NSFW Sunday Is Obsessed With Dream Daddy

Ryan Yates
Ryan Yates was the NSFW Editor (2013–2018) and Literary Editor for Autostraddle.com, with bylines in Nylon, Refinery29, The Toast, Bitch, The Daily Beast, Jezebel, and elsewhere. They live in Los Angeles and also on twitter and instagram.
Ryan has written 1142 articles for us.
I call people on the phone. I’m old school like that.
OMG, me too about Jean Auel!! I read them all…
love that the vice article has perspectives from couples in different countries.
also that rodeoh tumblr is ??? *swoons after seeing all the sexiness*
I’m SHOCKED I thought I was the only one to have my pre-teen life changed by Jean M. Auel’s books!! The first sex scene between the two main characters is focused on her receiving oral sex and it turned me on so much that I had the first orgasm of my entire life reading this. (It’s a very gay “first time masturbating” story. I’ve never looked back since.)
excuse me i came here for dream daddy content
Also yes me too D:
Was literally just looking up how to take a good selfie and looking at that Allure article! AS how do you know my life so well always. And I’m feeling a lot more confident about using this advice now that you are advocating the same haha.
Re: The Valley of Horses: ME TOO. My parents were extremely strict about both sex and media consumption. The one area of freedom I had was books (probably because it would have been too difficult for them to assess the “appropriateness” of my reading material in the early days of the internet). I got the Valley of Horses out of the library. The only version the library had was a large print edition. When I encountered the sex scenes I was scared out of my mind that my parents would wander in and see at a glance that I was reading INAPPROPRIATE THINGS in all their large-print glory.
My entire sex-positive education as a teenager came from The Valley of Horses and Tamora Pierce’s Song of the Lioness series.
Good lawd. That last photo.