Quiz: What Fanfiction Trope Are You?

Are you the kind of person who disappears in the middle of a party because you simply have to read the latest chapter of a fic you’ve been not-so-patiently waiting on an update for the second it’s live? Do you have a mental list of fic wips that will probably never be completed and therefore will haunt you for the rest of your life? (An unfinished Riverdale fic takes up 83% of my brain at any given time.) Well, do I have a quiz for you! I one time paid for airplane wifi simply so I could read The Hunger Games fic. Why didn’t I just download them so I could read offline? Great question, and unfortunately I cannot remember if there is a valid answer, but I’m sure there was not. Anyway, if you can relate to that unhinged behavior, then once again, this quiz is for you. Do you embody the gentle energy of a coffeeshop AU? The chaos of a crossover? The scintillating push and pull of a hurt/comfort fic? Take the quiz to find out! And drop your hottest fic trope takes in the comments.

Where would you be the most likely to have a meet-cute?(Required)
What sign are you most attracted/drawn to?(Required)
What sign do you avoid?(Required)
Pick a chain restaurant:(Required)
How do you like your coffee?(Required)
Which of the following would you most want to receive as a gift?(Required)
Pick an animal:(Required)
Which of the following scares you the most?(Required)
Pick an emoji:(Required)
What are you most likely to splurge on?(Required)
What sounds like an ideal situation for your birthday?(Required)

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Kayla Kumari Upadhyaya

Kayla Kumari Upadhyaya is the managing editor of Autostraddle and a lesbian writer of essays, short stories, and pop culture criticism living in Orlando. She is the assistant managing editor of TriQuarterly, and her short stories appear or are forthcoming in McSweeney's Quarterly Concern, Joyland, Catapult, The Offing, and more. Some of her pop culture writing can be found at The A.V. Club, Vulture, The Cut, and others. You can follow her on Twitter or Instagram and learn more about her work on her website.

Kayla has written 885 articles for us.


    • Huh. It’s one of my favorite tropes and until just now, I didn’t make the connection to my actual life.

      But yeah, I had several friends-to-lovers in my 20s, as well as some unrequited-crushes-on-friends and one friends-to-almost-lovers-but-we-talked-the-possibility-to-death-instead.

  1. I got Huddling for Warmth and feel deeply seen.
    I also wanted to say:
    I’m really loving the fic related content that I’m seeing in AS lately. To me it represents so many core values of being a dyke. It’s DIY, non-commercial culture making and remaking to create the stories we want to see in the world. It can be romantic, chaotic, shamelessly erotic and/or deeply personal.

    And a good set of comments and kudos can build a invisible support network of like minded readers that lets both writers and readers they are not alone.

    So thanks, Kayla. Nicely done.

    • I’ve got huddling for warmth. And considering I’ve actually turned A date into just blankets wine and literally nap timeits definitely accurate.and I’ve definitely disappeared from a social event to read a fic. Glad I’m not alone in that beat

  2. I got: You are the ‘Friends to Lovers’ trope.

    It’s almost like enemies to lovers but make it sweet and cute! You like romance, but you like friendship, too. And maybe you even…confuse the two sometimes. But hey that’s okay! People love you!

    This is entirely accurate and, like Uintah says above, also my twenties. See also: Vita Sackville-West

  3. I got Huddling for Warmth and this is definitely one of the most relatable quiz results I’ve gotten so far (and I take these every week). Relaxing and indulging, taking care of people, and problem solving…the three main parts of my personality lol.

    Also I think that was a totally valid reason to pay for airplane Wifi!!

  4. Friends to lovers.

    Nice Libra shade BTW. Probably should’ve had the signs grouped in choices by air, water, fire and earth but I’m griping about the unbalanced nature of those choices because, well, I’m a Libra. I’m all about being balanced.

    • Me too on both the result and Gemini mars. Hmmmm. Tho as a Leo stellium I was offended to not even be mentioned!

  5. I got : You’re the Huddling for Warmth Trope.

    “I’m getting warm and cozy vibes from you, and I feel like you also know the best ways to relax and indulge.”


    My fave fanfic is Clexa fanfic even though I never watched the actual show, or perhaps for that very reason.

    And I too approve of your airplane wifi purchase Kayla, it’s amazing how airline travel will sharpen your needs to a visceral extreme.

    • Sounds about right!: “You’re hot! You’re cold! Is there any Gemini in your chart by chance? When executed well, hurt/comfort is one of my favorite tropes, and therefore I feel a kinship with you dear quiz taker. I feel like you know all about balance in life and are a creative person. Also, you’re hot.” And thank you.🔥😘

  6. Crossover fic. Chaos! No rules! Is this because I picked a meet-cute at a dog park but my favourite animal is a cat?

  7. I never bought wifi on an airplane, but I definitely printed out a gazillion paper pages to read on my flight back home at least once (back before smartphones and the like). I’m friends to lovers, which tracks. And my partner is a crossover fic—absolute chaos.

  8. Got enemies to lovers, would have been a perfect answer for high school me, as I had a tendency to attract both nemeses and (more friendly) rivals at the time so there was always the chance. Sadly as an adult my life is quite drama free, so I guess I shall remain single.

  9. I got hurt/comfort twice, a trope I don’t actually think much about, but doesn’t seem the worst to embody? When it comes to reading though I LIVE for a well executed enemies to lovers, hence why I once spent a five hour solo drive with the radio off imagining an immersive Roswell fanfic I never wrote a word of.

  10. Seeing as I am actively reading a slow burn fan fic of 300,000 words and took this quiz during a break, I’d say 1000% spot-on.

  11. i got huddling for warmth and feel so called out… i literally planned out but never had the time or motivation to write a multi chapter historical fiction au where my otp had to do this in their shack on the frozen winter prairie landscape. definitely not projecting at alllllll

  12. As someone who is stupidly crushing on one of her best friends right now, I feel personally attacked that I got the friends to lovers trope.

    But also… Very accurate and actually my favorite trope!

  13. I got Slow Burn… at my one year anniversary with my girlfriend… We got together after almost a decade of friendship and being into each other at different times the whole time. This quiz is too accurate.

  14. I know you cannot include every single meet cute option on a list, but my meet cute with my partner was literally in the comment section of their fanfic, which seems relevant to the topic at hand.

  15. This Taurus was very disappointed that I couldn’t pick Virgo as the sign that I absolutely cannot stay away from!

  16. I got enemies to lovers. Funny thing is, I had to take a crush course of American restaurants, coffee and others via Google in order to answer. I usually just go over certain things by context and today I had to really know what they were.
    Thanks for the cultural enlightenment!

  17. I paused writing my latest friends to lovers fic to take this quiz and got Friends to Lovers goodbye.

  18. I’m a huge fan of the She-Ra reboot on Netflix, so I’m not surprised I got the enemies to lovers trope.

  19. was fully not expecting to get enemies to lovers but ive been marathoning she-ra (again) so maybe thats why?

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  22. I had way more fun than I expected! I got ‘Angsty Social Outcast’ and while it’s not entirely accurate, I can see why the quiz thought I’d fit the trope. Great job on the quiz, it was a fun read!

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