S L I C K: The Cunt

S L I C K is an erotica series for A+ members about titillation, torture, fucking and getting off.

Powdered hemp cutting into soft, bruised flesh. Jax tries to hook a finger between rope and skin and finds there isn’t room. It excites them, knowing that she’s grown since last time. With a sigh they press their face against the shelf of her ass where it dimples against her back and inhale her smell — milk and lilacs, and beneath it the faint musk of sweat from her walk over. Her inner thighs are slippery with sweat. They savor the way she tenses when they touch her there, trailing a finger from the dimple of her knee up and around the leg to the slick, fragile skin in the hollow of her thigh where it meets her pelvis. Inches from her ...

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Gretchen Felker-Martin

Gretchen has written 2 articles for us.