Yo! That’s Not Cool #1: Hi, My Name Is Brittney Williams

Welcome to Saturday Morning Cartoons, a segment where five artists take turns delighting you with their whimsy, facts and punchlines on Saturday mornings! Today please warmly welcome our brand new Saturday Morning Cartoonist, Brittney Williams! 

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Brittney Williams

I make comics, cartoons and bad decisions in Los Angeles. You can call me Britt.

Brittney has written 20 articles for us.


  1. Terrible decisions, Disneyland and Legos? Me too!
    I just don’t know if Galaga is the best arcade game because of Pac Man but it’s definitely a Top 3

  2. Yay! *pulls out chair to offer*

    We have lots of popcorn…with butter, without, with nutritional yeast, with garlic, with turmeric and paprika…which do you prefer?

    Can’t wait to hear/see your stories!

  3. Yay! Awesome to see you here Brittney! You’re one of my favorite comic artists! Goldie Vance and Hellcat we’re so wonderful!

  4. Once as a petite fille I accomplished a Loretta Young worthy twirl in my pretty new full skirted frock right into the well occupied men’s room.
    To them it was a cringe worthy, embarrassing situation but for me it was Tuesday.

    You are my kind of people Brittney, I welcome you.

  5. “Have you ever made a terrible decision?”

    More like have I ever not made a terrible decision?

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