feature image background via Yvonne on Insta
Hi there! It’s time for our fifth episode of A+ Inbox LIVE! If you’re a first-time listener, A+ Inbox LIVE! is where Riese, Heather, Yvonne, Rachel and I choose three questions from the A+ Priority Inbox and answer them live on a podcast, using amateur recording equipment and very little editing! It’s casual and honest and very 2006. You can dig back into the archives for previous episodes to feed into your ear canals.
On this week’s show we discuss deciding not to date someone who doesn’t believe in evolution, me being hypnotized, and how all those U-Haul jokes fuck with our concept of “too soon” when it comes to, well, U-Hauling.
Don’t forget that we’ve set up a super special A+ Priority Voicemail set up just for A+ members like you. Have something to say with your voice? There’s certainly no better place to say it than in a voicemail. And you can rest assured that no one will ever ever answer this number. You’ll only hear a greeting and a beeping sound.
Your Priority Voicemail number is 209-877-7483.
A neat and funny thing that happened on this show is that the beginning of Heather’s audio was eaten by her technology, so the part where she’d normally say “I’m Heather!” is noticeably missing, as is the brief conversation we had with her about how her vacation went. (It went well; she began and completed many household projects with help from a YouTube channel, See Jane Drill, which she cannot recommend enough.) (In fact, here is a standalone video where Leah explains how to do anything, so.) In any event! Heather does eventually come into the show after a couple of minutes. Neat!
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One of my favorites A+ features. Thanks
Isn’t getting interrupted during hypnosis literally the plot of Office Space?
omg yes it is.
The dude who hypnotized me at the Ren Faire told me the number four didn’t exist and asked how many fingers I had. I told him ten, and then he had me count them. I became very distraught when I got to eleven. I didn’t know what happened when I woke up but remembered when my friend told me.
i feel like this ren faire reference really brings it back around after last episode’s ren faire inclusion
I need to know what the squirrel did to Dobby.
Well! The squirrel climbed up the house and popped his head up to the window where Dobby was sunning on his kitten perch and it freaked Dobby out so bad he launched himself six feet into the air and then out of the room!
I am really glad the Dobby concern was addressed.
@heatherannehogan Ha! I totally remember seeing the Big Bang shirt. So good. Also, one night years ago I was staying somewhere with a tv (not a normal staple in my life) and came across something that I thought was PBS and a guy passionately talking about dinosaurs…and then he said “So the next time someone tries to tell you about dinosaurs, I want you to ask them: Were you there?!!” Turns out it wasn’t PBS, it was TBN.
Yup. That was the logic. If you weren’t there to see the dinosaurs, surely they did not exist…which baffled me, because I’m pretty sure he wasn’t there during the whole birth of Christ stuff? I don’t know.
Science and Faith don’t have to be at complete odds with one another, I truly believe this. I think your response to that was spot on.
Something funny happened here, like 4 or 5 great jokes I wanted to quote and just awe over, but all I can think about is The Great Pink Eye Martyr holy cow
i know right! i’m not over it
What a cliffhanger with the squirrel! Heavens!
Buuuuut thanks for answering my evolution question. The situation is actually far more complicated (and nuanced and awkward) than I made it out to be, if you can believe that, but is now irrelevant because she is no longer talking to me at all and my heart hurts even though I know I should be relieved. It’s definitely not optimal to be someone’s sidechick in their relationship with their lord and savior. Thank you for sharing your infinite wisdom. Also all of your relationship stories are mad cute and I’m happy that you all believe in science.
Yes! Heather, a TON of my friends as a teen had shirts like that Big Bang one!
Also, Heather, i just love to hear you talk about religion and faith, like, you’re so great at talking about that stuff!
And, again, Heather, it’s way too amazing hearing you talk about Stacy! You’re the total cutest.
Again, heather, i love how quickly you ware like “no, i don’t love it more than Carol”
“I love Rock n Roll which in this case is you” is an amazing thing to say, thank you Rachel.
thank YOU mey
Personally can’t wait for the DIY River Cruise at Camp. Just so y’all know, I’m very good at knots.
Real Talk tho when my mostly into dudes cousin dated a girl And Totally Stole My “I’m The Gay Cousin” Thunder, it only took like 2 months for her girlfriend to say Shit like
“i cant wait until we adopt a baby together!!”
— so my cousin dumped her. Which I was actually pretty impressed by! Up until that point, this cousin usually hetero-uhauled way way fast with disastrous results.
Anyway now she’s with some guy with a beard who likes guns and flannel and I think already has a kid, so I can reclaim my rightful title as the Gay Cousin.
Not that dating a man negates bisexuality
I don’t think she identifies as bisexual
She isnt like
An Active Member Of The LGBTQ Community, ya know
There are Grey areas here
Is it Heather who is laughing gleefully through the u haul conversation? It’s making my day
I love this podcast so much. That is all.
omg megan is such a fucking badass.
Y’all are the best! <3
This is my favourite A+ feature and totally made a ride home the best thing ever :D
Who was doodling / drawing the entire time the podcast was being recorded (I could hear pencil-on-paper sounds) and more importantly can we have a picture of it and can it be a regular feature of the A+ podcast post ?
(Or am I just crazy and hearing things?)
3 weeks late to the party! Another great podcast. I’m making my sister do the hypnotizing thing! We’ll either be so weirded out we’ll laugh forever or it won’t work and we’ll laugh about how scared we both were. Either way it’ll be great. Thanks for the laughs!