The Comment Awards Are Barely Balancing on this Skateboard

A small, brown and white dog peeking over their laptop screen, with a caption that says "Hey did you see that comment?!"

Hi there, firecrackers! What a week. I am angry and mourning and trying to hold onto hope for the future, too. If you can, please drink enough water and stay safe this weekend! 💚

In light of the abortion ruling, KaeLyn hosted a queer feelings atrium, Carmen updated 89 Abortion Funds That You Can Give To Immediately, Katie brought us a guide to medication abortion, and Shelli Nicole shared the story of her abortion.

Also this week: Dani Janae knows which espresso drink you are. This quiz was delicious.

This was so gorgeous: 54 Portraits of Lesbians in the ‘80s.

Heather wrote an ode to the Iron Chef suits of Kristen Kish, which is extremely relevant to my interests.

Yashwina reviewed Rainbow, a short story collection with a BIG range.

Anya can’t get enough of the “that’s why I’m partnering with __ this Pride” tweets. NEITHER CAN I.

Beanie Feldstein is engayged!

And then there were your comments!

On Baopu #100: Processing Intergenerational Trauma, A Chart:

The Happiest of Hundreds Award to Maria:

How is this so cute and so perfect?

On Quiz: What Espresso Drink Are You?

The Love You A Latte Award to Autumn:

So, I got cortado, which I’ve never heard of. So I looked it up, and it’s what I make with my Nespresso already, ai just thought I invented it. So spot on, is what I’m saying.

On 54 Portraits of Lesbians in the ‘80s:

The Liberation Decade Award to Northern-Barbarian and QueerGirrl73:

The 1980s were my liberation decade: fled my small Wisconsin town for college, found community and love in Minnesota, Chicago, and Indiana, got active in the fight for gay pride and against AIDS. This collection brings back great memories, but there was lots of community in the Midwest too, not just on the coasts!

On An Ode to Kristen Kish’s “Iron Chef” Suits:

The Secret Sauce Award to thatottergirl:

Omg the secret ingredient is gaayyyy, I may never recover!

On That Was the Era: Photographer Phyllis Christopher on Her Book “Dark Room”:

The Flannel Then, Flannel Now Award to A. Jay:

Delurking after years to say how much I appreciate the 80s coverage and especially this article. I lived in SF in the late 80s, in a flat full of lesbians and our lovers, and On Our Backs was always around. After growing up with exactly zero information about lesbians I loved the honesty, variety, and affirmation of OOB. It made possible a lot of necessary and empowering conversations. The DIY, “we’re making and taking our space

On No Filter: BRB Gotta Watch This Video of Janelle Monáe…for the Next Six Calendar Days???

The Balancing Act Award to Cleo:

I love all the photos but relate the most to barely balancing on a skateboard in sweats.

And on In Verse: Poetry Collections for Pride Month:

The Painful Sincerity Award to Gina:

See a comment that needs to be here? Let me know! Tag me [at] queergirl.

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Darcy, a.k.a. Queer Girl, is your number one fan. They're a fat feminist from California who doodles hearts in the corners of their Gay Agenda. They're living through a pandemic, they're on Twitter, and they think you should drink more water! They also wanna make you laugh.

Darcy has written 376 articles for us.


  1. Thank you Darcy! Who knew “barely balancing on this skateboard” would so perfectly capture the mood this week?

    Before I read this post, I had just texted my 20-something nephew to stay hydrated after he texted me pics from his first Pride, so your excellent advice to drink water made me laugh. Wisdom from the queer elders.

    And can I just brag a minute about being a cool queer aunt to a cool queer nonbinary kiddo? My nephew came out to me earlier this month at a family reunion – he’s not ready to tell most of the rest of the family while he’s still figuring things out, so I was very honored.

    He’d subtly pinged my gaydar once or twice when he was in high school and that was one of the things that inspired me to become more out / open with my husband’s family. And wow, when I made that decision, I really did not imagine that one day we’d have a conversation that included him mentioning hook ups and me asking about safe sex but I’m glad I was there (even though there were parts where I was silently like la-la-la – not listening to you – I know you’re 24 but weren’t we making paper airplanes and playing with dinosaurs like just yesterday?)

    • What a fun brag. I’d love to be the cool queer [step-]grandma to my grandkids—that is, I more or less already am, just don’t know what they will get out of that. It’s wonderful that your nibling has you and that you took steps to make that happen.

  2. Yesss, thank you, Darcy! Kristen Kish’s suit are truly an inspiration to us all

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