Hi there, cats and kittens! I’ve been earnestly listening to a lot of Brandi Carlisle lately, which may mean my lesbianism has leveled up.
This week, Riese continued to bring us the queer lady history that we wish we’d learned in school — this time with couples!
Relevant to your interests: we started off the week with an Masculine of Center Roundtable from the team.
You probably don’t have enough pins.
This is smart and hopeful and I can’t remember the last time an album review made me cry: Well Damn, Kesha’s “Rainbow” Is a Complicated Reclamation of Pride and Strength.
Because she read the room, Laura’s here with some beer and wine popsicles to keep our summers going.
I will take all of these joggers in the curvy sizes, please. Thanks, Nora!
And then there were your comments!
The Kitchen Sphinx Award to Lucia:
On “BUTCH”: Photographer Meg Allen On Her Kickass Documentation of an Evolving Community:
The Knockout Award to Chandra:
On Pop Culture Fix: And No Lesbian Xena Reboot For You, Bye:
The RIP Rous Award to Rous Rose:
On Well Damn, Kesha’s “Rainbow” Is a Complicated Reclamation of Pride and Strength:
The Avatar: The Last Profile Award to Danielle, Not a Robot, and Lex:
On Five Kinds of Jogger Pants for Any Occasion:
The My Brother’s Joggers’ Keeper Award to Isabelle:
On Masculine-of-Center Roundtable: How We Do It and What It Means To Us:
The Surface Tension Award to Shea:
On 26 Triumphantly ’90s Lesbian Book Covers:
The Anti-Oppression Olympics Award to Chandra:
The Brokeback Boomerang Award to Carmen Phillips, Carmen SanDiego, and Nina:
See a funny or amazing comment that needs to be here? E-mail me at queergirlblogs [at] gmail [dot] com! And thanks so much to the three peeps who helped me out this week! :-*
Well done everyone :)
What is everyone’s favourite crisp/chip? Do you like non potato versions?
I like strong flavours like salt & vinegar and prawn cocktail. My favourite of all time was Heinz ketchup flavour but that was a novelty. I like ones made of potatoes obviously but also ones made of peas.
I really don’t like the strong flavored chips/crisps! And my favorite sandwich shop ONLY stocks those, which means I’ve gotten healthier ;-)
I love salt & vinegar, but the US doesn’t do it right. I’m not picky, I’ll eat almost any type of chip/crisp. I prefer the baked versions, though, because they don’t get my fingers greasy.
I’m curious what how the US chips differ from other countries. I love salt and vinegar chips.
England just does it better. I’m not sure how, but it’s different. Maybe slightly less vinegar flavor? My mouth is watering just thinking about it…
Is the lack of malt vinegar?
I like salt & vinegar best. Most other flavours I get tired of after a handful or two. I also really like the ones made out of peas, and the root vegetable ones.
oh gosh but how do you feel about pea protein milk
Ummm. I don’t know? There’s pea protein in the smoothie mix I use though
the correct answer is that pea protein milk is disgusting.
Plain! Hate flavored chips
There’s all kinds of yummy chip flavors out there! BBQ, ranch, sour cream & onion but i think my all time favorite is Lays Biscuits & Gravy. Prefer baked over fried but they don’t make Biscuits & Gravy in baked so oh well. Also sweet potato chips can be great if done right.
Do I win?

No. No you don’t. =p
my old roommate used to buy those and i had a hard time not stealing all of them
saga these are DELICIOUS
I love those. Maybe I should buy some this weekend…
My parents have been getting really into cauliflower chips, and I’m like, “damnit parents I’m the lesbian here yet you insist on stealing vegetarianism from me”
I like Cape Cod kettle chips myself
kettle chips are superior, either in BBQ or plain
Favourite Chips of all time:
I do like parsnip chips with creole mustard for dipping as special treat and regularly stock sea salt and vinegar chips because they are my life blood.
Congrats, everyone, for providing a fabulous title and pull quote for this morning <3 <3
I was resisting the urge to clap for the kitchen Sphinx when I first saw it.
That would be hard to explain to my coworkers
Chandra wins at commenting.
Chandra’s photo was wow
That entire kitchen sphinx thread is comedy gold.
Also, “My Brother’s Joggers’ Keeper” ?? (and well done with the correct apostrophes)
hehe that means a lot coming from my favorite English teacher!
A+ for you!
Ok everyone, if you could only eat three foods for the rest of your life, what would they be? “Food” can be defined as a single item (like a type of fruit, for example) or anything that can be made using one recipe.
if nutrition, money etc. were not an issue?
You may use whatever other parameters you wish
hmm. mangoes, avocadoes, and salmon nigiri!
So healthy.
Is fruit salad one item? Also, bagel and cream cheese – 2 items or 1?
Yes, fruit salad can be made from one recipe. And I think you could make the same argument for bagels & cream cheese.
In that case, fruit salad for my health, chocolate covered pretzels for a sweet treat, and bagels and cream cheese for the dairy and carbs.
Solid choices. Very well-rounded.
Lasagna, steaks, apples
But it I had to choose three cuisines for the rest of my life it would be Japanese, Italian and Argentinian
Three cuisines would be so much easier to choose than three individual food items…
What are your 3 cuisines?
Mexican, Greek and Thai. Although it would have to be real Greek from Greece. That was the best food I have ever eaten in my life.
Oh wait, but I also really like Sri Lankan…. damn.
British (I know it sounds ukip but we have fish & chips. I’m basing a lot on that), Italian (I basically live on pasta and pizza), French.
Pickled egg & chips, croissant & salami, Hawaiian pizza.
