A Guide To Falling In Love For Hopeless Fools Who Can’t Read Maps

It’s time for another edition of SE(N)O, an essay series on A+ for personal stories we wish we could tell on the accessible-to-our-employers-and-everyone-we’ve-ever-known mainsite, but can’t for personal and professional reasons.

This is a guide to falling in love for hopeless fools who can’t read maps.
These are step-by-step instructions for logistically impossible and emotionally devastating affairs that are never quite relationships but always far more than the flings they were supposed to be when they started. I lived in Nicaragua for two and a half years and had three relationships with beautiful weirdos who didn’t live there. I never meant to — each time, I just wanted the rush of a fling with no consequences. The spontaneous impact ...

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Adrian is a writer, a Texan and a Presbyterian pastor. They write about bisexuality, gender, religion, politics, music and a whole lot of feelings at Autostraddle and wherever fine words are sold. They have a dog named after Alison Bechdel. Follow Adrian on Twitter @adrianwhitetx.

Adrian has written 153 articles for us.