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I am a queer coparenting mama to Dickens Jr. Doodler by day, 911 dispatcher by night. All my favorite shows look better on Tumblr. I am two years and 450K words deep into constructing a fanfic called Ages and I'm never giving up on it. Bering & Wells.
Alana has written 123 articles for us.
Great comic as always!
Just wanted to add that I also have seen Karen being used for people who habe and express a certain sense of entitlement that is often linked to them being well off and it has in some instances transcended race and sex eventhough cis white women are still most commonly the person you picture when you hear the word Karen.
I present to you lesbo Karening .
I present to you lesbian Karenning:
This is the quality content the internet needs. I can always find it here.