Feature image of Aviva Romelli and Selphie Labrys’s Crash Pad Series episode 216. All of the photographs in this NSFW Sunday are from the Crash Pad. The inclusion of a visual here should not be interpreted as an assertion of the model’s gender identity or sexual orientation. If you’re a photographer or model and think your work would be a good fit for NSFW Sunday, please email carolyn at autostraddle dot com.
Welcome to NSFW Sunday!

Cinnamon and Cicatriz in Crash Pad Series episode 169
The internet is obsessed with pubic hair this week and I’m not sure what’s going on but I bet saying lesbian pubic hair a few times is good for SEO! Here’s what pubic hair is for. Here’s how to shave your vagina, except the author really means “pubic region” because shaving a literal vagina would be a medical procedure and ouch. (Some of the tips are vulva-specific; many are not.) Here’s what it’s like to get waxed for the first time and what it’s like to do it just for you rather than with partners in mind. Here’s how to deal with ingrown hairs. Fur Oil, basically a fancy pube oil, is secretly pretty great and here’s what six women think of it. Here’s how to grow out your pubic hair. RIP vajazzling.

Odile and Daisy Ducati in Crash Pad Series episode 160
“Women over 30 are leaving their husbands and boyfriends for other women.” At InStyle, Nina St. Pierre writes:
“Dr. Sheryl Kingsberg, a professor and division chief of behavioral medicine in the OB/GYN unit at University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, tells me that in her clinical work, she’s seen straight cis women like me experiencing sudden same-sex attraction. “I have seen a mild increase in my own practice of women in their 30s over the last decade,” says Kingsberg. They’d been happy with men all their lives. Maybe they’d married, many already had children. And at some point in their 30s or 40s, a switch just flipped.”

Chocolate Chip and Nikki Darling in Crash Pad Series episode 152
Capitalism is ruining your sex life.
Here are a few sexts to try sending later.
Here’s how to actually get over a breakup. Consider: “Give yourself time to grieve the loss. Some people claim it takes half the time the relationship lasted to get over it, others say it takes a week for every month you were together. Ignore them. Every person is different, as is every story, and your healing time is your own.”
Millennials aren’t having very much sex. Add it to the list of things we’ve ruined.
Threesomes are more common in fantasy than in reality. Here’s how to have one just in case.
You can become more dominant in bed if you want.

Leigh Raven and Nikki Hearts in Crash Pad Series episode 217
me: “a few sexts to send later.. hmm let’s see, there’s probably like 5 examples or something… Holy shit 1 of 55??” ?
thanks Carolyn for the link!
The Atlantic article on people having less sex including starting at later ages was fascinating! Thanks for sharing!
Stellar articles, thanks Carolyn !
Lots to think about.
“How do I shave my pubes”, that is an awesome PSA.
Awesome links but isn’t it wild that the whole article on ppl having good sex and fulfilling relationships with men and then with women mentions the word bisexual just one time in passing?
Probably this could be one bad conclusion of that Atlantic article, but what could be the result of a worlwide society that encourages isolation and alienation while using tools that give a false sense of “connexion”?