Pop Culture Fix: Batwoman Batwoman Batwoman Batwoman Batwoman

Last week Stacy and I got a tiny house washing machine for our little NYC space and it has been a TOTAL GAME CHANGER! We should have ordered it at the beginning of the pandemic! It will wash ten t-shirts at a time, or two jeans, or four towels, or all the TomboxX underwears you own! I also obviously ordered a laundry basket that’s cat riding bikes on top of rainbows but my actual cats have taken possession of that. Anyhoodle, here’s your Monday Pop Culture Fix.

+ Roxane Gay profiled Tessa Thompson for Town and Country, oh yes she did!

+ Javicia Leslie wants Stacey Abrams to appear in the new season of Batwoman, and so our TV Team has decided she should take over for Rachel Maddow for the voiceovers! (Maddow’s gonna have her hands full when the Trump fam starts going to trial anyway!)

+ Javicia Leslie ALSO wants a “super Black” Arrowverse crossover. Can this woman just have what she wants???

+ And also! A post-mortem with Javicia Leslie and Caroline Dries on the first ep!

+ Katherine Waterston and Vanessa Kirby have a fiery frontier romance in The World to Come.

+ Star Trek: Discovery‘s Mary Wiseman confirms she’s “queer and proud.” 

+ Just four minutes of Jane Krakowski and Drew Barrymore shamelessly flirting.

+ Coronation Street star Kimberly Hart-Simpson comes out as pansexual.

+ How Princess Zelda helped this gamer embrace her bisexuality.

+ The search for the elusive queer parent in gaming.

+ There’s a handful of queers among this year’s Critic’s Choice nominees.

+ When Sex and the City returns, will it finally get queer people right?

+ Nicola Coughlan’s been making waves as Penelope Featherington in Bridgerton, but let us not forget she’s also Clare the wee lesbian from Derry Girls. (She is also so funny on the GBBO Derry Girls Xmas special.)

+ The original Last Airbender cast is unimpressed with the live-action reboot.


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Heather Hogan

Heather Hogan is an Autostraddle senior editor who lives in New York City with her wife, Stacy, and their cackle of rescued pets. She's a member of the Television Critics Association, GALECA: The Society of LGBTQ Entertainment Critics, and a Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer critic. You can also find her on Twitter and Instagram.

Heather has written 1718 articles for us.


  1. I wish I liked period pieces because that seems to be every queer lady movie for the past several years. Can we get some modern-day films? Or at least something set in the last 50 years? I’d be thrilled to watch an 80s punk love story or 90s valley girls or early 2000s flirting on AIM.

    • I occasionally love a good period piece, but, god, YES to this. Lesbians sometimes have fun too!! Who knew!

    • “It’s just before Thanksgiving, and Thompson is at home in Los Angeles, beautiful as ever, sitting in a chair with a knee pulled to her chest.”

      So, bisexually

      • God dangit sorry I replied by accident. Apologies for the derailment and +1 to your argument, less bodice-ripping and more fast cars

  2. How did that Zelda BOTW bisexual article fail to mention the undeniable chemistry/tension between Urbosa and Zelda?!!

  3. i’m sorry, i think i blacked when you said sth about Javicia Leslie and Stacy Abrams occuring in the same place. i may not be strong enough…

  4. Vanessa Kirby’s voice makes me feel things, so on the one hand: yes ok. But that trailer sure makes it look like it’s gonna be all “forbidden love” and “tragedy” and “oh noes two womenses!” and maybe some abuse and no happy ending … eh why do I need to watch that. Let Kirby do a spinoff of that thing with Statham and The Rock where she’s the main star and Waterston’s her fellow agent or her rival or whatever and they can smolder while they save the world in a ridiculously over-the-top action plot or whatever. Helicopters, explosions, shenanigans leaping Jeeps between buildings: if Statham and The Rock can have that silliness, why can’t Kirby and Waterston?

  5. “It’s just before Thanksgiving, and Thompson is at home in Los Angeles, beautiful as ever, sitting in a chair with a knee pulled to her chest.”

    So, bisexually

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