18 Questions We Have About the X-Files Reboot

by Stef and Rachel

What you’ve heard is true: The X-Files is returning as a “a thrilling, six-episode event series” on FOX, featuring original stars Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny and original creator Chris Carter. Production on the show is set to begin this summer; we likely won’t see it on our TV screens for some time. Until that happens, we have a lot to speculate about, and many questions.


1. Does this mean we can pretend the last movie didn’t happen?

2. Does Scully still have shoulderpads?

3. Are they going to do a quick recap of whatever it was that happened with that baby, or do we have to rewatch the end of the series on our own time? Do we get to disregard the events of the last season and a half or so?

4. Is Mulder just scanning Reddit 9 hours a day or what? Are the Lone Gunmen members of Anonymous?

5. Any chance of an Invisigoth cameo?

6. Has Mulder seen Loose Change yet?

7. What’s happening with Scully’s haircut? Hoping for something like Season 5, but bracing for Season 1.

8. Does Mulder know where that Malaysian plane is? Can Courtney Love have a cameo where she helps him find it?

9. Any insight into those goat heads in Brooklyn?

10. Is Skinner in this? Feels like present-day Skinner would be paleo, maybe. Just throwing some ideas out there.

11. Does the Smoking Man vape now? He’s still alive, right?

12. Is the Syndicate the reason the bees keep disappearing? Do we get a conspiracy episode about krokodil? Bath salts?

13. Is there someone we can bribe to make sure they don’t do a ripped-from-the-headlines Slenderman episode?

14. Can Richard Belzer have a guest spot? His schedule cleared up recently.

15. Is Mulder’s email still “trustno1@mail.com”? Doesn’t seem very secure.

16. Can the show get through six entire episodes without an arc where a Magic Native American Person™ saves the day?

17. Oh god, is anyone on this show a medical doctor? ANYONE?

18. Actually though how did things even leave off? They were in like a boat, right? They waved at the camera? Is any of that right?

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Originally from Boston, MA, Rachel now lives in the Midwest. Topics dear to her heart include bisexuality, The X-Files and tacos. Her favorite Ciara video is probably "Ride," but if you're only going to watch one, she recommends "Like A Boy." You can follow her on twitter and instagram.

Rachel has written 1141 articles for us.


  1. 13. Me. My girlfriend works for the company that owns the rights.

    Now accepting bribes in the form of compliments, dodge pics, and puns.

  2. Do we get to disregard the events of the last season and a half or so?
    YES, we should.
    I am, anyway.

  3. My body is so ready.

    What are the chances they’re gonna come back to Vancouver to film? Puhleaassee!!?

  4. I thank Scully for my love of pantsuits and the ladies that wear them.
    Scully and Sporty Spice were my root.

    • stef researched this for this article and apparently he DID die in the series, but then was alive in the last movie? so, you know, a mystery.

  5. All I remember from the last episode is that a helicopter exploded. I hope that’s still canon.

  6. Pretty excited :)! I remember watching this show with my cousins when i was younger. I wanted to be like Scully when i grow up

  7. Maybe Smoking Man has had a bit of a health scare and might be regularly rocking up to Narcotics Anonymous, and mumbling unclearly and inconsistently about his background story which he still out of necessity has to protect, but he has got the cancer sticks beat. I’d say secretly he’d be feeling upbeat and on target with that sector of his life management.

    Scully’s dog. What happened to Scully’s dog. Or maybe she had to have it put down due to old age and her always doing on-call for work; and she now has a cat. Also does Scully do yoga, but not Paleo. Also she wouldn’t be into kale chips. I get these hunches.

    • wait do you not know what happens to scully’s dog in the show? i’m sorry you have to find out like this. but if you’d like to know, it’s addressed in s3e22, “quagmire.”

  8. I just hope that by now Mulder has gotten over his whole thing of wearing those awful dad-jeans

  9. 19. Does Scully mind that I have sometimes given her VA address as my own, thus implying that we are roommates/gal pals?

    20. Can #19 become a truth that is out there?

  10. The Young Vic shared this article yesterday: http://t.co/M1HL5mMFgS
    G.A. seems to be
    3.open to the idea of another same sex relarionship

    Now, speaking of Gillian Anderson,does anyone know if that recording of “A Streetcar Named Desire” that they showed in a few movie theaters is available anywhere? You’d be doing me a huge favor. I saw that and it totally knocked my socks off.

  11. 19. Will Scully finally start accepting fantastic notions BEYOND THE REALM OF SCIENCE? I mean, aside from Catholicism? Ugh, she’s just the dreamiest Spock of all time. :)

  12. #11. Smoking man died in the last episode. Unless there is some way that he could have gotten away from a missile exploding in cave/room he was sitting in, I doubt they could bring him back.

    • This is true, however, it is almost easter, and if he was in the same cave as Jesus was(Jesus returned from the dead from a 3 day stint in a cave) his chances might be better. I’ve got a bob both ways…

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