Grease Bats: Doom Scrolling

So, no one told you life was gonna be this gay! Welcome to Grease Bats, an on-going monthly comic, created by Archie Bongiovanni!

You can now read Grease Bats offline, in the physical world!! Snag a copy for you and a pal.

In a five panel hand drawn black-and-white comic, Scout is up at three in the morning furiously scrolling through Twitter because they cannot stop — even though they know it is bad for them. Ari asks them if they are ok to be going back on Twitter, and they are NOT. But, what's the alternative?

Ari encourages Scout to sleep, but their anxiety is too high. Once Ari also notes their own anxiety — in a long winded monologue, no less! — Scout asks if they'd rather just stay up and dissociate and watch anime instead. Of course, Ari is in.

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I'm a cartoonist living in Minneapolis. Co-Author and artist of A Quick And Easy Guide To They/Them Pronouns. Author of Grease Bats, coming out Fall 2019 with Boom! Studios! If I'm not working I'm socializing. If I'm not out with friends I'm drawing. If I'm not doing any of those things I'm probably depressed. Support me using Patreon.

Archie has written 117 articles for us.


  1. Going to admit that sometimes I spend way too much time cycling between a dozen websites reading different takes about what’s going on during times of “too much news, not enough details”. Though it’s more like I lose track of time than I have difficulty sleeping.

  2. It’s 1am, my girlfriend’s asleep, and I’m feeeeling itttttt~~~~ (Also, I’m really enjoying this new (digital?) lineart style!!!)

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