The Comment Awards Are Really, Really Spooked!

Comment Awards Halloween

Hi there, loves of my life! Halloween is tomorrow and the US Presidential election is next week; truly, I cannot imagine a more terrifying Spooky Season than this one, here in 2020. All I can say is, I’m so glad we’re here together, and:

Image of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, holding a pager and saying "if the apocalypse comes, beep me."

Apparently when I’m utterly terrified, I get glib! What can I say!

This week, for our spooky pleasure, Dani Janae rated ghoulies, monsters and villains on a scale of zero to sexy.

The team talked about why and how they like to enjoy their scary movies and shows.

Here’s something that’s not scary at all — underwear!

Heather matched the signs of the Zodiac with their cartoon characters, despite knowing very little about the Zodiac. Now I need to watch Adventure Time!

Bound was so incredibly important to me when I was coming out; here is Drew’s really gorgeous read on it.

Dani Janae and Shelli Nicole had a conversation about the new scary movie Bad Hair.

Feeling a Harry Potter-shaped hole in your heart? Casey’s here to fill it. 

And then there were your comments!

On Rating Villains, Monsters, and Cryptids on a Scale of Sexiness:

The Nice Award to shamblebot:

I rate this article a 69/69

On Covering Our Butts: Let’s Talk About Underwear:

The Game Plan Award to Annie:

Vanessa you are my hero! As someone who also has a finniky vagina I can’t beleive that the ‘pop into the bathroom and change into sexy lingerie’ has never occurred to me! You continue to be a legend ✨

On Characters From Gay Cartoons as Zodiac Signs (by Someone Who Only Knows Astrology From Instagram Memes):

The Claws Out Award to Jamie and Gemma:

Well I can’t speak to any of the others but I’m a Scorpio and feel very called out by this. (It’s actually doubly accurate because Catra’s canon birthday is October 28th!)

And the Net Zero Award to Sally:

So relieved there is finally content targeted at my level of astrology knowledge, which is absolutely zero.

On “Bound” Is a Trans Classic:

The Unbound Award to Snow:

This movie so upset my ex girlfriend and her hopes for a heteronormative relationship with me that she threw out my Bound VHS. And then my Bound DVD. Because even she could pick up on how fucking trans this movie is, and how much I wanted to be part of this kind of narrative, and it scared the crap out of her. I transitioned anyway and we broke up. Yay!

And the Transcendent Award to Rylee Miller:

Hey… good points… I did note in my viewing that when Caesar examines the airline ticket and the camera leads you to look to the left when he peers through the bullet hole, you can instead look to the right and read the airline name, “Trans-Global”. There’s your trans Easter egg… That is all…

On You Need Help: I Never Imagined I’d Live Past 20. Now What?

The Set Your Clocks to Queer Time Award to S:

I just wanna tell the letter writer that you’re not alone in feeling this way. I’ve been there, and sometimes still feel distant or like I’m not on the right track personal growth wise or professionally. I like the answer, there’s no “right timing.

And on Also.Also.Also: Did You Know This Gay Ass Oreo Commercial Was Gonna Make You Cry Today?

The Money Where Their Mouth Is Award to Lavendula:

Based on these comments– can we get Oreo to sponsor autostraddle? Clearly we are an attentive market- will buy

See a comment that needs to be here? Tag me [at] queergirl!

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Darcy, a.k.a. Queer Girl, is your number one fan. They're a fat feminist from California who doodles hearts in the corners of their Gay Agenda. They're living through a pandemic, they're on Twitter, and they think you should drink more water! They also wanna make you laugh.

Darcy has written 376 articles for us.


    • That particular one did not make me cry, but something else silly and a bit embarrassing on Twitter did today! These are high crying times!

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