No Filter: Niecy Nash, There Has Never Been a Better Halloween Costume, Not Ever, It Is Perfect!

It is that time of week, that time where I round up all the best queer Instagrams for your own viewing pleasure. This week is an absolute bonanza, let’s get involved!

The specific positioning of Sara’s eyebrow here is like, made to fully undo me?

This is a very sweet lil picture and also Gillian’s go-to selfie pose has such inspirational Mommi energy??

Why is it that every single time I see a famous person with dyed hair I start thinking I should dye my hair? Is this celebrity influence at its most powerful? In this essay I will…

Has there ever been a clearer, more perfectly distilled image of Femme4Butch energy?? Ever?

*Cue Wildest Dreams*

I am pretty sure Quinn and King Princess are doing just, like, nonspecific old costume here, but as I am elderly, it’s very possible I am missing a reference. But! I scoured the comments and the youth seemed as puzzled as I!

A throwback from Trace is worth a thousand words, and also why have I never been Cruella??? (Because I am lazy.)

I mean this in the best way but this is giving me “basement rave” vibes.

Not to sound too over-the-top or anything but skull makeup is simply top among, and I would frankly die for these neon skulls!

I have not worn a dress in YEARS and I want this one, like, very badly? It’s like wearing a piece of the damn sky!

But like… come on that is cool as SHIT!

Okay, this I love, the Dr. Jekyll especially is so good?? The Hyde is SCARY, which is a part of Halloween celebs tend to ignore in favor of looking hot and like, look, I cannot blame them, I do the same damn thing. But leaning into the horror is fun!

See now this one is good, but it’s just like… okay so you got Grinch makeup done. The Jekyll and Hyde allows for some more creative interpretation I feel? There is only one way to be the Grinch, and if you have money I feel I am less inclined to be impressed? I wanna see creativity here! Wooah, who invited the media critic???

This is the kind of creative energy I am talking about!!!

If I ever had some sort of religion or cult in my name, my first and possibly only tenet would be: Commit to the bit.

No this is not a drill we have a ding dang baby as pumpkin, I repeat, baby as a pumpkin.

Incredible! Weird and specific and frankly just perfect to behold.

….between this image and the caption I feel like I don’t have to add a ton here? Like it’s gilding the lily, let’s be honest.

There has never been a better Halloween costume, not once, not ever, it is perfect! I will admit that I would have loved to see the infamous “texting on an excel spreadsheet on your phone” moment captured here but, still! Perfect!

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Christina Tucker

Christina Tucker is writer and podcaster living in Philadelphia. Find her on Twitter or Instagram!

Christina has written 323 articles for us.


  1. Sleeveless tux sparkle midnight ombré dress?! 🤩

    Koala and tree couple costume!! 🥺

    My queer heart.

  2. Did I really get so hung up on Sara that I missed Niecy’s costu—oh, there were *two* odes to Sara’s pits this week.

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