35 Recipes Stuffed Full of Goodness

Hello and welcome to this thing we’re doing where we help you figure out what you’re gonna put in your mouth this week. Some of these are recipes we’ve tried, some of these are recipes we’re looking forward to trying, all of them are fucking delicious. Tell us what you want to put in your piehole or suggest your own recipes, and we’ll talk about which things we made, which things we loved, and which things have changed us irreversibly as people. Last week, we started the year off with a healthy snack. 

hansen and rachel

Stuffed foods are what happen when you can’t decide between two delicious things, so you decide to smash them together and enjoy the invariably awesome results. Sure, they tend to be indulgent and over-the-top, but I find that’s just extra incentive to prepare them this dismal post-holiday time of year. It may be cold outside (at least for those of us above the equator) but it’s warm, gooey and melty inside whatever stuffed surprise you decide to make yourself at the end of a long day. (I won’t blame you if you skip to the dessert portion of this list, either.)

With Meat

1. Cheese-Stuffed Meatballs

2. Flank Steak Roulade

3. Beef Biryani Stuffed Inside Basmati Rice

4. Stuffed Pork Loin

5. Crab-Stuffed Salmon

via Food52

via Food52

6. Chicken Stuffed with Spinach and Feta

via Chow

via Chow

7. Scotch Eggs

8. Lamb Meatloaf in a Mini Pumpkin

9. Dolmades

10. Juicy Lucy

via Chow

via Chow

11. Lasagna-Stuffed Spaghetti Squash

12. Stuffed Breakfast Biscuit Muffins

13. Crab and Fontina Stuffed Mushrooms

via Chow

via Chow

14. Stuffed Bacon, Egg and Cheese Croissants

Without Meat

15. Spicy Cheese-Stuffed Fried Olives

16. Mushroom Stuffed Cabbage Rolls

17. Roasted Stuffed Onion Gratin

via Food52

via Food52

18. Full-Belly Stuffed and Baked Avocado

via Food52

via Food52

19. Cheese-Stuffed Breadsticks

20. Stuffed Artichokes

21. Stuffed Tomatoes with Gruyere

22. Roasted Onions Stuffed with Wild Rice and Kale

23. Grilled Stuffed Red Peppers

via Food52

via Food52

24. Stuffed Roast Squash

Sweet Stuffs

25. Warm Chocolate Chip Cookie-Stuffed Soft Pretzels

26. Cheesecake-Stuffed Baked Apples

27. Chocolate Caramel Stuffed Cookies

28. Ghirardelli Cookie Dough-Stuffed Donut Holes

29. Chocolate-Stuffed Raspberries

30. Mini Cookie Stuffed Pies

31. Nutella Stuffed Pancakes

32. Giant S’mores Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookie

33. Stuffed Cherries Dipped in Chocolate

34. Cheesecake-Stuffed Strawberries

35. Cookie Dough-Stuffed Brownie Cake

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Kaitlyn lives in New York, which is the simplest answer you're going to get if you ask her where she's from. She went to journalism school and is arguably making the most of her degree as a writer and copy editor. She utilizes her monthly cable bill by watching more competitive cooking shows than should be allowed.

Kaitlyn has written 69 articles for us.


  1. So many good posts today, god damn! I’m trying to NOT get distracted.

    The Gruyere-stuffed tomatoes sound excellent. (My fav cheese, mmm) OH AND THE BREADSTICKS YUM. Don’t even get me started with those freakin’ desserts. Federal CRIMES. Like, a BROWNIE CAKE WITH COOKIE DOUGH. I wanna scream. Sigh these posts always make me so hungry.

    Thank you for searching these awesome recipes!!

  2. I’ve never seen dolmeh made with meat before, but that could be because I am use to the Persian version. Speaking of which I need to go to my gradma’s house, she makes the best. Like I’ll go to a restaurant and order some, even for the 4th time, and then leave disappointed, because it’s never the Persian kind(always Greek or Mediterranean style).

  3. That Biryani.

    And the dessert things make me not care about all the cheese things that I would love to make and eat forever and ever on this list but can’t cause there’s not enough benadryl in the world for the way they’d aggravate my cheese allergy.

    But all of this list, it’s so beautiful y’all.

  4. I’m hungry now.

    (Seriously though – those chocolate chip cookie stuffed pretzels. And the juicy lucy!? Gah! *drools*)

    • The inspiration for this list actually came from the chocolate chip cookie-stuffed pretzels, which I have yet to make but have salivated over for the last year or so. Let me know if you make them and how they turn out!

  5. YES to stuffed acorn squash! When I was a kid, my mother used to make something similar to #24, except it had chopped apples and applesauce added to the rice and it was such a wonderful winter food. I should try making it again.

    Also, those chocolate chip raspberries are adorable.

  6. I’m so attempting that biryani and the meatballs with cheese!

    I got too distracted by those two to even look at the other ones. I’ll try again later :D

    I’m hungry…

  7. Stuffed breakfast biscuits are super easy and a great on the go breakfast. They’re a prime staple in our household and never last long.
    Currently, my favorite stuffed food has been cannoli stuffed French toast. My girlfriend makes this awesome cannoli dip for parties and we always set some aside for breakfast the next morning when we can have a lazy start. It’s a very delicious breakfast situation.

    Can’t wait to try some of these recipes to add to my stuffed food repertoire!

  8. So, since these foods are stuffed with goodness and I stuff myself with them, then I’ll be stuffed with goodness and my inside stuffs will maken room for the good stuff! Hopefully, it won’t be too stuffy.

  9. I’m part Armenian so the dolma inclusion makes me happy! The other day I got pita sandwiches from a food cart and they came with dolma, and I looked over to see my friend unwrapping hers and eating the rice from inside. Nooo you gotta just eat it all!

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