This Weekend Only! We’re Bringing Back the A+ Members Discord Server!

Every time an A+ member asks for something, Autostraddle A+ and Fundraising Director Nicole really truly tries to figure out a way to make it happen. And when lots of A+ members ask for the same thing, well — nothing’s going to stop them from finding a way to make that group of people happy! And lo, it was, on Valentine’s Day 2021 that Nicole decided to trial run an A+ Members Only Discord Server. “Maybe a couple dozen people will hang out,” they said. “We’ll try it. It’ll be fun.” AND THEN ALMOST 500 PEOPLE SHOWED UP! And it was a hoot! New friendships formed, flirting occurred, craft tips were exchanged, pet photos were shared, new channels were created, and people even spun-off their own Discords after meeting up with other A+ members who shared their same interests. (Three entire Thirsty Sword Lesbian groups got together!)

So now, on this very weekend, we’re opening the A+ Members Discord Server again! Who knows what will happen! Tarot readings! Book clubs! Impromptu skillshare workshops! Lessons for elders about how to use TikTok! More pet photos!

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The Important Stuff

Time: 9am PST Saturday March 6 – 8pm PST Sunday March 7
Login Instructions: Login instructions will be posted on at 9am PST on Saturday in an A+ only post. I’ll also email them out to you later in the day in the A+ E-news.

Not an A+ member but interested in this event and more A+ stuff? Want to access bonus content and get perks all while feeling the satisfaction that can only come from supporting independent queer media? A+ starts at just $4 / month if you want to join today AND every new A+ membership counts toward our current fundraising goal!

Join A+

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Some questions you might have:

Q: What if I don’t know how to use Discord?
A: Don’t worry, neither did any of us, but we learned really quickly and everyone was super patient and helpful! Just download it on your phone, create an account, and hang tight for the link.

Q: Who will be modding?
A: It’s Nicole!  They’re asking anyone who joins to abide by a code of conduct that is rooted in mutual respect and to just be our best selves on here. But yes, they’ll be around to help!

Q: Can I join the server if I’m under 18?
A: Sorry, but for the time being, no you cannot! This server is for individuals who are 18 years of age or older, only because there is a dating component involved and we want to prioritize safety here. Thank you for understanding.

Got questions? Leave ’em in the comments and someone will be along shortly to answer you!

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Support Independent Queer Media

We’re raising funds to make it through the end of July. 99% of the people who read this site don’t support. Will you be one of the ones who do? Joining A+ is one of the best ways to support Autostraddle — plus you get access to bonus content while keeping the site 99% free for everyone. Will you join today?

Support Autostraddle

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

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Heather Hogan

Heather Hogan is an Autostraddle senior editor who lives in New York City with her wife, Stacy, and their cackle of rescued pets. She's a member of the Television Critics Association, GALECA: The Society of LGBTQ Entertainment Critics, and a Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer critic. You can also find her on Twitter and Instagram.

Heather has written 1718 articles for us.


  1. I’m now on five Discord servers that I wasn’t on before that first weekend (four of which exist as a result of it). My Discord server icon list is now a wall of rainbow colors and I’ve had more queer community in the past couple weeks than my stunned but delighted brain knows what to do with. Thank you again to all the AS staff who put the first one together, it’s been the gift that keeps on giving. (And Heather, I believe it’s now _four_ Thirsty Sword Lesbian groups, with many thanks to @snowfell for running them all.)

    • One of them pre-dated the A+ server, but yes, a huge round of applause for our TSL GM superstar 🙌

      • oh gosh, I am blushing
        I hope anyone else who was interested in Thirsty Sword Lesbians will drop by this weekend and check it out! I have to run two of the groups on Saturday, and the other two on Sunday, so I’ll be a bit busy – but I’ll try to jump on the AS server when I can!

  2. The only burning question I have is if Heather is planning to open up her AC island for visitors again, because I missed it the last time and I was SO SAD. I had a gift all ready to bring and everything!

    (But only if your long-covid symptoms will allow you to manage it of course <3)

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