Pop Culture Fix: America’s Next Top Model Reboot Has At Least Two Hot Queer Girls, So We’re In

Welcome to the pop culture fix, a weekly experiment in noise, sound and color I MEAN a weekly round-up of CRUCIAL and IMPORTANT pop culture news relevant to your homosexy interests.

America’s Next Top Toppy Lesbian

America’s Next Top Model is coming back to the teevee with a new look, a new leader, a new panel of judges and, obviously, some new queers. Rita Ora is heading up the series’ reboot, taking over for Tyra Banks, and plus-size model Ashley Graham is also part of the judging panel.


Queer #1 is Kyle McCoy, a 23-year-old bartender who lives in New York and identifies on her instagram profile as a queer intersectional feminist. She might be my future girlfriend, I don’t know, at this point really anything could happen.

kyle mccoy queer

Queer #2 is Cody Lee, who posts pics with her girlfriend on Instagram and identifies as an “extroverted introvert.” Cody’s twin sister, Tasha, is also a contestant this season.

cody lee queer

Here’s the extended trailer, released yesterday:

Listen, we’re excited. We’re gonna watch the hell out of this show, which happens to premiere on Senior Editor Yvonne’s birthday! NewNowNext has links to all of the contestants’ instagrams if you are interested in seeing a shit-ton of selfies.

Everything Else

+ If you didn’t already read this on Monday, you can read it now: Why is there SO MUCH SCISSORING in cinematic lesbian films directed by men?

Still, every sex scene [in the Handmaiden] manages, at one point or another, to reify stale tropes about lesbian fornication – including a silly overemphasis on scissoring — all of which are bothersome distractions from an otherwise spellbinding film. More broadly, these sorts of sex scenes position female bodies as gorgeous objects: metaphorical stand-ins for questions about art, beauty, and the dark side of desire.

+ So Meg might come out as a lesbian on Family Guy. But, apparently, in the futuristic saga “Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story,” Meg appeared as a trans man named Ron. How can these two ideas be reconciled by a show that so far has produced some of the most offensive trans storylines in history and often treats lesbianism as a joke? Well, writer Alec Sulkin notes, “It would be interesting how we might handle both of those storylines. Sometimes, we do things that go against continuity. We try to explain it, but sometimes, if it doesn’t fit in, we tend to make a joke about it.” Can’t wait for that joke!

+ Dolly Parton, Miley Cyrus and a man covered Jolene, and it was good.

+ Cameron Esposito used to write for The AV Club. She stopped doing it for a few reasons but mostly because online harassment was really dragging her down, generally speaking. But yesterday she CAME BACK. And she’s still gay, just FYI.

Samantha Master at The Root on Young M.A.’s misogyny: “If Chance the Rapper represents the Carefree Black Boy, Young M.A. represents the Audacious Black Dyke—bold, unyielding and unapologetically herself. This is why her visibility is both exciting and deeply troubling.”

+ Zale’s put a lesbian couple in their ad and not everybody realized that this was a magical thing.

Will “Moonlight” fare better in awards season than “Carol” did last year?

20 More Out Actors that “Star Trek” Should Cast

6 Things I Love and Hate About the Movie “Milk”

You should watch Younger ’cause there’s an Orthodox Jewish Lesbian in it. okay, cool, good talk.

Paris Geller is your ultimate queer girl crush, apparently. (Listen I’m not up on The Gilmore Girls, so YMMV.)

+ It’s been 20 years since The Watermelon Woman debuted, and Cheryl Dunye is gonna talk to the Los Angeles Times all about it.

Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life has a white feminism problem.

A new trailer for the Beaches remake, featuring Idina Menzel covering “Wind Beneath My Wings.”

+ Queer Visibility in comics: THIS IS GREAT AMERICA.

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Riese is the 43-year-old Co-Founder of Autostraddle.com as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3300 articles for us.


  1. I guess this is a case of me forgetting that the word “actress” exists, but I was shocked and kind of upset initially when that advocate.com list of “out actors” included only men.

    I mean, honestly though, that’s still weird.

  2. The idea of Meg coming out as a lesbian on Family Guy worries me. Knowing Family Guy, they’ll probably make a joke on the stereotype of lesbians being less attractive and only dating girls because they can’t get a guy, or insisting that masculine lesbians wish to be men. Considering past episode’s portrayal of the character, they’ve pretty much set themselves up for those two gross stereotypes of trans men and lesbians.

    • Oh cher I’m past worried, I’m headdesking and groaning

      My sibling made a big fucking point of connecting me to Meg and treated me rather like she was treated by other character.
      If he comes to Christmas and I wear my lovely button up and fancy sweater combo with pants he might even point at me like he used to and faux sotto voce her name, some appearance or sexuality based insults at me.
      It’ll be like 15 all over again, but this time he won’t have anyone to confirm my uggo-ness with. Even when I’m rolling masc most people cishet or queer will agree I’ve got one of the prettiest faces in the room.

      • Ugh shit I wasn’t finished typing and maybe wanted to delete the “bragging”

        Beyond my own fun personal experiences of being associated with Meg. It’s pretty much a given Family Guy will use her as a joke using stereotype of lesbians being less attractive and only dating girls because they can’t get a guy or masculine women wish to be men.

        Once they did do a joke of making Meg trans once, “Ron, my name is Ron” when Stewie or someone traveled to the future if I remember correctly.

  3. Hot lesbians channeling Justin Bieber is old news. (Ruby Rose! Kristin! Evan R-W!)
    But I’ll still watch ANTM for #smile4kyle :) Snapbacks get me every time. Can we please make them fashionable forever?

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