Hi, loves! How are things going for you this week? This is about that time in January where I start questioning whether I can actually meet any of the goals I laid out so optimistically in my Passion Planner just a couple of short weeks ago. I’m scared to actually open it up and look at it again, actually. Are any of you sticking with your goals? How’s that going? Do I have to hide M&Ms between the pages? What’s your secret?
This week, Riese gave us a true gift: 31 Iconic “L Word” Outfits, Ranked By Incandescence.
Cameron is moving on from sadness.
KaeLyn’s got tips for lobbying your elected officials!
The team reflected on what it was like to be 19. God, were we ever so young?
Heather took the #TenYearChallenge to the best and gayest possible place.
This broke me in two, but it was such an astounding telling of a story so full of love and care. If you can handle it, I don’t think you should miss reading it:Â The Might-Have-Been.
Rachel wrote up this handy guide to what our choice of Gillian Anderson characters to crush on mean about our personalities, and also helped me out when I was confused as to whether Gillian Anderson was British or American — TURNS OUT SHE IS BOTH, and both of her accents are real, and the character I most have a crush on is GILLIAN ANDERSON HERSELF.
This week’s Foolish Child made me laugh out loud.
And then there were your comments.
On 31 Iconic “L Word” Outfits, Ranked By Incandescence:
The Highest High Award to Molly Priddy:
And the More Switches More Problems Award to Hannah:
On Monday Roundtable: Reflections on Being 19 From 2019:
The It Gets Better Award to Carmen SanDiego:
On The 8 Most Asked You Need Help Questions, Answered:
The I in Ruin Award to Molly Priddy and Chandra:
The XXX Files Award to deleted_account:
On #10YearChallenge: 2009 vs. 2019 LGBTQ TV:
The Family Glow Up Award to Caitlin:
On Grindr-Backed LGBT Publication “INTO” Forced To Grind to a Halt:
The Put A Ring On It Award to muffin:
(Oh, hey! Are you an A+ Member? You can become one, and support all of the work AS does for us, for just $4/month!)
And on Here’s What the Gillian Anderson Character You’re Most Attracted to Says About You:
And the Sheer Madness Award to Jeanna:
See a comment that needs to be here? E-mail me! Queergirlblogs [at] gmail.com.
I’m still flossing my teeth regularly but the eating more fruits and veggies resolution isn’t going so well…
Yay, my nominated got an award! \0/
I don’t have a resolution as such, but my working on change has extended to agreeing two new meds this week for different things and I bought a book about how to cut your cholesterol today that isn’t a diet/recipe/cookbook.
Great job Andi! I hope the new meds work out well!
Hiiii QG thank you for highlighting the need for us all to be ruined by HH, Scully and the XXX files and problematic switches.
My resolution/ word for 2019 is respect and I CAN’T BELIEVE HOW WELL IT’S BEEN AFFIRMED ALREADY!
Seriously, I feel like I just plunged straight into manifesting an entirely different year, and I am so damn happy about it.
I believe in you, QG. You know what I think you should do? I think you should open that passion planner and scrawl I LOVE YOU in giant letters in it, and that way every time you check it, you can be reminded <3
Excellent advice Snaelle
I fell out of my journaling habit a year and a half ago, but even more a few months ago, so I settled on doing it once a week to help me even sorta keep on track with it. If I can open it up and write once a week, I’m doing great! And having it be at the same time and part of another set routine helps a lot, so I journal every Wednesday night when my favorite radio show is on.
ooh what’s your favorite radio show?
Thank you Autostraddle! And I would also like to thank my parents (as you do at such moments) who have absolutely no idea what I do on the internet. This is my second biggest life achievement after winning the first comment award a couples of months ago. I owe it to Gillian Anderson, the second light of my life after Katie McGrath who helped me to win for the first time. Simple as that – women make us (also women) try our best.
Oh and special thanks to Andi!
Women are the best!
How on earth did I miss that L Word outfit ranking?!
Ok, I just read it, and my main takeaways are: A. Thank god the late 90s/early 00s are over, and B. Why does Shane always look like she wants to punch my dad?
Good commenting all.
My resolutions are all going swimmingly, and there are so many joy sparks flying around that the flat is at serious risk of burning down with me in it, so apologies in advance if I never comment again.
*insert mash-up of Marie Kondo and the ‘this is fine’ dog cartoon here*