If I had the chance to eat meal from anywhere in world in a day I’d do those three too. French have the best pastry breakfasts, I love pasta for lunch then fish and chips for dinner.
This is actually close to my life now.
Too easy. Japanese, Thai and Indian. I could live on just Indian food forever, actually.
In Argentina we do love our meat…
An we can add some veggies to avoid the heart attack…
Hmmmmm, for food items bbq ribs, pizza, and brownies. For cuisines japanese, italian, and american
I can’t even answer my own question. It’s too hard. I think maybe cheese, Thai green curry, and perfectly ripe summer peaches.
BUT COOKIES THOUGH. And shahi paneer. And dal. Ok, those are my backup choices.
1. Pickles
2. Pickles
3. More fucking pickles
Crisp Dill Pickles, Well-grilled and seasoned steak, and Spicy Tuna Sushi with Soy Sauce and Wasabi.
There’s far too much delicious food in the world to limit it down to three entries though!
ok that all sounds delicious rn
Wow, I’m late to this party but:
roasted vegetables
vegan bacon
Olives, cherries, and good vegan cheese are tied for fourth.
A bit late for the party/orgy but let’s see…
3 foods:
– Red meat (especially Bife de Chorizo, I think it’s similar to an american steak)
– Chocolate
– Peaches
Bife de chorizo is sirloin
And 3 very fine choices
This is Rous writing in from San Junipero. Thank you for the Comment Award! I’m honoured to be among this week’s fantastic winners.
Rous you, personally, got me so excited about Top of the Lake I tried to watch it, but it’s not available yet.
I’m glad some of my exceeding joy rubbed of on you! Seeing as I prehumously lived in Belgium, I’d probably have had to wait 5000 years to watch the show. Good thing time is but an earthly illusion and does not exist here in heaven.
Hi Rous! Say hello to Yorkie for me
I will! She’s busy living out all of our fanfictional dreams!
All the Bury Your Gays victims are here too, by the way. Poussey and Lexa are totally into each other, but neither of them has made the first move yet. I myself am currently gauging whether Kate McKenzie (from Last Tango in Halifax) would be into a May/December romance. Fingers crossed!
Is Dana the San Junipero tennis champion? I hope she beats Xena in the final. I bet Xena is very competitive
Why, of course she is! Also the champion of 98% of the local queermos’ hearts.
Speaking of Xena, she told me the reason the reboot isn’t happening is because she refused to do it due it it not being gay enough. I think she and I are going to be great friends.
Standing ovations for “My Brother’s Joggers’ Keeper”
You know, a kitchen Sphinx sounds awesome……..but what if it were kitchen Spanx?
Kitchen Spanx no but kitchen spanks hell yes! =~.^=
Kat chin spanks
I wouldn’t be averse to kitchen spanks in the right circumstances
Do not spank the kitchen Sphinx. That’s animal abuse and human abuse at the same time.
But who would you call about that? Adult Protective Services or the ASPCA?
What if the Spinx is the one DOING the spanking??
Did I walk in on a porno?
Naw but i’m sure we could turn it into one if you want lol
Maybe, but I’m not sure if it’s supposed to be BDSM or food porn.
Why not both?
Gives new meaning to whipped cream.
As a super pale person i had an image of getting whipped in the kitchen pop into my head when i read that lol
But how can it? It doesn’t have thumbs!
Doesn’t need thumbs to spank and a little bit of good old sphinx magic is all you need for a good whippings
Not spanks but my cat whips me with her tail in a non-sexual/annoying/painful way. If a humanoid creature like a sphinx did it that could turn into a sexual thing.
Who is your favorite Sailor Senshi from Sailor Moon?
Mine is Sailor Mars followed closely by Sailor Jupiter!
I love Sailor Mars!!!!! I tell everybody that she was my first crush (and tbh still is to this day). Second would be Venus and I may or may not be a Reinako shipper. But really, all the girls are amazing.
She was one of my very first crushes and still is too! In fact i have a Sailor Mars wallet, headphone charms, key chain, and phone case lol. My fav pairings are Rei/Usagi, Makoto/Ami, Makoto/Minako, and Chibiusa/Hotaru. But you are right, they are ALL awesome! =^.^=
Kaitlin, I’m right there with ya! Mars then Jupiter ;)
Oh goodness, I haven’t watched Sailor Moon in a long time. Jupiter was always my favorite.
Sailor Pluto >_>
(can u tell i was a bby goth)
Awesome comments and awards as usual. And I’ve been listening to Rainbow every since Mey’s amazing review (and crying).
My heart is heavy today – we have to say goodbye to my cat. She has kidney failure and stopped eating a few days ago. I know we’re making the right decision to put her down but it’s so hard.
She’s my profile photo – that’s a characteristic, stop-making-look-at-the-camera-noises-foolish-human expression. Her hobbies included chasing balls, batting crumpled paper, purring and getting as high up as possible. She excelled at finding the warmest spots, entertaining small children and fitting into boxes of all sizes. She liked to join me for meditation and to supervise my sun salutation Yoga postures.
oh no, cleo. I’m so sorry. sending so much love. <3 <3 <3
Awwww, i’m so sorry cleo! All the love and huggles for both of you today!
I’m so sorry :(
Oh no Cleo, I’m so sad :( Sending virtual positive energy and hugs!
I’m so so sorry Cleo.
I’m so sorry Cleo. It’s hard to say goodbye to a friend like that. Sending love and hugs to you
I’m sorry for your loss! May her ghost-self join you for many meditation and Yoga sessions to come.
Thanks you guys! I really love the comment awards community within a community.
Ahhhh! Well, this was certainly a surprise. Congratulations to everyone else for writing much funnier things than me
Nina your comment was hilarious!
Your comment took that thread to the next level!