Hello and welcome to this thing we’re doing where we help you figure out what you’re gonna put in your mouth this week. Some of these are recipes we’ve tried, some of these are recipes we’re looking forward to trying, all of them are fucking delicious. Tell us what you want to put in your piehole or suggest your own recipes, and we’ll talk about which things we made, which things we loved, and which things have changed us irreversibly as people. Last week, we munched on quesadillas.
There are two kinds of people in the world: the kind who love mushrooms and the kind who loathe them. Luckily, I am life-partnered to a fellow mushroom lover, because I don’t know that our love could survive without ‘shrooms.
The best thing about mushrooms is you can eat them for every freaking meal of the day. You can eat them raw or cooked. You can eat them here or there. You can eat them in a boat or with a goat. There are a gazillion types of mushrooms, from all across the world, in various shapes and sizes, different textures, from the inexpensive white cap mushrooms you can buy in bulk to the $1000 variety.
One promise to y’all before we delve in: none of these recipes are for simple sautĂ©ed mushrooms or a simple portobello burger because, while delicious, there are much more interesting ways to eat mushrooms. We can do better! #TeamShroom #YesAllMushrooms
Oh, gosh. This is giving me life right now! I freaking love the fungus and my friend are always giving me shit about it. Thank you so much. (I mean I could hv looked up recipes myself, but who does anything themselves anymore.) :D
Mushroom haters be damned. You can do mushrooms all by yourself, Rachel.
I don’t think I can handle this much deliciousness in one post. My salivary glands just went into overdrive.
You are welcome.
thanks to this list of recipes i can finally commit to my lifelong dream of eating mushrooms for every meal
OMG! This makes me so happy to be a fungivore. Mushroom desserts sound brilliant (though I’ve never tried them.) #TeamShroom!
(side notes: if mushrooms aren’t technically plants, do they still count as vegetables?)
Good question! I did some googling for you because I love you.
So it seems like mushrooms are technically, biologically, neither plant not animal. Someone call Scully and Mulder because we have an x-file on our hands here!!!
But in terms of where to chart them on the food pyramid, they would be checked off under the fruits and veggies section. Even though they are neither. Creepy, delicious mushrooms…
Yes, I know they’re neither plant nor animal – but that still begs the question of what makes something technically a “vegetable”? I have heard that vegetables must be either a leaf, stem, flower, or seed – and the part of the mushroom that we eat is a the above-ground part, or the fruiting body, which I suppose doesn’t really have a stem or leaf, just a stalk and cap. So I suppose it isn’t a vegetable, if this is the logic we’re using.
And so, tomatoes and mushrooms can stand in solidarity as misunderstood non-vegetables. Not to mention spirulina, which is not a plant nor animal nor fungus, but cyanobacterium….And then there’s seaweed, which is an algae, which may be considered to be a plant or a protist, depending on which textbook you look at.
Isn’t food and biology and diversity awesome? How many kingdoms have YOU eaten? :D
I think they would be considered vegetables by the same culinary logic that decrees tomatoes (botanically fruits) are vegetables. But KaeLyn’s right, they are in the kingdom Fungi, while botanical vegetables and fruits are in the kingdom Plantae. ~The more you know~
I stopped eating mushrooms and cheese combo for a few years, can’t remember why I stopped or when I started back again, but now as a vegan, mushrooms are a real delight. Specially seared mushroom steak. I may have to make that etuofee this weekend. Thank you!!!
This looks like a pretty good meal as dinner. Check out more recipes at following blog. They have video tutorials to their recipes.
These look so gooood. Also: now I want to put on my most denizen-of-the-forest clothing to eat fiddleheads and mushrooms while perched on a mossy stone. (Which would magically not get my clothes dirty.)
I’m glad I’m not the only one who got the fiddle-head-fern-eating urge after reading this post.
I made tofu scramble with mini bella ‘shrooms this morning in honor of #YesAllMushrooms and it was grrrrrrreat.
I love shrooms! I have made #1 and it was beast. You are making my Pinterest food board so happy!
YUM I want to eat all of these now! Love mushrooms!
Down here in Aussieland Winter is Definitely Coming, so this is excellently-timed, and looks delicious!
My entire family went vegetarian last year, so for Thanksgiving we got to have three mushroom lasagna, and it was infinitely better than any of the various meats we’ve had in the past. It’s interesting how much more flavor everything has now that meat isn’t stealing the spotlight.
YUMMMM I’m so excited about these recipes! I’ve been really into mushrooms lately, I’ve bought them the last 5 times I went to Kroger and it’s time for some more exciting ideas although I did just make 2 delicious pizzas that included mushrooms.
I totes know she can read this, but this list inspired someone I know to go make mushroom empanadas and bring me some so A+++++ for this list.
A little FYI from someone who’s cooking on a budget you can make the Mac and Cheese by using the boxed stuff in place of the cheese and noodle ingredients and its still awesome! (although someday I’m definitely gonna splurge and do the whole thing)
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