more! I thought of another thing you could do, which is eat tortilla chips or corn nuts while he’s talking and then everything he says will be drowned out by the crunching sound in your head. You can just nod and nod and chew and chew, and never once have to hear his voice.
That actually may be the best suggestion yet! Keeping my mouth full so I am physically unable to respond to his bullshit would actually be pretty effective…
This is legitimately brilliant.
I mean, you could market this. It could be a salable product. Misandry Snax. YOU COULD SELL THEM IN THE MERCH STORE.
Here for the misandry snacks.
all this fancy music!!! it sounds so good! i love the surf rockiness!
“i feel like there’s people who have to deal with men in their lives all the time and I’m sorry” i loved this yvonne, thank you
this is really, really a genius product and all of you are the best
Um when I’m on bisexual garbage island I’ll be wearing a bikini woven out of of the plastic things that hold six packs of beer together and kill wild life
The plastic kills the wildlife
I personally will not be killing any wildlife
That was not clear
At work the other day Gay man tried to gaymansplain queer theory to me and then recommended I “look into” Judith Butler
But he also apparently thought I was, like, 17
So I give him a tentative pass on this
Gay man
The Only One
(a* Gay man) (Im typing on a phone)
This podcast’s misandry felt so validating, thank you.
Last Comment I Promise
I can’t tell apart generically attractive men on TV / in movies or remember most of my male co-workers names
I’m the only woman in the back of the house where I work and watching game of thrones is kind of confusing
“old bearded man is talking” “which one” “the one where it snows” “.. Which One”
Every white man in Pacific Rim was identical except for the it’s always sunny mad scientist
Straight White Male Blindness is probably definitely a real thing because I have it.
I have worked several 5PM to Midnight shifts as a dishwasher and by several I mean all except two
Without a single break or shift meal
Because I don’t want to inconvenience the line cooks and I don’t know how to write down my order and I’ve never actually been to the restaurant where I work as a customer and I don’t know what we serve??
The Struggle Re: Ordering Food Anxiety Is Really Fucking Real
wait wait wait wait wait. A;ex is *leaving* ? D-: !!!
semicolon throwback!!
This is my favorite episode of any podcast ever.
I listened in my car on my way home from work yesterday and I barely noticed the traffic.
You guys, I have been drinking vanilla lattes for like 5 years because I’m too scared to ask questions about other drinks. I felt that segment so, so hard.
A few days ago I had to go to the Starbucks drive through I hate where the really peppy, happy young baristas work and I spent the whole time in line mentally preparing myself for the part where my drink isn’t ready yet when I get to the window and they start asking me questions about my day and I always say something stupid – but then my drink was totally ready when I got to the window and I only had to smile and say thank you and it was just the most wonderful thing that happened to me that whole day.
I hope there will be chill baristas on bisexual garbage island because I will def end up there some day and Im going to need help with my coffee.
Also, hi, Erin basically has the most soothing and reassuring voice and I feel like I might not need Ativan if she were my friend and I could call her during panic attacks.
I super could not relate to the part about how other people are only ever thinking about themselves or their close friends or family except for fleeting thoughts about others.
Because I think about other people all the time.
I consistently think about the unpleasant women who sit in front of me in my microbiology class, the girl who owns a food cart I go to sometimes, the guy who works in my office building’s parking lot, dozens of people who are patients at my office, etc etc etc
I wonder what their personal lives are like and if they are happy and what makes some of them really mean and I hope they find peace so they won’t be mean anymore and I wish their divorces weren’t making them so sad and where did they get that cute shirt I saw them wearing the last 2 times they were here and I wonder if they like pizza as much as I do and do they talk really loud because they have a big family and they always needed to shout to be heard and seen and all sorts of shit and I think about at least a few of those people every day.
And I can’t possibly be the only one.
So sometimes people you don’t know or barely know ARE actually thinking about you a lot.
But it’s okay because it isn’t about you, it’s about them and the fact that they maybe can’t turn off their brains when they start thinking about how badly they want everyone to just be having a nice day or getting help for their sads or having enough time to hang out with their kids or like they just really like that 1 shirt you have.
So, person, you are doing great and you are awesome and just being who you are is a beautiful thing and the next time I think about you I’ll probably be like hey I hope that person is having a nice hair day and they got to pet their dog for an extra long time and I wonder if they like to dance and if so I hope they put on some music and dance while they wash their dishes tonight.
Alyssa this is just all sorts of wonderful.
I’ve been thinking a lot about highly sensitive people and although I’m unsure if it’s a thing (why do we feel the need to label everything in this world? Why do we have to feel ‘special’ to co exist with each other? Are people inherently selfish? I have so many questions and I’m trying to be okay with not having an answer), I am sure that what we all could use a bit more of, is empathy.
Recently I did this training for work that’s all about how to help someone in crisis. At the very heart of it is the concept that you don’t have to fix the persons’ problem; you simply reflect back their feelings and try to get them thinking about how to help themselves.
But also because I work with traumatised children, my job is literally, thinking about people all day. On really tough days it does tend to become how annoying they are/judging them harshly, but I’ve been actively trying to balance that out and follow my mother’s advice that if I don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it at all (even internally).
So yes, Alyssa I agree. I am thinking about you, and others a lot, and 95% of the time it’s for really good reasons.
And I did put on a podcast and laughed while I cooked tea/did the dishes. My cat is in my lap and is being extra loving :)
rachel no need for the grand i will pop this 24 hour recording in your email tomorrow! thanks for having me on yall!
You all kill this podcast dead! <3