Happy New Year!
Carrie and I started 2017 off right by making our apartment newsletter! Well technically, our dog, Willow, made the newsletter, but we got an honorable mention as her humans. As riveting as that newsletter is, I sometimes need information that is more hard-hitting than what day the bug guy is coming or yet another reminder that grills are not allowed on balconies. And for this I turn to the wonder that is Autostraddle dot com.
This week The Team broke down the best and worst LGBTQ characters that graced our television screens in 2016. Y’all had lots of feelings about it.
Gem contributed a beautifully written article about the breakup of her gay marriage. Bring tissues.
When Riese isn’t writing about poison (not the band), she’s reading a lot of things and recommending them to us all.
Ali found some political podcasts that might not make you want to rip out your ear drums.
Everyone had a New Year’s Resolution.
Also Queer Horoscopes! And Comments!
The Feelings Award to J:
The Truth Award to Katy:
On 10 Poison-Free Alternatives To Foods and Drinks With Poison In Them:
The More You Know Award to Chandra:
The Fair and Balanced Award to Chandra and Lex:
The Days of Yore Award to Alanna:
The TMI Award to Anna:
The Magic Award to Layna:
See a clever, hilarious or thought provoking comment around this website-ship? Email it to me at: bren [at] autostraddle [dot] com!
You know what sucks. I find humor insanely attractive and you just made my AS crush insanely hotter than usual. -_-
Straddlers are funny and attractive people
I’m glad to learn I’m not the only one to have an AS crush
But if grills are not allowed on the balcony where are you supposed to grill?
And I would like Riese to write about Poison. Also Skid Row, Warrant, Slaughter, etc. etc.
True story: White Snake and Poison at the BJCC was my very first concert experience.
White Snake? Now I’ll spend the rest of the day singing “here I go again on my own / going down the only road I’ve ever known/ Like a drifter I was born to walk alone…”
I just wish that I could bake a cake made out of rainbows and smiles and we’d all eat it and be happy.
But is it poison-free ?
Whoa! I would like to thank Priscilla Biggadike (both human and turtle), Lex my co-commenter, and queer girl for being so preoccupied with her new romance that she doesn’t have as much time to be funny on AS.
Many times I have posted a comment but it doesn’t post. Then when I try to post it again it says it is a duplicate post. Has this happened to anyone else? Is it my computer? Is it the comment section on AS? AfterEllen switched to the Disqus platform about 2 years ago and it worked out great.
Yes it has happened to me many times but then I reload the page and my comment is there.
Or I see it on that bar on the right hand side of the main page
I reload, I change browsers, I restart my computer and still nothing.
AfterEllen RIP