A+ Inbox LIVE! #4: It’s An Elusive Soup

feature image background via Laneia on Insta
Hi there! It's time for our fourth episode of A+ Inbox LIVE! If you’re a first-time listener, A+ Inbox LIVE! is where Riese, Heather, Yvonne, Rachel and I choose three questions from the A+ Priority Inbox and answer them live on a podcast, using amateur recording equipment and very little editing! It’s casual and honest and very 2006. You can dig back into the archives for previous episodes to feed into your ear canals.
On this week’s show, we discuss lightening the weight of confessing a crush, some cocaine stories (??), soups galore, and Vapid Fluff as legitimate, interesting and well-written fun. There's also a special guest! You don't want to miss it!
Don’t forget that we’ve set up a super sp...

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