Like Food, It Gives You This Energy You Can Like, Live Off It

Read about Erin’s travels in Girl-on-Greece: The Incredibly True Adventures of a Gay History Nerd in Love with Mount Olympus. Girl-on-World is written by hot young women just like you! If you’ve got a story you’d like to share, email green[at]autostraddle[dot]com.

So remember when we talked with Sweet, Sweet Charlene from LOGO’s Gimme Sugar? And Robin was our super shexy Substitute Tuesday Televisionary with extra Tron-ness? It was a wonderfully exciting week!

Then Stef Defaced Public Property with Amanda Tannen from stellastar* and wasn’t that fun?? Yes! And do you also recall when Music Was Your Hot Hot Fix with Crystal and Intern Emily? But wait! That’s not all!

Don’t forget the heartwarming piece on The Suckage of BlueHost: The Fempire Strikes Back!

Riese and Alex have left their cubby holes yet again to venture into the hippie-scented world of Somewhere In Upstate New York! But the funny thing is, they still brought you today’s Sunday Funday Daily Fix because I, Laneia, was Team Sleeping In! I’m probably fired forever so if you’re looking for someone to pass out business cards or something, shoot me an email! Ok!

HATRED CAN BE LIKE FOOD. IT GIVES YOU THIS ENERGY YOU CAN LIKE, LIVE OFF ITDo you have Anglea Chase syndrome? “Much like Angela Chase, I can not, like, get through like, a sentence, without like, adding the word like, about like 9 million times, or whatever.” (@jezebel)

GOING TO THE EPISCOPALIAN CHAPEL AND WE’RE GONNA GET MARRIED: Episcopal Church officials voted yesterday to allow bishops the latitude to bless same-sex unions — the second vote this week in favor of gay rights and one that may further divide the worldwide Anglican community. (@the washington post) And, at The New York Times, the Episcopalian’s First Openly Gay Bishop is interviewed:

“The most significant thing that happened was [when] … a smaller group of bishops met to discuss [the same sex blessings] further. They said anyone could come, and it turned out it wasn’t a small group at all. There were 25 to 30 of us, and it turned out to be the most significant interaction I’ve had with the bishops since I’ve been elected. It was profound and it was inspiring. People stood up and spoke their own truth, both the pain and the joy. Everyone spoke honestly about what they needed to go home with, what they could live with and what they couldn’t.”

MARISSSA!!: This counts as Sunday FUNday ’cause even though it’s sad, I’m happy they got her to the psychiatric hospital and that the 72-hour hold exists. They needed that shit for Britney. Save Marissa! – Mischa Barton Hospitalized on the ‘Brink of Disaster’ (@foxnews)

GAGA: There’s this French German lady talking, but also there’s a Kermit the Frog outfit!

GIGANTIC SURPRISEProtect Marriage Washington is paying for signatures. Where are these motherf*ckers getting all this g*ddamn money from? Bluehost?

GOING TO THE STRAIGHT CHAPEL AND WE’RE NOT GONNA GET MARRIED BUT IT’S GOOD TO GO ANYWAY: Changing Hearts and Minds One Wedding at a Time“I’ll admit to being a bit wary to travel to Milwaukee to a wedding that would be populated by somewhat conservative Midwesterners and ex-frat boy football players.  I tend to stick out like a big gay thumb in situations like this- the gender variant, out of the binary, sissy boy with a fauxhawk and rather fierce eyebrows (if I do say so myself) … Little did I realize that by going and just being ourselves at the wedding, we would change so many people’s views about gay couples.” (@pamshouseblend)

LUCKILY WE LOVE EGGS: Dear Keira Knightley, no matter what anyone says, we love your boobs. Itty Bitty etc. Committee 4-EVA.

WIZARDS! Harry Potter just keeps getting gayer. (@queerty)

A 2005 interview with Rachel Maddow at Velvetpark “Rachel Maddow Before the Big Time” — she talks about leaving a trial of “happy hearts” like Shane, discovering “Oh, that’s what’s going on below my chin!” while at Stanford and sleeping with girls for the first time, and SO MUCH MORE!!

MICHAEL F*CKING JACKSON: The Jackson 5 (or 4! jk!) have a reunion tour in the works.

LIL FEMINIST: Emma Watson is probably the cutest thing ever. Here she describes herself as ‘a bit of a feminist.’

M4W LEZ: Third Eye Blind is releasing a new album in August, so Stephen Jenkins plays some songs for us — including a song about being in love with a lesbian, which is awesome. It’s probs written about Rachel Maddow (who Jenkins has “an overwhelming and tragic crush on.”) but we’re not 100% sure.


Auto-Straddler of the Day


alex-iconfrom Alex:
We usually don’t have Team Picks on our Sunday Fundays, but I feel like stumbling across this‘List of Unusual Deaths’equires me to share it with you. (wikipedia)

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Riese is the 43-year-old Co-Founder of as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3300 articles for us.


  1. Hmmm.. I think that Angela Chase Syndrome is actually the tendency to say ridiculously philosophical things at random moments in the midst of casual conversation. But that’s just me.

  2. At the risk of nitpicking: that French woman in the Gaga video sure does speak great German…….

  3. could someone please watch miss congeniality and tell me whether or not pam grier is a judge for the miss america pageant?

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