Pop Culture Fix: The L Word’s Back and Everyone Sure Does Have an Opinion About It
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Heather Hogan
Heather Hogan is an Autostraddle senior editor who lives in New York City with her wife, Stacy, and their cackle of rescued pets. She's a member of the Television Critics Association, GALECA: The Society of LGBTQ Entertainment Critics, and a Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer critic. You can also find her on Twitter and Instagram.
Heather has written 1718 articles for us.
Was Wonder Woman on a date with the blonde?
Am I the only one of that impression?
Nope, I thought the same, and wondered if they made Kristen Wiig look like Yorkie from San Junipero on purpose
I must admit that I did kind of like the Steve guy up to this particular moment. Damn.
How many times to I need to watch the Wonder Woman trailer to be able to time-travel to summer 2020? Because otherwise I’m not sure I can wait a whole 6ish months for the film to come out.
Depends which time zone you’re in, but try 102844 times from the time I write this comment and you should be close to Summer 2020
In The Heights!!!!!! I’m so excited.
The article about lesbian imagery was interesting. I think I remember reading somewhere, that Curt Cobain was very influenced in his style by his (or Courtney’s?) lesbian, flannel-wearing friends.
The Vulture article with Kate Moennig was so good and surprisingly open? For the fact that Kate was always so private and closed, this was very refreshingly honest and very interesting. I never knew she wasn’t out when they started the L word back then – I mean, well, I knew she wasn’t public out but I thought she was out for herself earlier than that.
Whoops that wasn’t supposed to be an answer to this comment – sorry!
No problem! I also only recently found out about Kate Moenning discovering herself through the L word. Good for her!
The hotline that was shit down. An appropriate typo!
Also, there are so many articles in this post I want to read. Where to begin!
I fucking love Shonda Rhimes. She’s one of my dream Autostraddle interviews.
The Vulture article with Kate Moennig was Great