Hey Did You See That Redesign – I Mean Comment Award?

Hi! Notice anything different around here? We redecorated for 2011. You know what else? Haviland and her “backing band” created a song out of one of Riese’s old poems. You might want to find a way to get that on your ipod.

This week we also gave you the best/worst of everything in 2010 which includes pictures of everyone as cats, so. Also here are the top ten sweatpants you should be wearing (hint: university sweatpants are the best! I’m wearing some right now). In fact, I’d say 85% of my life is spent wearing sweatpants.

DeAnne Smith is back with fears of a lesbian invasion and also invites you to share your favourite “academic” word!


On Gaga’s New Album, Elton’s New Baby – Sunday Funday is a Brand New Gay:

The Sh*tt*ng Rainbows Award to eke, diver, boyar, allie:

On Buckle Up and Hold Onto Your Gay Marriage in 2011:

The I Might Be Slightly Biased Towards Canada Award to katiebug:
I’m all for bringing people up here but we might also want to think about pooling our funds and buying a private island and declaring it a sovereign state. Possibly we might want to buy an island in Canada so we still have easy access to the maple syrup and beer.

The Harry Potter Award to bani:
difficult times lie ahead harry, soon we must face the choice between what is right, and what is easy.

On The Belated Best/Worst Everything of 2010:

The We Are All Made of Kittens Award to Barbara:
the cat with the iPod looks like Laneia. Just saying.

On “Pretty Little Liars” Returns: Gay Emily is Coming Out, She Wants Her Parents to Know:

The Eyes Have It Award to e:
you guys aria’s eyes should be a separate character they’re so big and dreamy

On Gay Ex-Newsweek Writer Finds A Third Way to Make A Bad Point About Gay Actors:

The Bananagrams Award to JanisBing:
I spent thirty minutes trying to write something mean. All I found was this bad anagram.
Ramin Setoodeh
ie Random O’Shite.

On Top Ten Sweatpants:

The Harry Potter II Award to Ziggy Hreins:

The Reverse It Award to Dina, terracottatoes:

On DeAnne Smith and the Lesbian Invasion:

The Sing It, Sister Award to Cassandra:
My life is a mini, impromptu Pride march.

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

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Emily Choo started as an intern with Autostraddle when she was 18 years old. She's now 10 years older and lives in Toronto with her partner and cat. The defining moment of her career was when Riese said this about her: " I think Emily Choo is a very bright, 'poetically inclined' girl who pays attention to everything and knows almost everything (the point of stuff, how to read, how beautiful things feel, how scary things feel, etc.) but doesn't believe/accept/realize yet that she knows almost everything." She still doesn't believe she knows anything, so, thank you, Riese, for that.

Emily has written 100 articles for us.


  1. homg, considering i have been afk so much this week, definitely not expecting that. thanks AS!

    • tc, where you been girl?
      smartypants has been missing you….

      also, BBQ practice this weekend at jaders…..I’m bringing beer.
      btw, since you weren’t at the last meeting, we voted you team manager,
      and I need your t-shirt size.

      • broski, darling, dearest smartyp.: Imma reply to you asap but I gotta have lunch first. freaking famished. expect an email by 2:30 EST because I’m prompt as fuck, obvs.

    • @e

      easy girl, deep slow breaths–
      and when I say head between your knees I mean your own! not hers!

      • I think im ok. There were too many people at this restraunt and I couldn’t breathe and my mom was yelling. I ran out.

        Smartypants, I emailed you yesterday. Please respond :)

    • at the award ceremony we also hand out free brown bags for hyperventilating, also to hide your alcohol in.

  2. autostraddle team: i haven’t said so yet because i thought there would be a post about it, but I LOVE THE REDESIGN. i normally hate change but this was sweet

  3. Whenever I look through the comments it feels like almost everyone is in a secret club that I’m not part of because I’m not witty enough.

    • I think we all feel that way.
      You are pretty awesome, through, because you’re here, most probably queer and let’s just have a party. I love you.

    • I like to think I make up for my lack of wittiness with love and kisses. You can too! it will be a party. we can make a fort! it will be a super special cuddly homogayrainbowfort filled made of flannel and giggles and soft things and bad puns.

      perhaps this is what autostraddle is truly about.

        • FORT! I haven’t had a fort in way too long. Except when I was part of one made out of people last month. Anyway, I’ll be in the fort. With Dani’s cookies.

    • all you have to do is say something about harry potter and you’re like 99% guaranteed to get an award.

      • It’s true. Also, Canada. If you can put them together Emily’s heart will explode with happiness.

  4. Speaking of the redesign… it is pretty and all, but is anyone else having trouble with finding things in searches?

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