Grease Bats: Gratitude

Welcome to Saturday Morning Cartoons, a segment where artists take turns delighting you with their whimsy, facts and punchlines on Saturday mornings! Grease Bats, today’s comic, is created by Archie!

Guess what! Archie’s five-year collection of Grease Bats is now a book you can hold IN THE PHYSICAL WORLD, with your HANDS, that you can read OFFLINE, that you can TUCK UNDER YOUR BED AT NIGHT! Snag a copy for you and a pal!

Panel 1: Ari and Gwen are both wearing masks. Gwen is midsentence: "...the birds, flowers, you and all our friends, champagne, W.A.P. and my magic wand!" Panel 2: Gwen: "And THAT concludes my gratitude list!" Panel 3: Gwen: "Ok, Ari... now it's your turn!" Panel 4: Ari: "Me? Grateful? Okay. Um... uh.." Panel 5: Ari: "I'm grateful I only cried for two hours today instead of my normal four-to-six." Gwen: "Ari!!"
Panel 1: Gwen: "I KNEW you were depressed! That's why I made us take this walk - so you could appreciate the SUN!" Panel 2: Ari: "Okay... first of all, the entire world is in a collective depression right now. Of COURSE I'm depressed." Panel 3: Gwen: "WHAT'S THE POINT OF PODDING IF I CAN'T FIX YOUR UNHAPPINESS!?" Panel 4: Ari: "Oof, pal. This isn't new for me. You're going to have to accept you can't cure this." Panel 5: Ari: "Although you ARE curing me of my Vitamin D deficiency! I'm grateful for that!" Gwen: I'm adding you being grateful for Vitamin D to my gratitude list!"

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I'm a cartoonist living in Minneapolis. Co-Author and artist of A Quick And Easy Guide To They/Them Pronouns. Author of Grease Bats, coming out Fall 2019 with Boom! Studios! If I'm not working I'm socializing. If I'm not out with friends I'm drawing. If I'm not doing any of those things I'm probably depressed. Support me using Patreon.

Archie has written 117 articles for us.


  1. Archie I cannot even tell you how perfectly timed this was for me or how grateful I am to have read it. Thank you.

  2. I just showed this to my partner who said, “Why does this feel like us?”

    Thank you Archie for weaving together depression, gratitude, and humor into one comic. So appreciated.

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