NSFW Sunday: Lust, Ambition, Power, Lesbian Sex Prevail


We don’t really know how we missed this monumental moment in lesbian nudity, but apparently “2010 has its first hot lesbian sex scene,” as performed by Heather Graham and Jaime Winstone in Boogie Woogie, which just debuted at the Tribeca Film Festival: “Based on the novel of the same title, Boogie Woogie is a wicked satire set against the backdrop of the contemporary London art scene where lust, ambition and power prevail while success and failure precariously balance on a knife edge.” It premiered in the UK last year but the U.S. release was April 16th.

You can see more of Heather Graham getting felt up by Jaime Winstone at fleshbot. The movie also features Amanda Seyfried, because she’s in every movie that comes out now it’s like automatic, and Gillian Anderson, who you maybe have a crush on.

Here’s how The New York Times feels about it: “Only one of the dozen or so characters in “Boogie Woogie,” Duncan Ward’s beyond-nasty art-world satire, has the semblance of a soul. He is Dewey (Alan Cumming), a gay London gadabout and the best friend and promoter of Elaine (Jaime Winstone), an artistic exhibitionist whose would-be chef-d’oeuvre is a video diary of her ravenous sex life. That diary focuses on her lesbian encounters with women she stalks and surreptitiously records during their steamy couplings. Some might call it pornography.” Not that there’s anything wrong with that!


Sapphic Romance: Our nightlife photographers capture lots of people kissing. Sometimes they’re both women. And so we present a photo tribute to the lovely ladies who make waiting in those long bar lines worth every minute. (@village voice)


According to a survey conducted of 400 students, 1 in 5 men had engaged in homosexual sex. This is probs the first survey of its kind where men are more experimental than women, and might be a result of the self-selected population surveyed:

A greater proportion of men placed themselves at either extreme of sexual orientation. Significantly more men than women (14.8 % as opposed to 3.0%) said they considered themselves at all homosexual.

Again, men proved to be more extreme when it came to experimenting with the same sex. While slightly more women said they had kissed other women, twice as many men (31.2%) said they had performed or received oral sex with another man than women said they had had with other women.


Erotica May Save Publishing:

Ever read any black urban erotic chick lit? How about wordy-porn featuring shape-shifting werewolves? No? Surely you must have picked up the S&M re-imagining of Robin Hood? Because it’s masterworks like these that may revitalize publishing.



A bunch of people from the industry have made a PSA about how porn pirating hurts everyone. It’s actually quite well-done, and obviously they are correct.

Hope for these people may be sooner than they think: “Many adult-film producers within the last month have begun employing fingerprinting technology to track online copyright infringement, Cachapero says. A bounty of copyright infringement lawsuits might follow, Cachapero said.”


xdyke! dykes fucking dykes! super nsfw, but relatively tasteful, and consistently homosexy to the max!


72 Sexy Reasons to Boycott Arizona: “On behalf of every smoking hot latina woman we’ve ever featured on COED, we’re joining in on this nationwide boycott. Not convinced yet that this law is outrageous? Well check out our gallery below to find 60 sexy reasons to boycott Arizona.” (@coed)


Carol Queen on What it Means to be Sex-Positive:These days, if you read much about sex or hang out in a sex-friendly community, you’ve likely heard the phrase “sex-positive.” But do you know what it means? I’ve had my ear to the ground and have concluded that for some, it’s confusing.”

[Carnal Nation]


This article from the archives of New York Magazine — their Not Your Mother’s Lesbians cover — is interesting for many reasons, including how tightly it stereotypes the people it talks about:

…in the contemporary young gay women’s world, what you like and what you do and who you do it with are who you are. In “the scene,” the back-and-forth migratory ladies’ pipeline that runs between San Francisco and New York City, sexual practices and preferences are parceled out and labeled like cuts of meat. Within the scene, “lesbian” is an almost empty term, and “identifying” requires a great deal more specificity and reduction, like: “I’m a high femme,” or “I’m a butch top,” or, most recently and frequently, “I’m a boi.”

[Where the Bois Are: New York Magazine] via [On Narcissism: Butches Fucking Butches“]


The The Ten Sexiest Housekeepers of Cinema. (@nerve)


What Car Has The Most Sex-Friendly Backseat? (@jalopnik)

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Riese is the 43-year-old Co-Founder of Autostraddle.com as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3300 articles for us.


  1. Thanks for the link to xdyke. Yet another site for great screen savers that you have located. Boogie Woogie and Eloise’s Lover are both available on On Demand. I watched Eloise’s Lover last week. Cute but sad. Not sad in a girl chooses the boy was but still sad. As for nudity – there is alot including a lot of full frontal for both women. The last sex scene is very hot. Okay movie but definitely worth catching. I plan on seeing Boogie Woogie soon.

  2. my first thought when i saw the picture SEXY TUMBLR ALERT was that she shouldn’t be touching the bottom of the pot like that, it’s probably hot. my second thought was that the picture is hot, in a totally different way.

  3. Sexy Tumblr Alterts are like the gift that keeps on giving. I feel like we should color code these things like national security alerts or something. Because damn. Just damn.

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