Feature image of @diewies via rodeoh. All of the photographs on NSFW Sundays are taken from various tumblrs and do not belong to us. All are linked and credited to the best of our abilities in hopes of attracting more traffic to the tumblrs and photographers who have blessed us with this imagery. The inclusion of a photograph here should not be interpreted as an assertion of the model’s gender identity or sexual orientation. If there is a photo included here that belongs to you and you want it removed, please email bren [at] autostraddle dot com and it will be removed promptly, no questions asked.
Welcome to NSFW Sunday!
+ “[F]eminist porn faces the same struggle as mainstream porn and other media: how to make a profitable product when consumers expect content for free. Its creators worry feminist porn could fizzle out just as it comes into its own,” writes Andrea Marks in a fantastic feature on feminist and queer porn:
“Feminist porn has come to encompass all kinds of alternative porn that emphasize diversity in casting and ethics in production. In feminist porn, gender roles are disrupted and women enjoy sex as much as men do – if men are even invited. Yet feminist porn isn’t necessarily female-on-female – the Crash Pad’s site promises ‘dyke porn, lesbians, femme on femme, boi, stud, genderqueer and trans-masculine performers,’ among others. […]
[D]irectors like Houston believe porn can be feminist and ethical both in how it’s made and how it engages an audience. ‘The only way that we’re going to change porn is by getting in the game, not being anti-porn,’ Houston said in 2013.

via gostosa
+ And at Dazed, an examination of how, in the UK, new laws could destroy queer and feminist porn:
“The UK government has quietly proposed a new clause in the Digital Economy Bill which, if passed, would see ‘non-conventional’ sex acts blocked by UK Internet service providers. […]
At surface level, the proposed legislation appears to be just another arbitrary method of policing our online activity. It is, of course, true that our porn use does need to be monitored – there’s a lucrative market for child and non-consensual pornography growing daily, whereas studies reveal that the average first exposure to porn comes at just 11 years old. It is, therefore, clear that regulations and laws relating to online pornography are necessary and, on occasion, life-saving. This new clause, however, isn’t being proposed for the benefit of anybody’s safety. Instead, the clause is yet another futile attempt to impose a cultural ideal of what counts as ‘normal’ sexual activity – an idea which is inherently damaging.”

fleetilya lingerie via the lingerie addict
+ What’s the difference between spanking and slapping in porn?
+ “The more diversity there is in pornography, the more perspectives, the more the viewer can see there are other realities,” says Erika Lust, who’s currently hosting an open call for more women porn directors.
+ Suprihmbé proposes a working definition of proheauxism, and a sex positive manifesta for black and brown women and femmes.
+ The more people study asexuality, the more complicated it gets.
+ Sailor Moon is for sexual health awareness.
+ Yes people over 50 have sex, duh.
+ In Los Angeles on December 4th? The Pleasure Chest is hosting a Dyke Day fundraiser that will include snacks and spanking, 5–8 pm.

Excerpt of Tethered to Light via crownferal.
+ Travelling with a partner this winter? Make sure your preparation and travel styles align, budget in advance, and plan alone time:
“I need a lot of time by myself. And sometimes I forget to monitor this until I’m at an absolute breaking point … Even when things aren’t tense at all, problems can sometimes arise when a seemingly out-of-the-blue proclamation like ‘I’m going to take a walk’ takes on a totally unnecessary air of gloom.
Here’s a solution: Give each other the heads-up before you travel that you’ll be taking spontaneous alone-time sojourns frequently and unexpectedly on your trip together. Then the two of you can be quiet in the hotel room for a few hours, and when you bust out with ‘I think I’ll go for a walk,’ your significant other will look up without a thought and say, “Awesome, have fun!'”
Gotta say that last harness does not look comfortable.
Maybe not, it does look good on her.
I won’t argue that! XD
There is feminist porn? I am curious but I am supposed to be doing homework, not looking at porn.
Yes, and it can be amazing, But, like all porn or really anything in media there is contract disputes, which can bring a moral dilemma up. (Supporting what little queer/feminist porn there is out there could mean supporting a person who in a contract dispute with their stars.)
What harness????
All I can see are those beautiful tats on her arm…. well, and her…..sigh…
Wait a second, the United States of America was founded by the puritans. The puritans were not sex hungry mad men. They were anti sex, anti drinking and everything else bad the UK was known for. They left the UK to avoid Persecution. Are you telling me that four hundred years later the tides are turning and the UK is being the Prude. They are becoming the Puritans. Wow, what a shocker. I know the reason for few British shows on the telly is because the UK allowed nude bodies. We used to call it the BBC or Butts, boobs and crotches. Even Canadian shows could be considered risqué at times.