A-Camp Spring 2017: Win A Campership From Catalyst Wedding Co.!

Auto-babes, gather round and rejoice; we’ve got another Campership opportunity to announce today! Catalyst Wedding Co. wants to give one lucky camper a Full Campership (with shuttle travel to and from the airport + linens) to attend A-Camp 8.0. And that’s not all – the winner of this specific Campership will also win four print issues of Catalyst Wedding Magazine and a rad Catalyst t-shirt. So who are the fabulous humans behind this Campership opportunity and how do you apply? So glad you asked!

Liz Susong, Co-Founder & Editor-in-Chief of Catalyst Wedding Co. // photo by Ana Photo NYC

Jen Siomacco, Creative Director of Catalyst

Jen Siomacco, Creative Director of Catalyst Wedding Co. // photo by Tiffany Josephs Photography

Catalyst Wedding Co. is a women-owned business that aspires to increase diverse representation in wedding media and to engage in critical dialogue about love, sex, marriage, and weddings. They publish Catalyst Wedding Magazine, the first and only print wedding magazine with a feminist consciousness, and they host events to increase diverse representation in the wedding industry.

photo by Kinzie Ferguson

The folks at Catalyst Wedding Co. are all about diversifying representation, challenging gendered roles, and standing for equal rights. Sound rad? We think so too! And we’re not the only ones. This Campership opportunity came about because Catalyst Wedding Co. received the Girl Boss Grant this year, and they decided to use the money to sponsor a Campership as a way of spreading the love to their community. Talk about putting your money where your mouth is!

How to Apply

Catalyst Wedding Co. shares stories about love, sex, and relationships with the knowledge that storytelling is a force for change. They’ll be selecting the Catalyst Camper through an essay competition on the theme “The Personal is Political.” The winning essay will be shared on the Catalyst Wedding Co. website with the author’s permission.

Here are some examples of stories the Catalyst Wedding Co. team is looking for in this Campership Contest:

  • Navigating challenging political ideas in your own identity and/or love life
  • What intersectional feminism means to you
  • Why you need A-Camp in this current political environment
  • What intersectional community looks like for you
  • Anything else that inspires you!

Try to keep essays between 400-600 words, but feel free to expand beyond that if you need the room!

All essays should be emailed to Liz at submissions@catalystwedco.com with the subject line “Catalyst Campership” by the end of Sunday, April 16th.

photo by A Lovely Photo

Deadline is Sunday, April 16th

This contest begins today on Thursday, April 5th and runs through Sunday, April 16th. All essays must be received by 11:59pm PST on Sunday, April 16th to be considered eligible. The Senior Editors at Catalyst Wedding Co. and A-Camp Senior Staff will read over all the submissions and choose the winner together. The winner will be notified on Wednesday, April 19th!

Please do not enter the contest if you cannot commit to attending A-Camp 8.0 – this includes having the means to transport yourself to and from the magical place that is camp (although Catalyst will cover a shuttle to and from the airport if you’re flying in).

photo by Betty Clicker Photography

And whether you’re applying for the Campership or not, be sure to check out Catalyst Wedding Co. for all of your queer wedding needs!

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Vanessa is a writer, a teacher, and the community editor at Autostraddle. Very hot, very fun, very weird. Find her on twitter and instagram.

Vanessa has written 404 articles for us.


  1. um i clicked on the catalyst link while eating lunch for a quick and happy perusal and now I am bawling into my food. pls click with caution ladies

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