A+ Podcast Episode Three: April 2015

Spring is here and with it brings sunshine, flowers, patio lounging and this A+ podcast! This time around we’re declaring our love for our favorite movies, artists, authors and actresses. In this love letter episode KaeLyn talks being a diehard fan of The Rocky Horror Picture Show and how it helped her process her queerness and Maddie talks about finally falling for Tegan and Sara way after she came out. Carmen and Brittani are back in a special episode of A Plus B and Lil C where they discuss everything Drake and Mey talks about her love for Harriet Hayes, aka Sarah Paulson’s character on Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. Both our podcast producers join us in this episode with Julia bringing you her ode to science fiction writer James Tiptree Jr., which is actually Alice Bradley Sheldon’s pen name, and Samara honoring Liza Minnelli.

This episode was produced by Julia Wetherell. You can listen right here or download it. Lots of good stuff in this podcast so get into it!

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  1. Click the download button above (it’s the down-pointing arrow in the upper-right hand corner) and save to your computer’s iTunes library.
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  1. Okay, if I wanted to start reading Tiptree… which book would you recommend starting with?? I have to read Tiptree now!!

    • hi casey, this comment is making my life!! she’s predominantly a short story writer, so seek out some of her collections if you can. “Her Smoke Rose Up Forever” is a kind of best of the best collection that has her most famous/awarded stories. also, if you are interested in her life story, “James Tiptree Jr: The Double Life of Alice B. Sheldon” by Julie Philips is the biography I mention/this story is basically fanfiction of it. i hope you have a very successful foray into Tiptree-world!!

  2. This is my first podcast(my financial situation improved so I could afford a Silver Membership) and it’s WONDERFUL! It’s like “This American Queer Life”. So good!

  3. Is there any way to use a podcast app for these? It’d make it so much easier to listen to.

    • I dunno about techy things, but they are downloadable, so you could download them and listen to them that way on your phone/laptop/ipod. I think they don’t show up in soundcloud because they are private to A+. But you can download them by clicking the link above.

    • Hi! Yes, they are downloadable from the arrow button in the top-right corner there, so you can add the mp3 to any mobile device. Since this is A+ content we can’t put it out on an RSS feed/iTunes where it would be accessible to the public; it’s private on Soundcloud, and unfortunately Soundcloud won’t generate a private RSS feed. We’ll let you know if that changes, though!

  4. I just love hearing everyone’s voices, especially people I’ve never talked to IRL.

    Everyone’s stories are so <3.

    • Also I could listen to A+ B & Lil C every day for the rest of my life. You’d be the best morning DJ’s ever.

    • And now I’m listening to Liza and showboating/cleaning the bathroom. This podcast has given me so many gifts today.

    • Thank you KaeLyn!!! I had the best time EVER putting together the RHPS piece, oh my goodness.

  5. I just wanna say that Maddie’s singing was the highlight of my day so far.

    This whole podcast is just super great.

    • Thanks Mey!!! I hope you enjoyed Harriet, I had a lot of fun looking at clips from Studio 60 and envisioning that it is just 99% about Sarah Paulson being awesome.

    • bahahahahahaha oh wow, I fully intended for my including that in the recording to be just a placeholder for the real thing, but THERE YOU GO.

      I forgot all about Harriet Hayes. I might have to go back and rewatch just because, now.

  6. The Liza and Rocky Horror tributes were great! Made me want to watch that and Cabaret again

  7. I love this podcast and have one tiny bit of constructive criticism. It sounds like a couple of segments are recorded on Google Hangouts or Skype or something like that. I am for these technologies being used to bring far flung podcast contributors together, but they work best if each person has a good mic and headphones. Without these, the background noise and static can make it hard to listen. I know this might seem nitpicky, but in an hour long podcast this can make a huge difference. The Lifehacker podcast is a good example of how Google Hangouts or Skype can be used successfully to record podcasts.

    I love all y’all and am proud to support work this with my dollars.

    • Hi! We’ve got contributors recording themselves with different computer/equipment situations, so there are going to be some differences in sound across segments. But thank you for your feedback, and for listening/supporting!!!

  8. this was such a better listen than Car Talk, i made a good decision today. thanks yall!!

  9. also, is there a way for me to listen to this on my soundcloud app? so i can listen on the go?

  10. “But part of me wanted MORE. Just.. more. More more more. And I wasn’t even sure what of.” It had nothing to do with the Rocky Horror in my case, but omg I knew this feeling all too well. Thanks KaeLyn, and everyone else, for this :)
    (I’m a few months late to the party, I know, sorry <3)

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