The Comment Awards Are Waking Up In Villanelle’s Lair

A small, brown and white dog peeking over their laptop screen, with a caption that says "Hey did you see that comment?!"

Hi, loves! I hope you’re taking all of the rest you deserve this week.

This week, Atypical‘s Casey and Izzy got a happy ending!

Missing One, Mississippi? Check out Tig’s new animated show, Drawn.

Natalie’s here to introduce us to the 13 out gay basketball players of the Olympics!

A Playlist For My Celebrity Crush: Jennifer Lopez. I bet you can guess who wrote this.

For Spaces and Places, Heather wrote about making accessibility feel like home.

Abeni answered someone who isn’t sure if they’re non-binary.

All of the love — ALL OF IT! — to Simone Biles and Naomi Osaka. Today and every day.

Well, this is perfect, even if my result was terrifying! Which Iconic Queer TV Space Are You?

And Foolish Child celebrated 100 episodes (er, comics!) How long until syndication???

And then there were your comments!

On Meet The 13 Gay Women Basketball Players of the Tokyo Summer Olympics:

The Threesome Award to Vita:

3×3 basketball is my new favorite sport for ADHD gays. So fast! So bite-size! So easy to form emotional attachments to players when there’s only four of them! I hope they’ll keep playing it because I am too damn busy to follow full-length sports with any seriousness but I love adding 20 minutes of gay excellence (including ads) to my day.

On Where To Find Original Wall Art That Fits Your Style and Budget:

The Tip Top Award to Sally:

Love this topic! For irl places, if you live in/visit somewhere with art schools, look up when degree shows are on as there is often good student art to be had! Also possibly obviously, art museum/gallery gift shops?? I feel like in recent years many have upped their game in terms of not just having shitty prints of famous paintings that aren’t even in that museum. Finally, cannot recommend enough the tip (aka the dump). Most in the UK have an area where they’ll sell salvaged stuff on the cheap. This is where I got my most favourite art piece ever, a slightly water-damaged photo of an abandoned kebab van. Finally finally: befriend/marry artists.

On Making Accessibility Part of My Home:

The Oops, I Did It Again Award to dragonsnap:

welp, I really thought I was going to emerge from this article unscathed by the Heather Hogan Will Make You Cry (Every Time) Because She Is As Good A Person As She Is A Writer, Which Is To Say, Very Very Very Good effect. but then I got to the last line and all hope of not tearing up at this bus stop went out the window. thanks for this beautiful piece ❤️

On You Need Help: How Do I Know If I’m Really Non-Binary?

The Healthy Reminder Award to Ariadne:

You also don’t have to dress androgynous to be non-binary! Which is explicitly implied, but I find I’ve internalized enough that it’s always worth a reminder.

On Which Iconic Queer TV Space Are You?

The Once a Jenny, Always a Jenny Award to Sam:

I got Jenny Schecter *AGAIN* And I didn’t even choose any sex (or organ) responses?

On No Filter: We’re Thrilled to See That Evan Rachel Wood Is Back on Public IG!

The Journeys Award to Cleo:

Christina! You’re so good at this column. The pacing is amazing – every week is like a little emotional journey. And I was not expecting to end with Laverne Cox and that “loving yourself energy!

And on Lez Liberty Lit Has Simply Had Enough of Drowning:

The Consider the Source Award to Siona:

nobody likes ebooks

See a comment that needs to be here? Let me know! Tag me [at] queergirl.

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Darcy, a.k.a. Queer Girl, is your number one fan. They're a fat feminist from California who doodles hearts in the corners of their Gay Agenda. They're living through a pandemic, they're on Twitter, and they think you should drink more water! They also wanna make you laugh.

Darcy has written 376 articles for us.


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