The Comment Awards Are Trick-Or-Treating in the Void

Comment Awards Halloween

Happy almost-Halloween, my dear ghouls! As you can see from the pumpkin hat, we’re celebrating in style. And it’s also AMA Day! If you haven’t signed up for A+ yet, today is a GREAT day to do it, you can ask the staff all of your most pressing questions! Personally, I would like to know how they all ended up with such amazing hair.

This week, Kayla was announced as new Managing Editor! This is SO exciting!

Speaking of Kayla, have you been reading Wild Cravings?

Curious about your deepest fear? Nicole’s got the quiz for you! (I do not need a quiz to know that my deepest fears are manipulative people and also many tiny holes in things, which makes me ITCH just thinking about it.)

Sally always swoops in with the commentary we need, and she’s here again this week to help us process Jojo Siwa’s tenure on Dancing With the Stars!

9 Holes in My Haunted House, Ranked by Lesbianism. Lol, holes. (The DIY portion of this was unexpectedly soothing, thank you Nicole!)

“All we can do is take care of our animal bodies.” I loved this piece by A’liya so much!!

Finally, Scenes From a Gender really is the gift that keeps on giving.

And then there were your comments!

On Notes for a Queer Homemaker: Spells and Potions:

The It Girl Award to shamblebot:

White vinegar is absolutely that girl! Hot tip I learned recently is that soaking a wool sweater in some vinegar and cold water, then using conditioner will soften it up and stop it from itching so much.

On Welcome Our New Managing Editor, Kayla Kumari Upadhyaya!

The VIE (Very Important Energy) Award to Manzanita:

Congratulations!! Also, tommy bahama mommi! Omg please bring this valuable perspective

On Wild Cravings: Memory Soup:

The Vegan Dream Award to Andi:

I have A Soup too. Well, not a soup, it was rather a vegan biscuits and gravy dish from a vaguely remembered neighborhood in a city I actually live in now, but was a total stranger to then. Maybe someday I’ll also figure out if it was real.

On QUIZ: What’s Your Greatest Fear?

The My Void, My Self Award to himani and Freddie:

So, a while back Ro’s quiz told me my gender is the void. Now Nicole’s quiz is saying that my greatest fear is the call of the void. There’s clearly something for me to sort through there 🤔 🤣

On 9 Holes in My Haunted House, Ranked by Lesbianism:

The On Topic Award to Rosehips:

I need to know more about your house and its secrets (it is haunted, right???) just like folks need to donate to the fundraiser.

On It’s Time to Process Every JoJo Siwa Routine on “Dancing With the Stars”:

The Activity Partners Award to Caitlin and Yasmin:

this has inspired me to look up ‘ballroom dancing class cheap near me’ in an effort to be the butch prince charming i wish to see in the world

On How To Choose A Halloween Costume:

The Surprise! Award to KatieRainyDay:

I opened this expecting a costume ideas roundup and got blindsided in the best way. An incredible piece.

See a comment that needs to be here? Let me know! Tag me [at] queergirl.

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Darcy, a.k.a. Queer Girl, is your number one fan. They're a fat feminist from California who doodles hearts in the corners of their Gay Agenda. They're living through a pandemic, they're on Twitter, and they think you should drink more water! They also wanna make you laugh.

Darcy has written 376 articles for us.


  1. Happy almost-halloween, hallows, Samhein, other harvest festival of your choosing, or happy Beltane and spring festivals to the southern hemisphere!

    Thank you for the comment award, I feel honored. And I’d love to do a dance with Caitlin, because butch prince charming on the dance floor makes me very happy.

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